"Although these materials are precious, it should not be a big problem."

Mr. Worley nodded.

He just glanced at the materials on the list. Although some of the things in it made him a little stunned, he still agreed directly.

After all, many things, if they can be solved with money, are not A very big problem.

At least for the Woley family.

"Well, high-priority materials need to be collected as soon as possible. Miss Cassandra needs to use these materials to make raw materials."

"Without enough raw materials, the magic reserve device cannot be realized at all."

Zha Li added another sentence.

Chief Woley nodded, but the look in his eyes towards his girl also changed slightly.

Such an important thing should be left to his girl to do.

In this way, Ka Is Sandra's alchemy good enough to be trusted by Mr. Charlie?

If it is true, then how far has Mr. Charlie's alchemy reached? He can actually guide her to become a qualified Alchemist

"Father, if nothing happens, should you go and get busy?"

Just when Mr. Worley was feeling somewhat relieved, Cassandra's voice sounded.

Then he saw Cassandra's somewhat resentful eyes.

Patriarch Worley immediately became excited.

"Ah, yes, yes. Yes, that's right"

"I still have a lot of things to do, and I have to collect these materials quickly. Ah, there are so many things."

Clan leader Wo Lei patted his forehead, and then left here with a flash of his figure.

Before leaving, he even blinked at Cassandra.

He just had to engrave the words"My performance is not bad" directly. On his forehead.

After Chief Warley left, the house elves immediately dispersed.

Charley and Cassandra were left at the door of the whole room.

Cassandra's face was slightly red.

"I'm going to work hard, start taking action now"

"You have some of these materials anyway, so I’ll make the raw materials here."

"This way you can also finish the work earlier……"

Cassandra's voice became much softer at the end.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Zha Li nodded and waved his palm.

The remaining materials and drawings appeared in front of Cassandra.

Then he ignored Cassandra and studied the ancient books of death..

Cassandra was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of resentment quietly appeared on her face.

But it was quickly covered up by her. She just kicked the corner of the table with her foot angrily.

When she looked up, she saw Charlie's indifferent expression again. Gaze.

Cassandra's little face turned even redder.

With a slight hum, she picked up the materials in front of her and walked to the other side as if nothing happened.

She started her work.

Charlie chuckled at the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but shake. He shook his head.

Then he continued his research, and at the same time began to study the compass in his hand.

He always felt that this compass was not simple.


Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye.

It's been almost half a month.

During this time, Zha Li was busy with his research every day.

He already has a certain degree of confidence in the development of the potion to cure Mrs. Worley.

Likewise, he would go to the place in the manor where the death energy was sealed every day.

Compass's reaction became increasingly intense.

As time went by in Suizhou, Zha Li became more comfortable controlling this compass.

During this time, Zha Li also did a small test.

He released the dead air from the previous glass container.

Then he manipulated his compass, and the gems in the compass directly absorbed the death energy.

Then, the light of the gems in the compass became brighter.

It was extremely gloomy before, but now it seems to be radiant.

Now Zha Li feels more and more that his connection with this death has become greater.

My own patron saint spell, magic vine, and now this compass.

They all seem to have the ability to absorb this death energy. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And I’m still very eager.

The only difference is that after absorbing the dead energy, this compass can release it again.

I would rather avoid using those containers.

Please give me flowers.

After all, Zha Li is now even more comfortable in operating this compass.

"Almost done, right?"

Charlie raised his head and asked Cassandra who was working hard opposite.

For more than half a month, Cassandra has also been trying her best to help Charlie.

But fortunately, Cassandra is not involved in this matter. Almost no effort was spared.

So half a month later, almost all the basic materials for these magic reserve devices have been refined by Cassandra. They are of excellent quality and are all fine products.

In this regard, Zhali is not stingy with his efforts. Praise.

If my brother Harry or Ron were to do this kind of work, they might not have enough magic gems for two months.

"It’s almost there. According to the basic quantities on the design drawing, it’s enough now."

"I also made about 20% more materials in case we ran into any problems."

Cassandra wiped her forehead.

Her face was full of exhaustion.

"about there"

"Please go and inform Chief Woley that things are almost ready."

"I'm just going to assemble these materials and see if they work."

Zha Li ordered.

At present, it seems that these preparations are almost complete.

Zha Li has also successfully brewed the first version of the potion.

It only needs enough death energy to be injected, and it can be initially completed.

Once successful, Then there is hope for Cassandra's mother to recover.


As soon as she heard these words, Cassandra's tired posture disappeared.

After all, this is a critical moment.[]

Once Zhali succeeds, her mother will most likely be resurrected.

Cassandra trotted all the way, heading directly towards her father.

Zha Li stayed on the spot, magic power seeping out of his hands.

Those raw materials and those magic gems made by Cassandra.

They were all slowly suspended in the air under Zha Li's control.

Then, with a burst of ingenious combinations, it was gradually assembled.

The prototype of a huge magic reserve device slowly emerged..

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