Destiny Headquarters.

Otto looked at the divine grace barrier.

Recognition was quick.

That's not the power that Judas's oath can unleash.

This kind of full power.

It also carries a divine grace barrier with top-notch binding force.

It was obviously the work of the Herrscher.

Otto:"It's the Tenth Herrscher, the Herrscher of Restraint."

Hollandel's eyes narrowed:"Is it very strong?"

Rita:"Sir Otto, it seems that he has an oath of Judas with Theresa."

"Has the same breath."

Otto just nodded.

He didn't explain much about Judas' awakening.

Instead, he answered Hollander's question and said:"If you step in, you will die."

"The stronger the person inside the barrier, the faster they will die."

Youlandel's face changed.

What kind of bug ability is this?

The stronger the ability, the faster you die.

Isn't there no solution?

Otto continued:"Obviously, what this light screen plays is from the future. Scenes"

"After all, the Herrscher of Binding has not yet appeared in our timeline."

Youlandel:"Then what will we do if it appears?

Otto shook his head:"I don't know.""

"Let’s watch the development inside the light curtain first."

"Can bring people from different worlds together in the future"

"This light curtain is not simple either."

Youlandel said she didn't want to talk.

Simple thing.

How can it appear here without anyone noticing?

In the light curtain.

A battleship came from the sky.

Theresa stood directly on the deck.

The audience in front of the light curtain almost all recognized that this was the assault ship carried by the Hyperion belonging to the Far East Branch!

At the same time,

Theresa, who was standing on the deck, slowly said:"Tesla Doctor, Dr. Einstein."

At this time, the radio on the assault ship sounded.

It was the voice of two girls.

One was relatively calm, the other was more excited.

Walter in front of the light curtain.

He heard it almost at once.

It was Tesla and Ein. Stan.

Combining the scene and the divine grace barrier.

Walter also roughly knows the time played in the light curtain.

"It's time for Otto to become a false god!"

"In other words, Teresa will counteract the Divine Grace Barrier next."

Although Walter did not participate in this battle,

Walter also heard about it later. He also read all the information in Counter-Entropy.

But it was the first time to really see it.

Walter stared closely at the light screen..The other three people were also curious....

In the video.

Tesla:"Theresa?! When did you go out?"

Einstein:"That's fine"

"Now that Theresa, you have arrived nearby, let the ground combatants board the assault ship to complete the evacuation as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once the Herrscher of Restraint's divine grace barrier covers them,"

"They all had to die. Theresa looked at the huge divine grace barrier in the distance:"No, Doctor"

"Retreating won't work.

Tesla's voice came out again, as if he didn't understand what Theresa meant:"Theresa?" ?"

Theresa is on the deck.

Getting closer to the enchantment of divine grace.

"Bronya and the others have just experienced a fierce fight and are exhausted."......

After three people talked.

All the audience in front of the light curtain knew.

There is no way to escape.

Only Teresa risked her life.

Unleash Judas's Pledge at full power with zero power rating.

Divine grace enchantment.

This will offset the divine grace barrier in the sky.

Of course the price is.

Teresa might die!

Or die from overload.

Either because of his 'fusion warrior' physique.

He was suppressed to death by two divine grace barriers at the same time.

Or due to the enchantment of divine grace.

The assault ship lost control.

Falling from the sky and dying.

No matter which one it is.

Teresa does this.

It's a narrow escape.


It should be said that there is no life in ten deaths!!!

But Theresa wanted to protect her students below.

I am determined to use this move.

As the assault ship moves forward.

Theresa's personal confession also sounded from the light curtain.

In line with her back view as she walks alone.

Suddenly the atmosphere became tragic.

Teresa:"......Just as you said, Cecilia"

"‘St. Freya's students have grown to a level that we can't even believe."

"They have been able to decide their own destiny"

"Be able to choose what you want to protect"

"Even if we are far apart"

"Nor will we stop moving towards tomorrow."

Theresa took a step slowly and came to the front of the assault ship.


"St. Freya's students do cause all kinds of problems"

"But you're right, Cecilia"

"This is a future that is different from ours’"

"And what I have to do now is to protect this future! Teresa took a deep breath and released the Judas' Oath.

The huge Judas' Oath fell beside Teresa.

It hit the deck and made a muffled sound.

You can tell.

This Judas's oath. The oath.

The weight is absolutely extraordinary.

Theresa's eyes became extremely firm.

She looked at the divine grace barrier in the air.

"Judas, my old friend"

"You have always been omnipotent"


The oath of Judas was next to Teresa.

It was fully unfolded.

The structure of the cross became a huge fan-shaped structure.

A dozen sharp spears pointed straight into the sky.

The same gears and more chains appeared around her Theresa slowly said:"Judas's oath"

"Zero rated power"

"Divine grace enchantment, directional expansion!!!"

In an instant, the two restrained forces collided in the air.

All the gears began to burst.......

Everything turned into pieces of scrap metal in the air.

The power of restraint has completely disappeared. at the same time.

Theresa's body fell toward the ground.

Also falling down was the assault ship.

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