The nanny, Aunt Li, who is in her forties, is busy cooking. I usually eat home-cooked meals, three dishes and one soup. It was almost done. After waiting for a while, the food was ready, and we sat down to eat at the same table. Although it was the nanny he hired, Zhang Cheng didn't like to show off, and Aunt Li didn't show up either. She got off work after eating. The relationship between the two has been very harmonious for more than a month.

Braised pork ribs, braised silkworm chrysalis, egg custard, and egg drop soup are all two people's favorite flavors. After eating a piece of pork ribs, Aunt Li asked: Xiao Zhang, I see you are busy in the basement all day, why? If you don’t go out or go to work, what on earth do you do?

I? I don't do much, just make some inventions and create some things, and have some spare money to study some things that interest me. It’s not doing your job properly!

It's great to be able to make money from patents to support your family at such a young age. Do you have a partner?

It's not that he can't afford to hire young people, but Zhang Cheng doesn't want to play a nurturing game in the real world, nor does he want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in this world. Because I don’t want to interact with river crabs. That's why I hired an older nanny. I have too many secrets for others to know.

At this age, I already believe in love, friendship and the like. Those things in the adult world are unreliable. People are self-centered. There are no laws and family laws. In many cases, it is impossible to keep secrets. Therefore, even Aunt Li is fine. Access to the underground laboratory is allowed. This kind of management is well implemented through the access control system. Seems quite mysterious

"That's not the case. I'm a gambler. If I don't have money, I'll gamble in Macau and Chicago. If I have money, I'll engage in my own hobbies. This is a typical example of not doing my job properly. If any girl marries me, she'll have bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"You are joking, I have never seen many gamblers in my life. You are not like a gambler. That gambler lives in a villa and drives a luxury car. It is difficult to win money in the casino!"

"This time you have seen that even if it is not easy to win, some people will win. Otherwise, who would go to the casino to play?"Zhang Cheng is very tough-talking.

"Are you a scammer?"

"Don't say this nonsense. If you catch it, it's called cheating. If you can't catch it, it's luck."

"Then you won a lot of money this time!"Aunt Li doesn't seem to hate gamblers. She doesn't treat you as a good person when it comes to gambling like most women from good families do.

"It’s not much. I changed the Chicago casino in three months, but I won less than one billion. I even renovated the villa and bought some things. After half a year, I couldn’t get out five hundred million. It seems that I will have to change next year. Circle it,"

"Xiao Zhang, I have an old girl who also wants to eat this bowl of rice. Can you take her with you?"

Really, there are good things and bad things. As long as you have money, there are all kinds of people. Zhang Cheng didn't expect that he would have to talk about this. It was obvious that his head was stuck in his pants, and someone was leaning forward.

"Auntie, you know that if you eat my bowl of rice, you will not know why. It’s better for your girl not to follow my path."

"Why! I've already fallen into the trap. I haven't studied since I was a child. I haven't even finished middle school. I've started to mix in society. I can only move forward. It doesn't matter where I go."

"I don't have time right now. Let's talk about it later."


The next day, Zhang Cheng took the drawings and went to the dense area of ​​​​small processing factories on the outskirts of the city to customize a"large safe (transmission cabin)." Tianhe Processing looked good and the scale was not small. He entered the office and asked:"Who is the boss?"

I am the boss, my name is Zhu Tianhe, what can I do for you?

How much does it cost to process such a thing? Zhang Cheng handed over the drawing and Zhu Tianhe took a look at it. The material you used is very thick, an eight-millimeter 304 stainless steel plate. It takes about two and a half sheets of material plus some hardware, including handwork. The estimated total cost is fourteen thousand three thousand.

The price is OK, can you guarantee the quality and workmanship requirements? My requirements are very strict. no problem.

When can it be delivered.

How about a week from now?

I'll pay double the price and I'll take it away tonight, okay?

OK. I'm going to tell you to put down what you're doing and do your work first.

Money can bring magic. When the boss heard about the price increase, he immediately patted his chest. No problem. Money really can make all the difference. After leaving the factory, Zhang Cheng went to the chemical store and bought some cinnabar, which must be used to refine the Soul Beads. Cinnabar and jade, so after buying cinnabar, he turned around and went to the jade market. Zhang Cheng didn’t care about the quality of the jade. Anyway, he had to re-purify it and re-synthesize the crystal. It didn’t matter whether it was ice, bean or glass. Just be jade.

Practicing the soul-refining method has made Zhang Cheng's spirit extremely strong, and his soul vision can clearly see the inside and outside of the raw ore, so he only chooses targets with a lot of jade, and does not gamble on stones. After buying the raw jade stone, I told the jade master how to cut it. Although the quality is not good, the knife is made of jade, and I stopped after removing the impurities. Even if it looks like it on the surface, I won't lose money. A slight profit. Soon it attracted many people to watch.

Big brother, please help me choose one. It’s a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She doesn’t look like a student with her heavy makeup, but she’s very pretty and sweet, which makes Zhang Cheng a little embarrassed to refuse. how much money you have?

I now have more than 3,000 yuan, which is my lucky money for the Chinese New Year. I want to buy a birthday gift for my mother.

She had a nice voice and was good at talking. Zhang Chengdu was embarrassed to trick her, so he looked at the cute little girl and decided to be a good person for once. I took a look at the one with a price tag of around three thousand.

This piece of jade is not bad, but the quantity is small, but the quality is good. Zhang Cheng gave instructions on how to cut it, and with a few cuts, he cut out a piece of glass worth more than 100,000 yuan. The little girl shouted happily and got 14 on the spot. Ten thousand. He turned around and greeted Zhang Cheng for a while of intimacy. This is a counterattack, making Zhang Cheng uncomfortable.

Big brother, let me go! Invite you to dinner.

No, I still have something to do, no, big brother, I have to treat you to this meal today, little sister. Otherwise I can't collect today's money.

Zhang Cheng couldn't resist, so the two came to the restaurant, ordered the food, and opened two bottles of wine. The little girl took out 70,000 yuan and put it on the table, saying: Brother, you have the right to share half of it when we meet, even though I paid 30,000 yuan. Thousands of yuan in capital, but without the guidance of my elder brother, I won't get a penny, and maybe I will lose it. This is my respect. Let me meet you. My name is Guo Dongxue. Can you leave me my contact information?

Cute is cute, cute is cute, but this little girl talks and acts like a social person, and she is never sloppy or coy.

But when they met by chance, Zhang Cheng didn't want to have any deep involvement, especially for people in society. It doesn't matter whether they are pretty or not. Zhang Cheng couldn't accept it if he didn't learn this.

"I don’t think it’s necessary. Why should we have known each other before when we meet in life? Save all the good deeds and filial piety first and go buy your mother a birthday gift."

"No matter what you say, I will remember this kindness. If you have any ideas or requests, please feel free to ask for them. As long as my little sister can do it, I will do whatever I want." Zhang Cheng was extremely uncomfortable with the look of letting you pick and choose.

"It's just a matter of effort, don't worry about it."

Without further ado, I'll toast to you brother first.

After setting down the glass, Guo Dongxue took out his cell phone. Come and scan it. Brother, Zhang Cheng didn't want to scan it. He was very hesitant. Brother, don't worry, Guo Dongxue will never give it to you. If you solve any trouble, I guarantee that it will come and go as soon as you call it. When you leave, you will not take any clouds with you, and you will not be left with any worries. Guo Dongxue has no culture but is very talkative, has a very cheerful personality, and has a high gambling spirit. The kind of person who dared to bet his youth on tomorrow. But Zhang Cheng didn't like such a person. After getting rid of the entanglement, he blacklisted her.


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