March 1.

Rainbow Industrial Island.

Rainbow Aerospace Group.

Countless media reporters gathered together.

Today, they will witness a historic moment.

The manned spacecraft jointly developed by Rainbow Aerospace Group, Rainbow Academy of Sciences, and Rainbow Engineering Institute will be officially launched to complete the first manned lunar landing in the history of Xia.

Media platforms such as Rainbow Live, Rainbow Short Video, and Rainbow Satellite TV will broadcast this grand occasion simultaneously.

Netizens poured into the live broadcast room for the first time to watch the live broadcast of Xia Guo's manned landing on the moon.


on the cosmodrome.

Rainbow Satellite TV location reporter Liu Shuang is introducing the basic situation to the audience.

She said impassionedly: "For thousands of years, Xia Guo has had the dream of stepping on the moon.

Ancient poets have left many popular verses.

Today is a milestone moment for the entire Xia country's aerospace industry.

Rainbow Aerospace Group, Rainbow Academy of Sciences, and Rainbow Engineering Institute will jointly complete the great achievement of Xia Guo's first manned landing on the moon!"

Hear this.

The whole network is boiling.

Although the United States has landed on the moon in the last century.

But...... At that time, technology was limited, and live streaming technology was not so developed.

On the Internet, there are many discussions about the authenticity of the moon landing in the United States.

Some people think that the moon landing is real.

Some people have come up with all kinds of evidence to refute it.

Of course, there is no point in continuing to argue about this topic at this moment.

Netizens just want to see Xia Guo manned landing on the moon!

in front of the screen.

Liu Shuang said: "Audience friends, it's 22 o'clock in Yanjing time, and the location I'm in now is the launch site of Rainbow Aerospace Group.

According to information from the Rainbow Aerospace Group's Office of Manned Lunar Landing Engineering.

The manned lunar landing program will officially begin at 23 o'clock in the evening. This manned lunar landing was carried out by the rainbow lunar spacecraft to the moon. "

The voice fell.

Live footage, switch to the top of the ship.

I saw a manned spacecraft with a white body in front of everyone.

The narrator introduced: "The Rainbow manned lunar landing spacecraft is composed of three modules: the orbital module, the return module and the propulsion module.

At the top is the orbital module, with a total height of 12 meters, a take-off weight of 11 tons, and a maximum diameter of 3.6 meters.

The orbital module is the living quarters of the astronauts, providing an environment for the astronauts to live and work in orbit during independent flights.

Located in the middle of the spacecraft is the 670 return module, the only one that will return to the surface and the control center of the entire spacecraft.

The spacecraft's control computer, various communication equipment, are mainly focused on the return capsule.

The lowest module of the spacecraft, called the propulsion module, is loaded with the spacecraft's propulsion system, power supply, thermal control, measurement and control equipment, providing energy, power and communication support for the spacecraft......"

With the narrator's voice.

Netizens have a basic understanding of the rainbow manned lunar spacecraft.


It was 10:30 p.m.

A short departure ceremony was held on the spot.

The three astronauts Xu Xiaokun, Yang Fei, and Cheng Le appeared one by one.

They are all astronauts trained by the School of Astronautics of Rainbow University, and all three of them are Rainbow villagers.

With the sound of the national anthem and some blessings, the departure ceremony was completed.

This is the practice in the field of astronautics.

The departure ceremony was brief, and after the successful return, a grand celebration banquet was held.


It was 11 p.m. sharp.

Bursts of cacophonic sirens sounded.

"Buzz...... Airplanes...... Buzz ......"

Accompanied by the sound of sirens, everyone was silent.

The countdown sounded in the command center.

The audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV, as well as the eyes of countries around the world, are focused on the rainbow manned lunar spacecraft.




"Let's go!"

The voice fell.

The launch vehicle carrying the Rainbow manned lunar spacecraft was ignited and launched at the launch center.

There was a loud bang at the scene.

The flame of hydrogen combustion during the launch of the rocket liquefies the water in the buffer pool, producing a large amount of white gas, which permeates all directions.

The bottom of the launch vehicle burned with a high-temperature flame and rose into the sky.

Everyone watched as the launch vehicle flew higher and higher, soaring into the sky, towards the endless sky.

See this scene.

Everyone's hearts are pounding.


Inside the live camera.

The launch vehicle soared into the sky.

Over time, the rocket starts at the first stage of the tail and automatically falls off when each stage runs out of rocket fuel.

At the same time, the next stage rocket engine began to work, which allowed the vehicle to continue to accelerate forward.

Eventually, when the fairing of the rocket was opened.

The Rainbow manned lunar spacecraft successfully entered orbit. (cdeg)

Due to the speed at which the spacecraft entered orbit, between the first cosmic velocity and the second cosmic velocity, the spacecraft began to fly within the Earth's gravitational field, orbiting the Earth.

The launch vehicle, on the other hand, leaves orbit after completing the mission.

And when it returns to the atmosphere, it burns out in the air, thus avoiding becoming space junk.

A few fragments fell into the vast Yellow Sea without causing any waves.


In the footage.

Netizens saw a blue planet through the perspective of the ship's porthole.

The blue earth is constantly exuding a fascinating halo of life, and then looking at the vast and empty universe in the distance, the earth is like a sapphire, beautiful and moving.

Pictures and videos of the Earth, they have seen many times.

But every time I watch it, it's still so shocking.

At this moment, the Rainbow manned lunar spacecraft continues to orbit the Earth.

The choice to fly around the Earth, rather than directly towards the Moon, involves the question of the initial velocity of the spacecraft.

The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is 380,000 kilometers.

Such a long distance is definitely the farthest place ever set foot by human beings.

Therefore, if you want to go to the moon, you must gain enough speed.

Orbiting the Earth, relying on the Earth's gravitational pull, can give the spacecraft a good initial velocity.

After flying around the ground a few times.

The Rainbow manned lunar spacecraft officially flew to the moon through orbit adjustment.

Under the majestic power of the engines in the propulsion module, a bright tail flame erupted from the back of the spacecraft, stretching through space.

The spacecraft successfully broke free from the gravitational pull of the Earth and sped towards the Moon.


Aerospace scientists gave the audience popular science: "Now the speed of the Rainbow manned lunar spacecraft is 30 kilometers per second, and it takes about three and a half hours to fly to the moon at this speed, and it can be successfully reached."

However, the existing speed is not enough.

The ion thrusters on the spacecraft will slowly accelerate it, and when the speed reaches 40 kilometers per second, it will stop working.

Flying in interstellar space, the most energy-consuming is the two phases of acceleration and final deceleration, and the time and distance in between can rely on inertial flight.

As for why acceleration stops after accelerating to a speed of 40 kilometers per second, it is mainly based on Einstein's mass-energy formula.

Once the spacecraft reaches a speed of 40 kilometers per second, continue to accelerate it, and the energy consumed will become greater and smaller, and the effect will become smaller and smaller.

It costs 1 unit of energy, and its speed is only slightly increased, which is very uneconomical......"

Hear popular science from experts.

Netizens all nodded in understanding.

The fastest vehicle ever used to be the Parker probe, which explored the sun, had an average speed of more than 95 km/s and a limit speed of up to 200 km/s.

However, manned spacecraft are not the same as probes.

It can have a speed of 30 kilometers per second, which is already very fast! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)



Rainbow Aerospace Group on the launch site.

Another launch vehicle carrying a lunar lander was launched into the sky.

Experts popularized science: "The specific plan of this manned lunar landing project is to use two carrier rockets to send the lunar lander and the manned spacecraft to the lunar orbit for on-orbit rendezvous and docking, and the astronauts enter the lunar lander from the spacecraft.

After that, the lunar lander will descend and land in a predetermined area of the lunar surface alone, and astronauts will land on the moon to carry out scientific investigation and sample collection.

After completing the scheduled mission, the astronauts will ascend to the lunar orbit on the lander to rendezvous and dock with the spacecraft, and return to Earth with samples on the spacecraft. "


In the vastness of the universe.

The rainbow manned lunar spacecraft, like a firefly, flies in the void.

No matter from that place, there seems to be no change, the starry sky is still a starry sky, pitch black, dim, the stars are shining, and the road ahead seems to be endless.

Only after half an hour, when you look back at the earth, you will find that the earth seems to be slowly getting smaller, and the moon in front of you is slowly getting bigger in the field of vision.

The astronauts on the spacecraft are recuperating.

They need to maintain high energy and physical strength to face the heavy tasks after the moon landing.

In front of the TV and in the live broadcast room. []

Spectators are staying up all night, waiting for the moment of the official moon landing.


Time passes slowly.

The moon in the spacecraft's field of view is already very large, and you can see it clearly with your eyes.

On the moon, there is no Guanghan Immortal Palace in mythological stories, no Chang'e and Jade Rabbit, only barrenness, loneliness, and craters.

At this time, the lunar lander launched later has been the first to reach the lunar orbit.

The Rainbow manned spacecraft, after arriving in orbit around the moon, completed docking in orbit.

Three astronauts, from the spacecraft to the lunar lander.

A moment later.

A lunar lander, which descends alone to land in a predetermined area of the lunar surface.

Inside the Earth's Ground Control Center.

Scientists and engineers, using strong artificial intelligence and quantum computers, continue to simulate and deduce to ensure that the lunar lander can descend to the moon.


In the live broadcast screen.

Liu Shuang is interviewing a moonologist.

She asked, "Professor Qin, are you particular about where we landed?"


Professor Qin replied: "The polar regions of the moon are the most suitable areas for building a lunar base, and they are also strategically important.

The lunar base is built in the polar region of the moon, which can make better use of solar energy resources.

Day and night on our planet alternate every 12 hours.

On the Moon, day and night alternate once every 15 days.

The spacecraft landed at the North Pole in preparation for the subsequent establishment of a lunar base.

According to international rules, the Moon belongs to all mankind.

Adhering to the principle of first-come, first-served, the Arctic region of the moon will become an enclave of Xia Kingdom.

Any individual or country that wants to enter this area needs to go through the diplomatic application channel.

Of course, the creation of a lunar base is a matter of the future, and today our task is a manned landing on the moon. "

Liu Shuang continued to ask: "Professor Qin, I watched the barrage in the live broadcast room, and some netizens asked what is the greatest significance of aerospace engineering?"

Professor Qin said bluntly: "Before the Great Voyage, who knew what was on the other side of the sea?

Xia Guo has missed the sea and can no longer miss the universe.

To put it mildly, if we do not develop the aerospace industry today, we will not participate in the era of great aerospace.

Many years later, maybe later generations will complain to us, why didn't we develop the aerospace industry back then?

To put it mildly, many of the technologies and products we are accustomed to now are transformed from aerospace engineering.

The development of aerospace technology can lead to the development of many technologies and play a leading role.

The development of the aerospace industry can promote aviation technology, missile technology, land launch vehicles, materials science, energy utilization efficiency, and the discovery and routine use of new energy.

In the early days of the Xia Kingdom, the poor had to engage in the aerospace industry when they were pants.

Because aerospace science and technology itself is closely related to the national defense and military industry.

Now the international situation is complicated, and the more this is the case, the more we must develop the aerospace project!"


2:45 a.m.

A lunar lander that landed smoothly on the surface of the Moon's North Pole.

At this point, the screen stops changing.

It's clear to all.

The most exciting time has come!

At this time, the three astronauts in the spacecraft, all dressed neatly, stood at the hatch, ready to land on the moon at any time.

With the Earth Command Center coming the order to land on the moon.

The hatch slowly opened.

The sunlight from outside shines in.

Without the weakening of the atmosphere, the sunlight on the moon is very dazzling.

Fortunately, the astronauts are wearing spacesuits and are not afraid of the sun.

Soon, the camera switched to the camera outside the lunar lander.

The camera is aimed at the position of the hatch.

I saw 3 astronauts, walking down in turn.

When they held the five-star red flag in their hands and erected it on the lunar soil, the entire Xia Kingdom was completely boiling, and everyone shouted and cheered.


In the major cities of Xia Country, they have fallen into a sea of cheers.

Countless balloons take off to celebrate this historic moment!


on the Internet.

Netizens sang and danced, gongs and drums were noisy.

"Awesome, my country! Awesome, Rainbow Aerospace Group!"

"Our ancestors have looked up at the vast starry sky for thousands of years, and now it has been boarded by our generation!"

Our Xia country's manned space flight industry has made unprecedented achievements and composed a magnificent poem of Xia country's unremitting self-improvement. "

"I can't control my tears, the manned landing on the moon is a great achievement that our Xia Kingdom has not achieved in 5,000 years of civilization!"

I believe that the manned landing on the moon is just the beginning, and we will carry out unremitting exploration and pursuit in the field of aerospace!"

"It's so proud of the Chinese people! Congratulations for Xia Guo's landing on the moon! Congratulations for Xia's aerospace industry!".

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