Pre-civilization era.

Padofelis looked at the others in surprise:"Are you sure you got it right?"

Alicia asked in return:"Then Felice"

"What do you think?"

Padophilis said awkwardly:"Actually, from the very beginning,"

"I saw it too"

"I'm just not sure"

"Himeko is wearing the Blank Key.

Mei nodded affirmatively:"Yes.""

"What Himeko is wearing is the Blank Key"

"Although scientists in the next civilization era made certain changes to it"

"But I can still recognize it"

"This is the blank key embedded with the core of the Herrscher of Fire."

"If Himeko uses this......"

Alicia:"The Blank Key, the God Key that is independent of the God Key"

"The ability is embedded in the core of Herrscher"

"Obtain the corresponding Herrscher power"

"In our era of civilization, the user is Dr. Mei"

"in the next era of civilization"

"Is the user Jizi?"

Eden:"Come on, Dr. Mei, how is your health now?"

When Eden asked this question, the other Yingjie all looked at Mei.

Because not long ago,

Mei had already used the Blank Key.

And it had embedded more than one Herrscher core.

Kevin also raised his head. Looking at Mei.

Mei also looked at Kevin involuntarily.

From Kevin's cold eyes, he could see a trace of worry.

Then Mei said easily:"With Su's help"

"It's almost recovered"

"Right, Sue.

Su nodded:"That's right.""

"Mei is recovering well"

"You don’t have to worry so much. Alicia looked at the two people's questions and answers, thoughtfully.

Although the others did not suspect anything, it did not mean that they believed it.

Kevin said,"It's okay.. Mei smiled and nodded.

Padofelis said happily:"It's great that Dr. Mei is fine.""

Then the conversation changed again.

Padofelis looked at the light screen:"But Jizi......"

The Honkai energy produced by the Blank Key can corrode.

Most people simply cannot resist it.

Fortunately for Mei, there is a top doctor like Su who treats Honkai disease.

But what about Himeko?

It's not that Padofelise doesn't believe in future medical technology.

But this era of civilization of theirs.

Su's medical treatment was so brilliant.

So much so that Padofelis believed it.

Only Su could heal a body eroded by Honkai Energy.

Su Ze said:"Pado, don't worry too much."

"The next era of civilization"

"Not necessarily everything is weaker than us"

"The tube of reagent that Jizi held in her hand just now"

"Maybe it can suppress the side effects of the blank key."

Out of caution.

Su didn't say it could be cured.

Because even he himself had no way to cure Honkai Disease.


The answers he and Mei gave just now were all lies.

To be more precise, both of them were lying. The only one who wants to hide something is Kevin.

As for whether Kevin really believed it or said something else.

Maybe only Kevin himself knows.

Mei continued to look at Ji Zi in the light curtain with her thoughts in mind..

Jizi wearing the Blank Key.

No one knows what Mei is thinking at this moment.

In the light screen,

Jizi squeezes the reagent in her hand and puts it away safely.

A red alert has been lit in the cabin. Deng.

Jizi said firmly:"Come on!"

At the same time, the screen turned and appeared in the sky.

The Hyperion, which belongs to the Far East Branch, was fighting a Honkaiju in the form of a flying dragon in the air.

All the bullets were poured on it.

There was absolutely no Useful.

Soon the white flying dragon Honkaiju broke through the energy defense and arrived on the deck of the Hyperion.

It directly pulled out a turret with both claws.

After flying high into the sky, it headed towards the control room. Throw it down violently.

At this moment, the elevator also rose to the bridge.

Jizi carried a divine meteor sword with a fiery red light on her shoulder. She walked out of the elevator confidently.

She looked at it falling from the sky.

It was already smashed through He walked up to the turret with the glass ceiling of the control room.

He smiled faintly.

He took a stance with the Divine Meteor Sword in his hand.

"Just casually destroy other people's battleships"

"This kind of behavior is not polite at all!"

The Divine Meteor Sword slashed hard.

It did not cut off the fort.

Instead, it was directly knocked away heavily.

Before the flying dragon Honkaimon outside realized what was going on, the fort had already arrived at him. In front of her.

There was a loud bang, and she was hit hard on the face.

While the turret flew out,

Himeko also jumped hard. She came to the sky above Flying Dragon Honkaimon. She kicked down Flying Dragon Honkaimon with a strong kick.

He fell heavily on the deck.

Himeko also fell down.

The Flying Dragon Honkaimon, which was so arrogant just now that no one could deal with it, was in front of Himeko in the Red Knight Eclipse Armor.

It only took two moves to subdue it. Got it

【Kiana: Aunt Jizi is so handsome】

【Bronya: This strength is so powerful!】

【Mei: Although I don’t know what happened, Himeko-sensei seems to have become a lot stronger.】

【Fu Hua: My strength has indeed become much stronger.】

【March 7: This dragon looks quite handsome. What is your name】

【Teresa: This is the Honkaimon that belongs to Herrscher of the Sky】

【Himeko: Judgment-level Honkaimon Benares!】......

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