Chapter 449: My name is Wu Yanni. From today on, I will become a human being.

"Lao Zhao! Your students teach really well! This Jin Sanshun, I have to write a recommendation letter and a letter of praise to her!"

"The little girl is very motivated. This assessment must be a first-class one!"

At this moment, in a refugee camp ten miles away, a group of old soldiers from the Feng clan came over and patted Zhao Wentai on the shoulder!

Under the leadership of interns like Jin Sanshun, the refugee admissions and treatment work went extremely smoothly.

However, Zhao Wentai smiled shyly and said:"That's it. Children work hard on their own!"

"but....How many refugees are there in the camp now!"

"Currently there are 1.2W registered"

"so much! It’s only one day!"

"These refugees! There are some from Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhili!"

"We must hurry up and carry out the first round of disinfecting, otherwise there is a risk of epidemics when there are too many people!"

Zhao Wentai took a deep breath!

Looked at everyone

"and....Don't forget"

"The young marshal mentioned it! This year.....There may be heavy rain and flooding!"

Speaking of this, everyone's faces became solemn.

"You really need to hurry up!"

"We are on the front line. While there are not many refugees yet, we must hurry up to eliminate them and transfer them!"

"It’s best to send people back to the Northeast first!"

"Listen up everyone!"

"The man stands under the red flagpole and the woman stands under the green flagpole!"

"Men and women must enter separate camps!"

Outside the refugee area of ​​Team 11, a large number of intern civil servants were shouting with loudspeakers.

But it was of no use.

The refugees came rushing up

"master! We are a family! After finally escaping for hundreds of miles, you can't let our family separate when we get here!"

"mother! mother! I won't separate from you!"

"The boss! We must die together!"

The refugees finally escaped here and saw that they had to separate men and women.

Many of them had already retreated.

However, Jin Sanshun and others kept explaining:"Before entering the camp, you need to disinfect and take off your clothes, so men and women must separate! Otherwise, we cannot receive treatment!"

However, there are more than 10,000 refugees.

But their work team only has more than 200 people!

Some of them are Koreans, some are Ryukyus, and there is even a team of blond and blue-eyed Far Eastern interns.

How can 200 mouths speak louder than 10,000 mouths!

"Xiba! Why can’t these people understand it?"

Many Gaoli students were so anxious that they even spoke in Korean dialect.


As more and more refugees arrived at the gate of the refugee camp, the smell of porridge cooking in the refugee camp became stronger and stronger.

Everyone began to feel impatient.

"Let's go in~!"

"We want to eat!"

"Rush in! Rush in!"

"There is food in the camp!"

Seeing someone in the crowd making noise!

​​At this moment!

Suddenly, Jin Sanshun saw a tall and honest figure, and he jumped onto the roof of the highest liberation truck!

He took out the box cannon from his waist!

Bang bang!

Point it at the sky Two shots were fired.

Well - with the sound of the gunfire, the refugee team that had been howling just now immediately fell silent!

"damn it!"

"Don't be so ungrateful as to be disrespectful, our young marshal has good intentions for taking in you refugees!"

"If anyone doesn't want to line up separately, raise your fucking hand right away!"

"I will throw you out of the refugee camp right now!"

At this moment, Li Zimo, who had a dark face, looked like a bandit.

"These days, it’s hard to find a toad with three legs, and it’s hard to find a person with two legs!"

"I tell you! In the entire Jiaodong, this is the only place with food!"

"Get out of here! You will starve to death!"

As Li Zimo shouted, the surrounding refugees all lowered their heads.

If they hadn't suffered from the military disaster and couldn't survive, who would be willing to leave their hometown and come here?

The rich and powerful people would have gone to Jinan Mansion to eat wine and play with women. Went. Those who came here were all poor people who couldn't survive.

If they went to Jinan Prefecture, they wouldn't be separated temporarily.

I heard that a yellow-flowered girl in Jinan Prefecture only sold 50 kilograms of millet.

It cost a lot of money to sell it. Fortunately!

If you are unfortunate enough to be spotted by a soldier who is a soldier, you will be taken directly to the military camp!

By then!

It will really be a life-or-death separation, and we will never see each other again!

For a while, everyone separated in silence.

Old Line up honestly

"Brother Zimo! Good for you!"

Seeing Li Zimo calm down the refugees with just a few words.

Zhao Wentai immediately stepped forward.

Li Zimo's face turned red:"The words I said today are detrimental to the image of our Fengjun. I have to write a review to the Political Department.!"

Zhang Xueming has always asked for preferential treatment of refugees.

Li Zimo's words today have destroyed Fengjun's image.

He has made Fengjun no different from ordinary landowners!

Li Zimo felt ashamed.

He only felt that he was sorry for the young marshal's cultivation.

Zhao Wentai took the photo. Patted him on the shoulder:"In extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done! If you hadn't shocked the refugees just now, I'm afraid these people would have stormed the camp!"

There are only 200 people in their work team, but there is a battalion of troops to protect them!

However, these people are now scattered all over the world, gathering refugees to continue coming here.

There is only one company of more than 120 people left in the camp. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If refugees are really incited, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, Li Zimo’s eyes gradually turned cold.

"We have to ask Central Special Branch’s internal defender to check more! Someone in the crowd just made a noise!"

"The country is in chaos and evildoers are everywhere!"

"damn it! Could someone be causing trouble on purpose?"

"Mother~I want mother~"

"Xiaodong, you and dad must be honest! Don't cause trouble!"

At this time, Wu Eryan's family is undergoing a divorce!

The road ahead is uncertain, and in order to survive, they have no choice but to enter the camp.

Xiaodong left her mother for the first time and burst into tears.

Wu Eryan, who had already woken up, looked around with curiosity!

After this day's rest!

She felt much stronger than before!

Especially when she saw the sister standing at the gate of the camp, it was Jin Sanshun who saved her!

"elder sister! We're checking in!"

"Name? Wu Eryan!"

"Whoever came up with this name is too ugly!"

"My father made it up randomly, saying that two swallows flew in the yard when he was giving birth to me!"

"Change it! How about calling you Wu Yanni? Give me a new name and start a new life from now on!"

"Listen to your sister!"

"By the way, what are your specialties?"

"Sister, what is a specialty?"

"~What will you do?"

"I can cook, wash clothes, chop firewood, herd sheep, and stick with the old bird!"


Jin Sanshun showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. This Wu Eryan is really the same as herself. She can't do anything!

She took out her private seal, stamped it with a bamboo stick, and then handed it to Wu Eryan's hand.

"Take this bamboo chip! Don't lose it! This is what you need to eat!"

"oh oh!"

Holding bamboo chips, Wu Eryan and her mother carefully walked into the refugee camp. As soon as they entered the camp, they smelled a special smell.

It was the smell of disinfectant.

Not only that, but there were also several big and thick aunts guarding the camp. over there

"Finally someone is here!"

"come over!"

But seeing these aunts pull Wu Eryan over, pick up the clippers in their hands and cut Wu Eryan into a bald head.

Then they pushed her aside.

"Take off your clothes and walk across this pool!" No one minds this matter of shaving your head! After all, when the Qing Dynasty fell a few years ago,

The Ming Army forced men to cut their braids.


This Fengjun cut his short hair into a bald man.

Everyone just thought it was another revolution. after all!

There have been too many revolutionary things in the past two years.

It's the strange-tasting water in this pool....

Looking at the pool that exuded a strong strange smell.

Wu Er (what the hell) Yan's mother felt guilty:"What kind of water is this! Does it smell so bad?"

However, at this moment.

Suddenly she saw her daughter walking over

"mother! Come on!"

"You silly girl! This water is not a bone soup!"

"What bone soup! My life is all given by Sister Sanshun!"

"She wants to take it away! Then take it away!"

As he said this, Wu Eryan had already walked to the middle of the pool.

At this time, the aunt next to the pool shouted

"Bow! Put your head in the water again!"

"Girl! After passing this level, you will be able to start a new life in the future!"

Re-create a new life?

Wu Eryan suddenly laughed.

In the eyes of the landlords, I am just a cow.

In the eyes of my parents, I am a loser.

In the eyes of the clan elders, I can't even get my name on the genealogy.

I have never been a human being.

Where did I come from? The word"renew"?


The moment Wu Eryan put her head into the disinfectant water, the words of sister Jin Sanshun just appeared in her mind.

"Pick a new name and be Joe again from now on!"

"correct! My name is Wu Yanni!"

"I am going to be a man from today on!"

Chapters are updated normally every day.

11 chapters are due.

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