
"This is simply ridiculous!"

Theresa punched the table in front of her hard.

The force was so powerful that there was a fist mark on the table in front of her. Those words that Otto just said. In Theresa's view. It’s simply ridiculous. Destroy an old world. Usher in a new world. Are all humans in the old world. All humans in this era. Everyone who was once proud to be alive. Cecilia’s sacrifice. Valkyrie Their struggle and efforts in the face of the Second Collapse were all negated by Otto's words. And as a witness to all these things, how could Theresa not be angry? Himeko Looking at the light screen in disbelief, Otto and Hollander were talking.

"this kind of thing......"

"Is it really possible?"

"Reset the entire world back 500 years ago?"

"Go back to the moment of Kallen's death?"

Himeko looked at Theresa.

She hoped to get the answer from Theresa.

Because in Jizi's view, this kind of behavior and this kind of power are completely beyond her own understanding.

Even those who are praised In order to destroy the Herrscher of the highest level.

Can't do it?

In other words, Otto is surpassing the Herrscher.

Becoming the first person under God.

The name of a false god!

Although Teresa doesn't believe it either.

But still nodded

"Grandpa never talks big"

"Since he said it so confidently"

"Then it means......"

"He can definitely do it!"

Himeko:"Just to resurrect Kallen."

"Sacrifice all humans in this world......"

"This madman! Theresa:"

Grandpa, do you really want to do this?""

Theresa clenched her fists.

She began to recall in her mind all the things she had done with Otto in the past.

Otto at that time really interpreted his grandfather's responsibilities to the fullest. So much so that Theresa still has it in her heart.

They all regard Otto as their idol.

In the past, Theresa also always regarded Otto as a goal and moved forward firmly.

So 20 Even if the facts are in front of her,

Theresa still doesn't believe it at this moment.

Once Leading all the Valkyries.

Defending the world and fighting against the collapsed Otto Apokalis. At this moment, he actually wants to sacrifice the entire world.

Reset the entire world to more than 500 years ago.

Himeko sees it.

Teresa cares. It's chaos.

I have lost a certain ability to think.

"Teresa, calm down."

"Otto can't succeed"

"Have you forgotten that Walter still exists? Theresa

's eyes narrowed:"Even so, what grandpa did was still too much.""

"He indirectly negates the efforts of everyone over the past 500 years."

"everyone's existence"

"This is the hardest thing for me to accept"

"The time that everyone experiences from living to dying"

"It's proof of their existence"

"Grandpa, he has no qualifications to erase traces of their existence."

"No one has."

Himeko looked at Theresa.

She finally understood.

Why this guy who seems so unreliable can support the entire St. Freya Academy by himself.

And the entire Far East Branch.

She really and many people It's different.

Jizi continued:"Keep reading."

"Now that Youlandel has arrived here"

"She will definitely stop Otto"

"Don’t you know her strength yet?"

Theresa nodded.

She also hoped that

Hollander in the light curtain could stop Otto.

At the same time, in the headquarters of Destiny,

Hollander looked at Otto's back and asked calmly :"Bishop, is this really your plan?"

Rita:"Mr. Otto, don't you think it's really crazy to do this?"

Otto looked at the light curtain.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"But I didn’t succeed in the end, right?"

"Something like setting the world back five hundred years"

"If it really happens"

"It is impossible for Walter to go to another world now"

"And future Mei and Bronya"

"walter's son......"

Youlandel also knows this.

Take the light curtain video that appeared before as evidence.

So Otto did indeed fail.

But it doesn't mean.

Otto never did.

Before Youlandel could say anything.

Otto continued:"Grandell, do you want to deal with me here first?"

"Is there no way I can do this in the future?"

Youlandale:"You know I won't"

"Because now you are still the Archbishop of Tianming"

"The whole destiny still needs your leadership"

"And I also believe that my future self will definitely stop you."

"With everyone.

Otto rubbed his chin with one hand:"Interesting.""

"Then let us continue reading"

"Look, I succeeded"

"Still failed......"

Real plan.

Only Otto knew this.

Oh, no.

Walter on the Star Dome Train also knew it.

Walter looked at the light curtain.

Otto inside said it in a high-sounding way.

No flaws.

It's like he's really a madman ready to destroy the world.

Xing:"Uncle Yang, you said that Otto is a complicated person"

"In other words, what he said to Hollander"

"Not the whole truth.

Walter nodded:"What he really wants to do is"

"just began"

"This is just the beginning"

"Everything he says and does now is part of the plan"

"They are all paving the way for his true purpose. March 7 immediately asked:"

Then what is his real purpose?""

Walter looked at Otto and replied:"Resurrect Kallen!"

March 7:"???"


"Is there any difference?

Himeko:"Do you mean the method of resurrecting Kallen?""

Xing:"Another way to resurrect Kallen.

Walter nodded:"That's right.""

"Keep reading"

"In fact, what did Otto do next?"

"It’s just our review guess."

"I'm also very curious. After he was defeated by Hollander and Kiana,"

"How on earth is it done?"

"oh. correct."

Walter thought of another thing:"Void Manzo was thrown away by Otto."

"Lost in imaginary number space.

Ji Zi:" So miserable?""

Walter:"Don't look at Otto calling him an old friend."

"If it weren't for the use of keeping Void Manzo"

"When Void Manzo was unwilling to save Kallen"

"Otto might just want to destroy him.

Ji Zi:"He is really a vengeful guy.""

March 7:" Speaking of which, Kallen is also watching now"

"Will you be moved by what Otto did? Walter shook his head:"No, because Kallen wants to save the world.""

"And what Otto wants to do now is to destroy the world"

"If Karen were still alive, she would have given Otto a big mouth without hesitation."

"A very loud one."

Xing:"A destined saint who would rather sacrifice herself to save others."

"I will never allow myself to survive"

"By sacrificing others."(Read the cool novelsJust go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"I think Otto himself understands this truth."

Walter:"Yes, if Otto were more selfish,"

"Don't consider Karen's thoughts at all"

"I just want to resurrect Karen"

"Maybe he really succeeded back then?"

"The power of false gods, Kiana and Hollander at that time"

"How could he be an opponent?"

Walter knew clearly how powerful

Otto was at that time. In the Yae Shrine, Kallen's face also became particularly ugly. When she saw her death, Kallen's face was not so ugly.. But when she heard that Otto planned to use that present moment to resurrect herself, Kallen's entire expression changed. Yae Sakura said:"Karen, what Otto did is indeed a bit excessive. Kallen shook her head helplessly:"Sakura, everyone can say something wrong with Otto on this matter."


"But I can't"

"If Otto were in front of me, I could just slap him"

"But I can't say anything wrong with him"

"Because everything he did was for me."

Yae Sakura understood what Kallen meant.

The whole world could say that Otto was a madman and a devil.

Only Kallen didn't believe it.

Because everything Otto did was to save Kallen.

So Kallen was not qualified to accuse. Otto.

Yae Sakura:"I understand what you mean, Kallen.

Kallen smiled bitterly and said,"Great inventor, why are you doing this?""

Yae Sakura looked at the light curtain.

Otto, who was wearing a white bishop's robe, said lightly:"Maybe this time, he wants to protect you in his own way."

"in his memory"

"Basically you are protecting him"

"Maybe this time, he wants to reverse the position"

"I want to use my ability to protect you once"

"Even the price is the whole world."

Yae Sakura said.

Although she was a little moved in her heart, it still did not prevent her from thinking that Otto was a complete madman.

Kallen clasped her hands on her chest.

What she said to Otto in her heart also turned into a barrage.

She was sent one by one. go out

【Kallen: Great Inventor】

【Karen: Don't go on.】

【Karen: It doesn't matter even if I leave, I always believe that you are a great inventor who can change the world and save the world.】

【Otto: Karen......】

【March 7: Kallen, you are so kind】

【Mei: Is everyone in the Kaslana family like this?】

【Bronya: Kiana, the same thing】

【Kiana: Am I so good?】

【Siegfried: Even though I know Otto will fail in the end, I’m still a little scared】

【Cecilia: The whole world is making sacrifices. Bishop, do you really want to do this?】

【Rita: This extreme personality is indeed very suitable for Lord Otto.】

【Honkai Impact: In that case, Teresa is also a member of the Kaslana family.】

【Eden: The Kaslana family will really be prosperous in the next civilization era.】

【Patrophilis: Come on, Hollander, we must not let Otto succeed.】

【Alicia: It shouldn’t be possible. After all, Mr. Walter has already gone to the Star World in the future.】

【Walter: No, Otto succeeded. And it was very successful】

【Otto: Thank you for telling me this. Trust Walter.】

【Fu Hua: Will we all be reset?】

【Walter: Keep reading and you will find out. 】

Another day for the Riddler.

In the light curtain screen.

After Hollander determined that she could not persuade Otto verbally.

He clenched the black abyss white flower in his hand.

Raise to Otto

"Bishop, you have treated me well these past few years."

"Because of this, I need to know your true purpose at this moment.

Otto smiled and replied:"Really?""

"But I think all you need to know now is"

"if you don't stop me......"

"I would definitely murder almost everyone in the world"

"Haha, it’s useless to say more."

"Come on, Landale."

Youlandel:"If possible, I really don't want to fight you."

But Otto has already summoned the Void Manzo.

Youlandel took a deep breath.

Holding the black abyss white flower, she rushed forward.

Youlandel is indeed the strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny.

She can let Otto A person who drives the Youlandel class alone.

In the battle with Otto.

Even Otto can use the Void Manzo.

It is similar to different divine keys.

667 But YoulandelWith a handful of black abyss and white flowers.

Basically suppressing this Otto fight

【March 7: Youlandel, your fighting style is so handsome, right?】

【Wendy: Is this the true strength of the S-class Valkyrie Ghostland?】

【Mei: It’s completely different from when you dealt with me】

【Kiana: In the future, I will be as powerful as Hollander, no, I should surpass Hollander.】

【Cecilia: White Flower of the Black Abyss, the use of Youlandel is more powerful than mine】

【Siegfried: Yes, your style is almost overshadowing yours, Cecilia.】

【Teresa: Hollander's strength has become stronger again!】

【Honkai Impact: This is the first time I’ve seen an S-class Valkyrie fight seriously.】

【Rita: In fact, the strength of Lord Hollander has surpassed Lord Otto a long time ago.】

【Youlandel: But it’s still not strong enough】

【Xing: You are already the number one Valkyrie, so you still need to take the exam, right?】


In the light curtain screen.

There is almost no suspense in this battle.

Although the Void Manzo played tricks in Otto's hands.

But the title of destiny is the strongest.

It’s not for free either.

When Hollander's strength surpassed Otto's.

Otto gave her the title Hollander.

That was all a long time ago.

Finally, Otto knelt down on one knee in front of Hollander.

Youlandel pointed at Otto with the white flower of the black abyss.

"That's it, Bishop."

"Tell me all your thoughts……"

"Before it's too late, go sit down and have a talk with Teresa. Otto slowly raised his head:"

I said, you should have the idea of ​​killing me.""

"Instead of just stopping like this."

In other words, even though Hollander released the water, she still pressed down on Otto and beat him.

If Hollander had murderous intentions just now,

Otto might be a cold corpse on the ground now.

Of course.

This is also part of Otto's calculation.

Hollander took a deep breath:"That is the power that belongs to Kiana or someone else.""

"I would rather you explain everything clearly.

Otto:"Okay, I do have something to hide from everyone.""

"But it's a pity that I can't tell you it at this time"

"And, Bianca, thanks to our fierce battle just now"

"I was able to hide from your attention and secretly advance my own sublimation!"

Youlandel's face changed:"What?"

I saw Otto exuding pitch-black energy all over his body.

Youlandel:"This power.....I teach you!

Otto laughed loudly:"It's too late for you to do anything now, Bianca Atalgina.""

"Cornius + forced transformation of coordinates"

"The door to the imaginary space has been opened, and I give the order as God"

"This chess piece has to leave the field on time.……"

A burst of light bloomed all over Youlandel's body.

Then he disappeared in place.

Satisfied, Otto turned towards another place.

Youlandel, defeated?


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