No. 394, is this the legendary water storage spray?

The battle between the heroes Koga Ninja Frog and the MEGA Charizard has come to an end.

Whether the audience is acceptable or unacceptable.

None of them can change the established facts.

But that doesn't stop ~ the audience from complaining.

"There's shady!

There must be something shady behind this!"

"I wonder if this game is Vladali's forced intervention!

Why else would it be - such a result!"

"That's right!

It's all Vladali's fault!"

"Damn Vladali!"

Vladali, who suddenly became the target of public criticism again:



Just ask what this kind of thing has to do with him?

Vladali wanted to explain.

But Vladali simply did not explain clearly.


The screen starts playing back.

Looking at the fallen Koga ninja frog,

and Ai Lan, who won in the end.

Ash's friends also feel sorry for Ash.


Ash himself is not a cautious person.

He was hungry for victory at the same time.

He's enjoying the fight too!

Perhaps this result is not satisfactory.

But the process of the competition is wonderful!

The camera turned.

The audience saw a strange combination.

The trio of Team Rockets wore costumes with a combination of lighting and photography, carrying the camera to Pazira, who was broadcasting the progress of the game live.

Audience: "......"

Deep tears welled down the faces of the two of Team Rocket.


Why did the little ghost head lose!


It's totally unacceptable!

"I'd like to meet more trainers and elves. "

"Then, you have to get stronger!"

Ash was very calm.

The more calm Ash is, the more unacceptable the audience is!


Why can a fire-based Charizard survive a water-based ultimate?

Do you even look energetic?

Could this be the legendary Charizard with its water-storing trait?!(crossed out)

However, this match is also a very important match for Ailan.

"This battle, Ash, they made me grow a lot. "

Looking at her Poké Ball, Ellen said with a smile.

The anger had dissipated from him.

The camera pans again.

Go to an unknown building.

The lens sinks down.

The audience's hearts "chuckled".


Because the match between Ash and Ai Lan is too much of an argument.

Everyone almost forgot-

The main content of this inventory is still Kigeld!

In a familiar jar.

Z2 is still locked inside.

Obviously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since Z2 was captured by the Flash Team last time, until Ash participated in the Carlos League Tournament, Z2 has not escaped smoothly.

But thinking about it, there are a lot of coincidences in Z1 being able to escape, and it's not incomprehensible.

"So...... What the hell are these people on the Flashfire team trying to do?"

Everyone looked at each other, and there was a vague sense of foreboding in their hearts.

It's hard to say.

It's really hard to say!

But you want to convince them that the Flashes are going to make trouble?

I'm sorry.

They felt that it was impossible.

Team Flash isn't just going to get into trouble.

There will be big things.

Team Flash...... Ay!

The audience let out a long sigh.

I just think it's really bad to be in a mood![]

[Dragon Crossing: Hiss - Team Flash won't just take advantage of this time to make trouble, right?]

[Yulongdu: Don't say it, at this point in time, whether it is Dr. Burratano and them, or Karunai and the other Four Heavenly Kings, the focus should be on Ash and Ai Lan, and no one would have thought that the Flame Team would make a move at this time. 】

[Yulongdu: When they are discovered, their actions and conspiracy have already begun!]

[Karunai: ......]


[Wild Goose Armor: Can you have points in your crow's mouth? If the Flash Flame Team really does it......]

[Yulongdu: That's nothing to do with me!]

Others: "......"

It's worthy of you, the champion!

When you are shameless, you are really shameless!


The audience, mainly in the Carlos area, solemnly shifted their gaze to the light curtain.

There was thought and scrutiny in their eyes.

Team Flash...... Will it really be shot at this time?

Combined with the wave of analysis of the Royal Dragon Crossing just now.

They already had a very ominous premonition in their hearts.

What to say?

It feels like a lot of possibility!

This is the time to strike.

It's definitely the best time for Team Flash!

Everyone: "......"

Although but.

They must still accuse a word of Yulongdu - the crow's mouth!

This is a crow's mouth!


In the picture-

As one of the leaders of the Flash Team and the most core scientist, Kuseloski looked at Z2 who was locked in a petri dish with a malicious expression.

"It's ready. "

"I'm going to start the dirt. "。

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