Listen to the video, the mysterious woman just now, her introduction and description of the [Void Star God] Star God.

The audience also expressed their inner shock on the barrage. after all.....

This Star God seems to be more powerful and mysterious than other Star Gods!

【Kiana: Huh? The Void Star God? Isn't that nothing? Then since there is nothing.........So how could he become a Star God?】

【Raiden Mei: What they represent should be something similar to a philosophical concept】

【Bronya: If that’s the case.........That nothingness is indeed the concept closest to the essence of the universe.】

【Teresa: It seems like this star god should be very terrifying.........】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Star God, will act according to the concept he represents. If that's the case, then this Void Star God wouldn't want to destroy everything, would he? Let everything return to nothingness】

【Dr. Mei: When you say this, it is not impossible?】

【Alicia: Oops........So for people in the star world.......Isn’t the Void Star God very dangerous!! ? ?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: No, you are worrying too much. For this void star god, all actions are meaningless. Of course, taking the initiative to destroy this universe is also meaningless.】

【Star Vault Walter: Everything is just following the logic of the universe itself........Active intervention is meaningless. In the eyes of the Void Star God, this is probably the case】

【Black Tower: However, his concept.......It's not just that】

【Kafka: This star god is special in more than just this way. You will see more descriptions of him later. ]

Audiences in the Honkai Impact 3 world are shocked by the concept represented by [Void Star God] and his power that is close to the essence of the universe. at the same time........

Audiences of Collapse 3 World, they are also worried.......

As the Star God who represents [Nothingness], will he exercise his authority and make the entire universe return to nothingness?

But the viewers of Star World rejected this consideration.

In that starry world........

There is only one legend about the [Void Star God] circulating in the universe!

That's"showing off"!

Yes, this star god is in the eyes of everyone in the star world.........That’s endless messing around!

But even so.

But no one in the Star Vault would think that the [Void Star God] is not powerful. should say........

In the impression of most Starry Sky viewers

【[Void Star God], he is the most powerful Star God!!!

Continue to return to the light curtain.

When the picture of [Void Star God] began to gradually disappear.

The image of the next star god did not appear in the audience's field of vision.

The opposite of........

On the light screen, the next clips about [Void Star God] were played one after another.

That's right!

Among the many star gods, [Void Star God] is special. so.......

Now, [Void Star God], he also has more fragments of his own.

As for the second clip belonging to [Void Star God], the story takes place in another"attraction" in the star world, the Black Tower Space Station.

Appearing in the screen were Heita and Sister Xing.

I saw Heita at this time. She spoke to Sister Xing in front of her in a slightly unexpected voice.

"The innocent IX has appeared, and it makes you feel that everything is meaningless, and you are almost going to be a vegetable in the simulated universe - actually, that doesn't matter, I can wake you up in reality. But you can’t do this every time you encounter IX."

While saying this, Heita clicked his tongue.

"This guy is really very nihilistic, making himself meaningless to the point where the system didn't notice his appearance.

I believe now.......IX easily wiped out the entire universe!"

As a"female brat" in the starry world.

Black Tower's character has always been very arrogant.

In the entire universe, not many people can gain her respect.

But now.........

Even the Black Tower, she had to sigh and be surprised.......【[The Void Star God] is mysterious and powerful.

Even within the knowledge and understanding of Black Tower.

As long as [Void Star God] wants, he can easily destroy the entire universe in an instant. even though.......

To destroy the universe, maybe other [Star Gods] can do such a thing.

But compared to [Void Star God], I'm afraid the difficulty is not on the same level.

Outside the light curtain, after hearing the Black Tower's evaluation of the [Void Star God].


The audience also began to express their inner shock on the barrage.

【Kiana: Ah! ? That jet-black orb can easily destroy the universe. Is it so powerful?】

【Bronya: He can even do it without moving at all. Directly invaded other people's virtual space. this means........The Intellectual Star God may not be anything in the eyes of the Void Star God.........】

【Leiden Meiyi: Didn’t I just say that the Void Star God would not take any action? Any action is meaningless to him. but why.......Will he actively invade the virtual universe?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: That’s because, our pioneer, she is really special】

【Sister Xing: This..........I am not sure as well.........】

【Star Vault Walter: However, the Void Star God did not take action against the stars. It's because he thinks it's meaningless.......Or is he just simply interested in stars?】

【Black Tower: After all, that girl is a life form transformed from"Star Core". Special and natural】

【Kafka: That is.......After all, it's mine........Well, it's okay】

【Silver Wolf: Really, I almost let it slip.】

【Sister Xing:? ? ? ?】

【Starry Sky Himeko: Kafka, what did you originally want to say?】

【Kafka: No, not really】

【Star Vault Himeko: As a wanted criminal in the universe........When you say that, I'm a little worried.】

【Kafka: Haha~~】

【Dr. Mei: But fortunately.......Didn't that Void Star God take action?】

【Alicia: But this proves that although this star god is habitually messed up. But it doesn’t mean that no action will be taken.】

【Kevin: All in all, he is still a very dangerous existence! 】

After learning that [Void Star God] had observed Sister Xing,........

The audience's view of him seems to have changed.

Although he is a"maniac", it has not changed.

But it can still be seen........

When something special happens, he takes action.

Most things are meaningless. but it doesn't mean........The entire universe is meaningless.

Perhaps in the eyes of [Void Star God].........

Sister Xing, she is a special existence in this universe.

Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

I listened to the conversation between Heita and Sister Xing in the video just now..........

Then, look at the dialogue on the barrage from the audience in the Star World.

Otto, his expression was still so interesting, and he was thinking about something important. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"em........Destroy the universe easily.......

But I am interested in the woman named [Xing].

It seems that for that universe, the person named [Star] should be very special. but.........The most important thing should still be that [Void Star God]】..........

He represents the essence of the universe and is theoretically the most powerful star god.

But I vaguely feel that he should be more than just that..........."

Otto thinks that there are settings regarding the [Void Star God].

It should be more than just that.

Continue to return to the light curtain.

This time, the screen switched again and came to the third clip.

The location of the stage was moved to the carriage of the Star Dome Train.

This time the conversation revolved around Sister Xing and Walter.

I saw Walter at this time, he explained to Sister Xing

"Among the Star Gods, Lan is not powerful, and his concept of destiny is relatively narrow.........

However, unlike most Star Gods, Lan pays great attention to mortals and gives his power to the Immortal Boat Alliance almost without reservation."


That's right!

It's just as the audience of Honkai Impact 3 World guessed before.

The narrower the Star Gods represent [concept], the weaker their power is.

Of course.........This"weakness" is only compared to other star gods.

For others, even the weakest [Star God]】

He is also a god-like existence!

But it can't be denied.......

【The concept of"hunting" is narrow!

Therefore, the power of [Hunting Star God] is actually not as powerful as other Star Gods!

Outside the light curtain, inside the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Listen to Walter's evaluation of [Hunting Star God].

The heroes and warriors didn't show much surprise. should say.......

Now, their expressions have"Sure enough" written all over them.

Is the concept broad?........This is the basis for judging the strength of the Star God.

This can already be confirmed from the previous lines.

Now, they have just confirmed this matter again. but.......

On top of this, Alicia continued to show a slightly confused expression, and slowly said

"em.........However, since the [Hunting Star God] is weak due to its narrow concept.

I feel that the concept of [Abundance] Star God is much bigger than [Hunting].

And [Fruit Star God] is also the mortal enemy of [Hunting Star God]........

In this way, wouldn't it mean that [Hunting Star God] would be unable to achieve his goal no matter what?"

Listening to Alicia's evaluation.

Dr. Mei next to her also nodded in approval.

Dr. Mei:"That's true.........But the story of [Star God] should be more complicated than we imagined.

Moreover, estimation is a different concept.

The combat power held by the Star Gods should also be different.

Now.......Let’s see what else this video will tell us next."

The audience's eyes returned to the video.

When the third clip ended, the light curtain returned to the boundless starry sky.

This time, the picture of the next Star God still did not arrive.

Instead, Eye-catching white subtitles appeared, continuing to depict the power of [Void Star God]

【You can look up at the bright stars, but don’t stare into the abyss of nothingness.....There is nothing in that black mist. Just a glance is enough to make mortals abandon their reason.】

【The existence of nothingness is a mystery, and his image is wrapped in layers of fog.】

【IX does not associate with other star gods. He believes that the essence of the multiverse is nothingness, and therefore its existence is worthless.】

【Existence is nothingness——When a certain being inadvertently generates such a thought and uses it as a motto, he will miraculously embark on a destiny controlled by X. He will accept the meaningless glance from the star god from somewhere in the distant void. This glance usually leads to two endings: one becomes decadent from then on, truly becoming a void existence, and is called a"self-destructor." The other is overwhelmed by the magnificent star god's divinity, and invariably generates a trace of curiosity, making They became"Chaos Doctors""】

"Existence is nothingness!"

The concept of opposites........Let [Void Star God] continue to expand.

As much existence as there is, there will be as much nothingness.

And this is why.........The reason why he doesn't need to act is still invincible!

His existence is equivalent to the universe itself!!!........Husband..

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