Early the next morning, when Liao Cong was thinking of an excuse to return to school early, Liao Cong's mother's words made him stunned for a moment:"Er Cong, you leave early today and send two plates of eggs to your aunt's family."

Liao Cong suppressed the joy in his heart and agreed.

Liao Huan asked while teasing the kitten:"Mom, why didn't you let my aunt take it away yesterday? Why did you ask Er Cong to give it away?"

Liao Cong's mother poked Liao Huan:"Silly girl, I took it over yesterday and didn't share it with you. Two uncles' houses? I'll send a plate to your brother-in-law's house later. It's not that I can't bear to part with these eggs. I just don't like your sister-in-law. You don't understand why and you keep fussing and picking and choosing all day long. Let's How many things did she bring to us? Have you ever seen her give us anything? Yesterday, a table of dishes was bought by your aunt, your uncle, and our three families. Your uncle is the eldest son and has no eyesight at all!"

Liao Cong said quickly:"It's okay. It's not too much trouble for me to go and see you off."

Liao Cong's mother said:"Then you can leave after lunch. Go early and don't delay returning to school. Huanhuan, you can give Xiaoqing a jar of salted eggs later. , let him go to school to eat."

Liao Huan chuckled:"Don't you look down on your parents?"

"Just go if you are told! Liao

Cong rolled his eyes:"I'd better leave early, so as not to spoil the egg due to the crowds in the afternoon." Liao

Cong's mother nodded:"Okay, go to your aunt's house to have a meal. Yesterday I saw that Chengzi was quite pestering you. You play with him for a while. Remember to call his grandparents when you meet him.""

"oh! Know! Liao Cong's mother stood up and said,"

Then I'll pack it for you. It's cold. This time, bring some thick clothes. Also bring the newly knitted sweater your sister-in-law knitted for you. You can wear it soon.""

At ten o'clock, Liao Cong got into the car with a backpack and eggs. He didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

Before eleven o'clock, Liao Cong delivered the things. What's more, his aunt was not off work, and his uncle After taking Da Chengzi out to play but not coming back, Grandpa Chengzi greeted Liao Cong warmly. When Liao Cong said he wouldn't stay for dinner, he even gave him a bag of snacks and fruits. After leaving his aunt's house, Liao Cong hurriedly gave Wei Cong Pingting called, and Wei Pingting said that she was already waiting at the Internet cafe. It was obvious that she was looking forward to this date. She left the gift with Su Tang, who was accompanying Sister Feng to reconcile the accounts and couldn't leave. I can only watch with envy as Liao Cong and Wei Pingting go to the buffet

"Pay attention!"Sister Feng knocked Su Tang on the head while chewing an apple. She was less than three months pregnant, but her movements were no longer as careless as before:"When the baby in my belly is a month old, I will leave all this to you. Let your brother Ning take you to meet your business and tax friends in a few days. When your brother Wei starts to get busy too, you have to support yourself."


"Ah for what? Li Meifeng snorted:"I'm trying to teach you how to do it, but you still push back and forth.""

Su Tang said reluctantly.

Liao Cong and Wei Pingting walked into the buffet hand in hand. The store was not big. Because it was the weekend, the store was full. Most of the customers were young people, and they were all in high spirits. Holding the dinner plate and choosing in front of the food area with enthusiasm.

Wei Pingting originally thought that Liao Cong would be in a hurry when she came here for the first time, but she saw that he was able to do it with ease, leisurely holding the dinner plate and picking up her favorite food. He asked doubtfully:"Is this really your first time eating at a buffet?

Liao Cong glanced at her:"This store is the first time.""

"This restaurant just opened this summer, and it's the only one in the whole city."Wei Pingting muttered, but soon she stopped worrying. It was rare to have a meal with Liao Cong. Wei Pingting kept recommending food to Liao Cong that she thought was delicious.

Liao Cong had a big appetite. Being fed by a beautiful woman, chewing slowly makes him look more edible. There are many young men and women who come to try to help themselves. Liao Cong's performance was not noticed by the store, otherwise he would be shouted at a loss and put on the blacklist.

Wei Pingting is also used to it. Liao Cong's appetite was high, and she diligently went back and forth to pick up the food. As long as Liao Cong said it was delicious, she would pick up more.

"Did you get your money back?"After leaving the buffet, Wei Pingting held Liao Cong's arm with a smile and said,"I heard before that you hold on to the wall to go in and hold on to the wall to come out. I don't think they eat as much as you do. Liao Cong sighed with a wry smile:"

So, I can hardly support myself.""Having spent all the two windfalls and still owed money for Chai Yurao's mobile phone, Liao Cong felt that he should save some money this month.

"I'll give you money, but you can't go hungry."Wei Pingting said, opening her wallet, which contained a thick stack of large bills.

Liao Cong quickly stopped him:"How can I use your money? No, I don't want it. Wei Pingting pouted:"

What's mine is yours, it's all the same.""

Liao Cong still refused. If he took this money, wouldn't he become a freeloader? Although the buffet meal just now was paid for by Wei Pingting, he didn't expect that she paid it secretly, and it was of a different nature.

Liao Cong Unwilling to accept it, Wei Pingting had no choice but to give up:"Then you must tell me when you use the money, and I can lend it to you, right?

Liao Cong chuckled:"No, I will work to make money after the holidays.""

Wei Pingting nodded:"I will make an agreement with Brother Meng Kang, and you can report to him as soon as you have a holiday."

"That would be perfect. Wei

Pingting held Liao Cong's hand:"If you go to a bar, you can stay at my house tonight.""

Liao Cong hurriedly waved his hands:"How can this be done? People get off work very late at the bar, and it’s not appropriate to go to your house. Isn’t Sister Feng pregnant? Too intrusive"

"So where do you live?"

"It doesn’t matter where I am, I’m just a young guy who can just pick up the pieces and make a living."

Wei Pingting lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Liao Cong squeezed Wei Pingting's palm and said,"Let's take you back to school."

Wei Pingting hugged Liao Cong reluctantly:"It's still early!"

Liao Cong looked at Wei Pingting who was obsessed with him, and gently hugged her:"Then where else do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter where I go, as long as you accompany me."Wei Pingting blinked and looked at Liao Cong.

The two people hugging each other had a high rate of turning heads. Liao Cong noticed the pointing fingers of the people around him. He didn't want to be watched like a monkey, so he took Wei Pingting's hand:"Then go to the Internet cafe"


After playing Legend with Wei Pingting for a while, after entering the game, Wei Pingting regained her true nature as an internet-addicted girl, controlling her female warrior character to kill everyone and shout.

Liao Cong stared at her with a smile. , during this period of time together, Wei Pingting became as gentle as a little girl, and she dressed like a normal girl. The change was so great that Liao Cong felt like she was a different person. Now that she has turned into the same person again. Phew, the energetic Wei Pingting, Liao Cong couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"Wei Pingting saw that Liao Cong kept staring at her, and subconsciously rubbed her face.

"Yes, come over here and I'll wipe it off for you."Liao Cong called Wei Pingting to come closer to him. Looking at the beautiful face so close, Liao Cong couldn't help but kiss her.

"Well……"Wei Pingting's eyes widened, but she soon blushed with embarrassment.

"You have changed so much."Liao Cong hugged Wei Pingting tightly.

"Like it?"Wei Pingting looked up at Liao Cong and suddenly said in disbelief,"You don't like me who beat you, do you?"

Liao Cong scratched the tip of Wei Pingting's nose with his finger:"I like it all."

This intimate gesture made Wei Pingting's whole body feel like an electric shock. She snuggled tightly into Liao Cong's arms. She closed her eyes and raised her head to find the position, and kissed her gently.

"Brother, here I come...ah!"Su Tang pushed open the door of the couple's private room and saw two people kissing each other passionately. She screamed and immediately covered her face in embarrassment and closed the door.

Wei Pingting pushed Liao Cong away shyly, the girl Her natural reserve made her blush.

Liao Cong coughed lightly:"Su Tang, come in.""

"oh!"Su Tang opened the door carefully, half-covering his eyes with one hand, but the gaps between his fingers were so big that he was completely covering his ears.

"Finished eating?"Liao Cong patted the sofa and asked Su Tang to sit down.

"Um."Su Tang looked left and right, like a curious baby, with an inexplicable look in his eyes,"You just……"

Liao Cong pretended to be relaxed and said:"It's just what you think."

"Well……"Su Tang looked at Liao Cong and Wei Pingting in disbelief. Isn't Liao Cong's partner Zhou Yushuang?

Seeing Wei Pingting bowing her head shyly when Su Tang looked at her, Liao Cong coughed lightly and changed the subject:"Do you know what Sister Feng taught you?"

"So difficult. Su Tang suddenly showed a pitiful expression:"But it would be nice if we were more familiar with each other.""

"From now on, you will treat Sister Feng as your real sister, do you know?"

"oh!"Su Tang is one year older than Liao Cong, but she is always obedient in front of Liao Cong.

When Su Tang saw that scene, Wei Pingting felt a little unnatural and stopped playing games. She took the initiative Asking to go back to school.

Su Tang pouted and took out Liao Cong's backpack:"I leave so quickly every time, and I want you to listen to my new guitar!""

Liao Cong touched her head:"I might stay up all night these two days, and I'll see you again then."

"Um! Su Tang got excited and sent the two of them to the door.

After getting on the tricycle, Liao Cong asked Wei Pingting doubtfully:"Are you going back empty-handed?""

Wei Pingting said happily:"There is nothing to get. My little mother goes to school to see me every three days. She knows what I need better than me."

"Aunt Lin is so kind to you"

"of course!"Wei Pingting secretly told Liao Cong,"Since I changed my mind, my father has been very good to me. He used to always control me, not letting me do this or that, but now he doesn't care anymore, and I leave everything to my little mother. Got it"

"Your dad is deliberately creating more opportunities for you and Aunt Lin to get in touch. There are not many parents who are so enlightened and know both the cold and the hot."

Wei Pingting proudly held Liao Cong's neck and smiled with her eyebrows creasing:"Are you envious?"

"Who wouldn't envy it? Wei

Pingting giggled:"You have to be nicer to me, otherwise my parents will definitely not agree.""

"Yes!"Liao Cong pulled Wei Pingting over and kissed her lips with her surprised expression.

"Bad guy!"Wei Pingting offered little resistance and succumbed after murmuring.

No. 1 Middle School arrived soon. Wei Pingting, blushing, jumped out of the car, reluctantly waved to Liao Cong, and then looked shy after watching Liao Cong leave. Reminiscing about the feelings just now, he turned around and walked into the school.

Liao Cong sat alone on the tricycle and looked out through the window. The scenery that kept retreating was printed in his clear eyes. The wind came in from nowhere, blowing It felt cool and refreshing on my body.

I had been flirting with Wei Pingting before, and as soon as we parted, I began to look forward to seeing Zhou Yushuang again. Liao Cong scratched his head, not knowing whether the soul piercing had affected his personality, let alone such a two-way relationship. How long can an underground love affair be hidden?

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