Chapter 413 Adult's Responsibility!Contribute to Ash's protection of the world!

Pazira smiled.

Very good.

It's backwater.

I was a little surprised, but I didn't seem to be incomprehensible.

After all.

Himself and Vladali are not really all the way.

Pazira could see that there was no strong, unbreakable bond of faith between her and Vladali.

It's just that there is a little resonance between each other.

The kind that leaves it behind in the blink of an eye.

Pakira: Well done future me!


In the picture-

Vladali looked at Pazira coming out of the smoke with a shocked expression on his face.


There was surprise in his voice.

"Enough, Vladali. "

Pazira stood in front of Ash and Ara, looking directly at Vladali.

"What do you mean, Pachira?" 493

There was a heavy displeasure in Vladali's voice.

At this critical juncture, Pachira's appearance disrupts his next plans.

"I want to take a gamble on these kids. "

"I also know that the world today can never be called happy. "

Vladali could not understand.

That being the case.

Why stand in the way of his actions and plans?

"Because I saw them. "

Pakira jerked her hand and pointed at Ash and Ran behind her.

"It's not about destruction that is changing the world. "

"Because there are people like them. "

Vladali snorted.

"Then I'll hear from you, Pazira. "

"What kind of world can these guys who are about to be defeated make now?"

Vladali looked triumphant.

Believe in Ash and Ailan?

Trust these kids?


What kind of joke are you talking about?

It's just a bunch of imps who have been defeated by him!

Paqira clasped her arms in her hands, unaffected by Vladali's words.

"I haven't lost yet. "

Of course, nothing can be done with their words alone. "

"But if we adults can lend a hand at that time, we will definitely be able to change. "

"I want to see their future. "

Audience: "!!"

Champion Heavenly King Gym Owners: "!!"


"Good, good, good! That's a great thing to say!"

"Miss Pazira! I knew Miss Pazira couldn't be a real bad person!"

"Miss Pakira is right! As adults, we should give Ash the most important help to these miracle-making children at this time!"

around the world.

In particular, the trainers in the Carlos area choked with joy.

Ok, good, good!

It's really great!


[Gadelia: nice! That's right, Pazira! Whether it's done or what it's said, it's so good!]

[Karunai: The main thing (BJDC) is that Paqira realizes that she and Vladali are not all the same. 】

[Karunai: Pakira, maybe you're disappointed in this world, thinking that Vladali can create the new world of your dreams, but do you still think so when you look at this ruined city of Miare?]

[Karunai: It's not too late to turn back!]

[Yan Kai: Karunai, you're so instigated, the chicken soup is almost enough, and Paqira is not a fool, don't you have any eyesight?]

[Karunai: ......] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Pakira: ......】

It's hard, it's hard.

The fist is hard.

[Karunai: Wait for the wild goose armor, you won't be able to run away from this beating. 】

[Paqira: Wait for the goose armor, you won't be able to run away from this beating.] 】

【Wild Goose Armor: ......】

[Yan Kai: Come on, come!Who is afraid of whom!]

He's running away now!

Definitely won't give these two crazy women a chance to find him!

In the picture-

Listening to Pazira's words, a look of disdain appeared on Vladali's face.

"Hmph. "

"I can't tell you. "

"You and these guys will be defeated by me, too. "


Defeat you together!

"Vladali, whether you say you hate or hate the world or something. "

"However, this world is for people and elves, and it is everyone's thing!"

"Don't give me anything to destroy or change anything!"

"Tomorrow I can see my important people!"

"People who can realize their dreams tomorrow!"

"Someone who can become a trainer and embark on a journey tomorrow!"

"There is a man who will be healed tomorrow!"

"Everyone has a tomorrow, where is the reason to seize that tomorrow!"

"So I'm going to fight with the elves for tomorrow!"

No one has the right to deprive them of tomorrow!


Dr. Ohki Research Institute.

"Hmph, this idiot still has a point. "

Xiao Mao clasped his arms with both hands, and his gaze fell on Xiao Zhi's body on the light curtain.

"Tomorrow ......"

"What qualifications does this guy named Vladali have to destroy the world?".

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