Chapter 348 The strength of the Rockets trio is at its peak! The heterochromatic Gardevoir appears!


"Please take a look!"

"Now is the time for science to open up the future!"

Citron excitedly raised the thing in his hand.

The next second, the invention expanded.

At first glance, it looked like a space suit.

With the help of Citron, Xiaozhi successfully put it on Get on this space suit.

He was still explaining to Xiaozhi

"This is a protective suit inspired by the defense skills of elves such as Iron Wall Protection!"

"I named it Tiebijun!"

As he said this, Xiaozhi's head was also tightly wrapped by something like a space hat.

"This will protect Xiaozhi from all kinds of shocks!"

Citron put his hands on his hips, and the expression on his face couldn't be too proud.

Then... the Rockets trio suddenly appeared in the audience's sight.

They have no other abilities.

But when it comes to tracking Xiaozhi This matter... then they are definitely professionals!

Professionals cannot be more professional!

After discovering that Xiaozhi and the others were about to spend the night here, Kojiro's first reaction was to inform Jarvis. Musashi restrained him before he could take action.

"Our employer is the little prince"

"Taking Him as our credit, the reward will definitely be high."

Listen to Team Rocket... they want to bring Magearna back in person.

In this way, this matter will become their credit!

Hearing this, the audience can only say... What's so weird about the Rockets trio? Haven't they seen strange thoughts?

It doesn't matter! It's okay!

They've already gotten used to it!

In the evening, Xiaozhi and his party were sleeping soundly.

Pikachu lying there suddenly opened his eyes.

Then Volcanion also opened his eyes. opened eyes

"Do you feel it too?"

The two elves walked out of the cave one after another.

Xiaozhi, who was sleeping, was also dragged out...

The seed machine gun!

Countless green seeds were aimed at them and launched!

It was the Rockets trio!

They were also carrying Two elves, Kairos and Heracross

"627 We will take over Magearna!"

Musashi Kojiro said with his hands on his hips and a confident expression on his face.


"Wait...there seems to be something wrong? Kairos and Heracross should not be among the elves commonly used by Team Rocket trio, right?"

"Absolutely not! Usually it's Guoran Weng, or Double Bomb Gas, Arbor Snake, or the Pumpkin Monster, Hola Squid, etc. that I've seen before... It's definitely not possible without these two elves!"

"Bringing an elf who is not your own... This operation is subtly wrong, especially in this situation... I always feel as if I have overlooked some very crucial information.……"

Many trainers frowned.

Something's wrong!

The current situation is really very wrong!

Wouldn’t it be awkward to use an elf that is not your own?

Or...what's special about Kairos and Heracross?


In the picture - it's not just the audience who discovered this problem.

Citron, Yurika, and Xiaozhi, who often deal with the Rocket trio, also noticed something was wrong.

"The elves are different from usual!"

Yurika put her hands in front of her mouth and said loudly

"This time we are no ordinary Team Rocket cats!"

Miao Miao said proudly with his hands on his hips.

Musashi and Kojiro had already begun to take action.

Showing their differences

"Mega light wave!"

"Team Rocket!"

Musashi and Kojiro each wear a mega wristband on their wrists.

That is... the keystone!

"We have joined forces with Prince Rakel."

With that said,

Musashi and Kojiro presented their most glorious moment in a long time - mega evolution!

The unknown black-purple energy enveloped Kairos and Heracross.

Kairos and Heracross transformed into Super Kairos respectively. Rose and Super Heracross.

Although they had seen similar operations before, Xiaozhi and his team didn't think much about it.

Until this moment.

Watching the Rocket trio perform mega using all of their elves (accg) Evolution, they instantly fell into a state of shock

"If you want to mega evolve, the bond between the trainer and the elf should be the most important!"

Citron shouted incomprehensibly.


Very incomprehensible!

"That's Jarvis's……"Musashi forgot his words mid-sentence.

Kojiro helplessly helped Musashi pick up

"New mystery science!"

Then Kojiro raised the keystone wristband in his hand

"This is a good thing that has nothing to do with bonds and can make the elf mega evolve!"

Xiao Zhi's face showed an expression of sudden realization.

"That’s it, Gengar and the others……"

Xiaozhi recalled the painful expression on his face when Gengar Mega evolved.

Serena and Ash empathize.

If this is not a mega evolution that relies on the bond between the trainer and the elf……

"Don't you care about the elf's mood?"

"That's not a mega evolution at all!"

Citron echoed loudly

"Occult science is the invention that gives names to elves and people!"

"Creating that thing was also extremely disrespectful to Eliphas!"

Can't forgive!

Can't understand!

Can't accept!

On the contrary, the audience's anger is not as high as expected.

The question is... they have already discovered something wrong before and discussed it.

After hearing the Rockets After the team trio explained in more detail……

"Fuck you, are the Rockets trio really here to send intelligence to Brother Zhi?"

"Is that true? Is there any difference between the latter result?"

"There is no difference, just treat it as if you are here to send information!"


【Yulongdu: Hiss—this kind of person’s brain circuit is completely incomprehensible! And treating elves in this way... is unforgivable!】

【Karuna: In the Kalos area, right? Jarvis, right? OK OK! really good!】

【Ji Meiya: Please don't worry, once the evidence of Jarvis's crime is confirmed, our kingdom will definitely bring him to justice!】

【Daigo: Are you sure? Although these things seem to have nothing to do with you, that boy should know what Jarvis did to the elves, right? 】

Ji Meiya was stunned when she saw this.

Does Raquel know that Jarvis controls and mega-evolves the elves? She really doesn't dare to vouch for it.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, Ji Meiya said very firmly

【Jimiya: I believe that Rakel does not know the specific things that Jarvis did. Assuming that Rakel is also involved, the kingdom will also give him due trial! 】

Absolutely not just because Raquel is her brother and the prince of this country, just let it go!


Sister is so cruel!

On the contrary, the king was not worried at all about what Jimiya said.

"It’s something Ji Meiya can tell."

"And Jimiya was right."

And only in this way can the image of the Kingdom of Azote in the hearts of people around the world be reversed as quickly as possible.

They were deceived by Jarvis!

They are really not bad people!

Jarvis was all wrong! (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The blame placed on Jarvis must be stable and firm!


Team Rocket base.

Sakaki looked at the conversation in the chat room and snorted disdainfully.

"Is there a problem?"

"As long as the final result is the same...the intermediate process can be completely ignored!"

Sakaki stared at the picture on the light screen with sparkling eyes.

Okay, okay!

He is interested in Jarvis's mega evolution technology...

What a pity.

It is almost impossible to get it.

But... since that mysterious science can do it , the current science and technology must be able to do it, right?

Sakaki began to think about it.

Should we set up a special research institute to study similar mega evolution methods?[]

Let him think about it!


In the picture - facing Citron's accusation, the Rockets trio don't think there is any problem at all

"So they say it’s new, meow!"

"Technology is improving, meow!"

Miao Miao raised his hands and meowed loudly.



"Attack Meow!"

The Rocket trio looked excitedly at the two elves behind them.

Super Heracross and Super Kairos did not hesitate at all.

Following the instructions of the Rocket trio, they launched an attack on Xiaozhi and the others!

The Rocket trio Team: Awesome!

Really awesome!

This is an experience they have never had before!

Xiaozhi and his party were immediately at a disadvantage.

Volcanion stood up decisively

"Take Magearna and leave quickly!"

Magearna said something.

Bolkenion gave him a look

"Although I don’t want to rely on humans, I can’t help it"

"Go quickly!"

Xiao Zhi also means the same thing.

"Everyone, please!"

Protect Magearna!

Seeing this, the audience suddenly remembered - yes!

Serena and the others can leave with Magearna, but Ash and Volcanion are bound together!

Can’t leave!


"I don’t know why, but I instantly felt an ominous premonition.……"

"It's not that I look down on Citron, Serena, and Yurika, but can the three of them really run out smoothly with Magearna?"

"Um...if the Pi Shen is allowed to follow...Okay, okay, then this situation is hard to say."

Isn't it!

The audience can all imagine what might happen to these three people after they leave Magearna alone...


I hope it won't be the same as they imagined!

Otherwise, by the time Bolkenion comes He will definitely go berserk!


In the picture - although Serena and the others want to advance and retreat together with Xiaozhi, they also know it.

Now is not the time for nonsense.

Otherwise, no one will be able to leave!


Serena nodded solemnly.

No matter what...she must not let down Xiaozhi's trust.

"Let's go, Magearna!"

"Leave it to us, Xiaozhi!"

The trio of Team Rocket looked down at Xiaozhi and the others as they fled separately, and they couldn't be too happy.


It was finally their turn to get the upper hand with ease!

Musashi Mewmew Kojiro turned around and gave Super Kairos and Super Hex A look from La Crosse


Capture all the people and elves who deserve to be captured!

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Take the initiative to fight against Mega Kairos and Super Heracross.

But Mega-evolved Kairos and Heracross... cannot be easily defeated with the power of Pikachu.

Volcanion also stood up at this time.

Being at the forefront resisted some of the most threatening attacks.

"Come on, Bolkenion!"

Xiao Zhi encouraged loudly!

Volcanion looked back at Xiao Zhi after hearing this.

"No worry!"

Speaking of which, Volcanion launched Super Kairos and Super Heracross all away!

Then two huge water jets hit Super Kairos and Super Heracross!

Volcanion loomed faintly Gaining the upper hand!

Without waiting for the audience to be happy, the camera suddenly turned and came to Serena and Magearna who were escaping.

The three people were protecting Magearna and were frantically evacuating the battlefield.

"Theoretically speaking, both Super Kairos and Super Heracross have been held back, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"I don’t know, I always have a bad premonition……"

"One question...a Team Rocket trio, right? They don't seem to be directing Super Kairos and Super Heracross to fight, right? Where are the three of them?"

Other viewers:"???"

Other viewers:"!!!"


Here's the Team Rocket trio!

Because they saw Ash and Volcanion fighting, they subconsciously ignored the Team Rocket trio..

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