The 434th 100% form of Kigeld - Z Ginseng!

Z1 and Z2 jumped out of Yurika's arms in unison.

"Little soft!"

Yurika's first reaction was to rush forward, but she was stopped by the flame chicken masquerade next to her who reacted faster~.

He didn't know what the two Kigard cells, Z1 and Z2, were trying to do at this time.

There is a special power.

Or maybe they have a special mission or something.

But whatever it is.

Yurika is not suitable to keep up at this time.

"Yurika, wait!"

See what they want to do!

Yurika stopped.

The audience also stopped.

They had a vague guess in their minds, but they weren't sure for it.

It's true......

Could it be that way they think?

In the picture-

Z1 and Z2 stared directly at the boulder face to face, and there was a majesty in their voices that could not be ignored.

"I am Kigeld, Guardian of Order!"

"Let you see my rights!"

"This world will not be destroyed by you!"

The sounds of Z1 and Z2 are mixed together.

The audience could no longer tell who was talking.

But the bodies of the two elves flashed green at the same time.

Wave after wave surging in all directions!

It resonated endlessly!

The cells of the entire Carlos region and the entire planet resonate with Z1 and Z2!

The special form that was once glimpsed in the Nibel Plateau, 100% Kigeld, is once again presented to everyone!

There are no restrictions!

Transformed by the combination of Z1 and Z2!

The strongest form!

"Kiggled ......"

Both the people on the light curtain and the audience outside the light curtain recognized Kigeld's form.


Kigeld in Gundam form!

The real Kigeld!


[Karunai: !!]

[Dorasena: !!]

【Pakira: !!】

[Zhimi: Is this Kigeld in his full form? Handsome! It's so handsome! It's full of power at first glance! It's only a matter of time before Vladali and the boulder are overturned!]

[Yan Kai: It's really handsome! I finally saw the complete Kigeld!]

[Hiba: Gundam!]

No male can refuse such a Kigeld!

Let's not talk about the strength, just from the styling point of view, it is handsome!

Others: "......"

Although but.

All right.

Very handsome indeed!

Kigeld rushes ducks!

Dry over the boulder!


Vladali, who has long been an enemy of the whole people: "......"

Don't want to talk.

He chose to be silent.


In the picture-

"Dark Green Pupil ......"

The eyes of Miss Ge Jihua, the owner of the Hundred Carving Gym, fell on Kigelde, who had turned into a hundred percent form after the merger, and her eyes were full of emotion.

"That's what it is...... Is it all in one?"

Suspended in mid-air.

The two most important core cells are combined.

All the other cells converge in this body.

Vladali was also struck by Kigeld's new form.

"Still hiding this gesture?"

Vladali's voice was full of shock and disbelief.

"You should be watching the world with me!"

"Human beings have no end to their desires!"

"These acts that disturb the peace!"

"Don't you feel any of this?!"

After the shock, Vladali was full of anger.

Angry why didn't Kiggled stand on the same side as him!

Why not join him in being disappointed in this world!

Why not wreak havoc on this world with him![]

Recreate a whole new world!

"If I don't shout out again, the world will only get more and more twisted!"

"You've only appeared now, what can you protect?!"

Vladali closed his eyes.

He jerked his head up at Kigeld in the sky.

The whole face was transformed into the shape of Yan Yi.

It contained the endless anger in his heart.

"You're not qualified!"

Kigeld: "......"

Audience: "......"

Champion Heavenly King Gym Owners: "......"

There is a lot to say, and a lot to complain about.

But in the face of such Vladali......


Suddenly I don't want to say anything about the mountain!.

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