"Bronya probably understood what was going on."

Bronya's words attracted the attention of the other three people to her.

Kiana:"Bronya, what do you understand?"

Mei Yi:"Bronya, are you talking about why there is the squad leader's voice in that feather?"

Fu Hua:"I'm also very surprised why my voice appears in it."

Bronya explained:"According to the previous character introduction,"

"It can be inferred that the current Herrscher of Knowledge is using the squad leader's body."

The three of them nodded together.

Bronya:"In other words, the squad leader's consciousness was either squeezed out."

"Or it moved into that feather through some means"

"Now the squad leader and Kiana are fighting against the Herrscher of Knowledge"

"It should be that he wants to take back his own body, or that he wants to defeat this powerful Herrscher of Knowledge."

As for Bronya's judgment, the other three people also think it makes sense.

Mei Yi also said:"If you look at it this way,"

"Kiana and the monitor"

"The odds of winning seem very good."

Fu Hua pushed up his red-rimmed glasses:"It's hard to say this."

"Things change rapidly on the battlefield"

"If the last moment doesn't come"

"Any advantage is false."

Kiana:"Monitor, you are preaching again. Fu

Hua was stunned:"I'm sorry, Kiana, I'm used to it.""

Mei Yi was suddenly startled:"Wait a minute, Kiana"

"What's your move?"


In the exclamation of Mei Yi,

Kiana, Bronya and Fu Hua.

The three of them looked at the light curtain again.

In the light curtain,

Kiana avoided the Herrscher of Knowledge's force to split Huashan.

Taking advantage of the opportunity He jumped into the mid-air during the gap between attacks.

At the same time, he condensed a long square-shaped energy body.

It hit the Herrscher of Knowledge directly.

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't avoid it in time. Qi was hit directly.

Yana fell back to the ground.

She looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge standing up slowly from the smoke.

Black energy was constantly emanating from her body.

Then the Herrscher of Knowledge's unconvinced voice sounded.

"How can it be!"

"How can it be!"

"How could it be like this?"

"Can't you two just listen to me?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge glared at Kiana.

The power in her body began to explode.

At this time, it was as if she was responding to the powerful power of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Kiana's eyes also changed instantly.

She became extremely fierce.

There is actually a hint of murderous intent.

Not only that.

Originally, Kiana's clothes were a large white coat that she often wore.

At this time, it also turned into a white combat uniform.

There were also seven or eight branches behind her. The ribbon was suspended in mid-air.

Also changed was Kiana's iconic double ponytail hairstyle.

It also turned into a long waterfall at this moment.

【March 7: So handsome! Kiana-san!】

【Walter: This is......】

【Xingqiong Jizi: The energy in Kiana's body increased explosively at this moment】

【Xing: It feels like this power is somewhat similar to the Herrscher of Knowledge.】

【Bronya: I have never seen Kiana in this state before】

【Mei: Why, it’s a bit like the power of the Herrscher?】

【Kiana: Me......I do not know either......】

【Otto: It’s getting interesting......】


【Rita: Yeah~】

【Teresa: Why is that?】...

In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Meiyi looked at the light screen video in great surprise.

That new form of Kiana.

Then he swallowed.

Mei:"Kiana, this is the power of the Herrscher"

"Could it be said that you will also become a Herrscher in the future?"

Kiana:"But, I don't know what's going on!"

Bronya:"The Herrscher is the strongest expression of Honkai energy."

"After becoming a Herrscher, I only know destruction and killing"

"The purpose is to destroy all human civilization"

"Moreover, only the S-class Valkyrie can deal with Herrscher's strength."

"Among the currently known Honkai records, the second Honkai Destiny suffered the most serious casualties."

"The strongest S-class Valkyrie Cecilia Chaniat of the time and the Valkyrie squad led by her were completely wiped out before the Herrscher of the Sky was eliminated at that time."


Bronya looked into the light curtain.

The battle between the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kiana.

Fu Hua continued what Bronya said:"However, Kiana seems to be able to control the power of the Herrscher in her body."

"Can enter Herrscher mode in times of crisis"

"That energy cube attack just now"

"It should also be a manifestation of the power of the Lawyer."

Kiana:"Does this mean that I control the power of the Herrscher in the future?

Fu Hua nodded:"It seems that this is the only explanation.""

"It can explain the scene before me."

Although Mei Yi couldn't believe it, out of her trust and doting on Kiana, she said:"I feel like if it were Kiana"

"It’s not surprising at all to be able to do this."

Kiana said happily:"I know that Mei knows my strength best."

"What is the destruction of consciousness, the power of the Herrscher?"

"In this lady's place, everyone is a weakling!"

Bronya looked at the proud Kiana and struck mercilessly:"Idiot Kiana"

"But you're still at a disadvantage."


At this time, in the office of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa and everyone were dumbfounded:"Why?....."

"how come?"

Even Ji Zi's eyes widened and she kept shaking her head and said:"No.......impossible"

"Teresa, what do you feel?

Theresa swallowed her saliva and replied:"Kiana has Siren's ability.""

"And it still smells of Siren"


"what is going on?"

The memories of the Second Honkai Impact were recalled in the minds of the two of them.

For the two people who had personally experienced the Second Honkai Impact, this power was too familiar.......

Especially Teresa.

Back then, she faced Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky.

So Teresa thinks that she will never admit her mistake............

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