The 284th Space Virus Deoxys!

"Please let all citizens evacuate first!"

Miss Junsha immediately agreed with Dr. Londo's words.

As for the consequences of a fight between Deoxys and Rayquaza... even people who have never seen it with their own eyes can imagine it!

Rayquaza, Level 1 God!

Legendary Pokémon!!!


An elf from a distant universe!

What are its specific abilities... It’s not clear yet.

But once these two elves fight against each other,...

That was definitely a thunderbolt!


The police station in Larus City also made a decisive decision.

Miss Junsha nodded seriously

"I know."

She stretched out her hand and operated on the screen twice.

"Activate the emergency evacuation system now!"

The next second.

Miss Junsha's voice echoed throughout the city.

"There is an emergency now!"

"Please follow the instructions to evacuate the city!"

Countless green cube machines gathered together to separate roads for pedestrians!

Trains, ferries.

All the forces that could move took action!


"Wow! Larus City... looks like it really has a sense of high-tech power!"

"This execution ability is also outstanding! Both Dr. Lundo and Miss Junsha made the right choice at the first time!"

"If you say evacuate, evacuate... This system is really amazing!"

"But Brother Xiaozhi and the others...can they make it in time?"

Larousse City's resolute actions and prohibitions before facing the disaster made everyone couldn't help but marvel!

This execution!

It's simply awesome!

Just go.

There is no sloppiness!


It is precisely because of this that the casualties in Larus City can be reduced to a minimum!

As for the damage to city buildings and equipment... this is irreparable.

I only hope that Deoxys and Rayquaza can show mercy. Yes!

President Damalanqi also nodded happily after seeing the decisiveness of Miss Junsha and Dr. Lundo.

"This system... is indeed amazing!"

"The arrival of Rayquaza was discovered in advance and the figure of Deoxys was detected."

"Even if this battle cannot be avoided"

"At least we can protect everyone's safety as much as possible before the battle begins!"

To be able to do this... it's enough!

It's enough!

For more... we can only look at Deoxys and Rayquaza!


In the picture - the camera turns.

Currently in the research institute.

Xiaozhi and others who were playing with Xiaochao's friends also heard this sound.

"What happened?"

Xiao Zhi was still very confused.

Aaron had already reacted.

"Isn't this an alarm?"

There was a look of shock on his face.

The next second,

Xiaochao's good friend disappeared.

Realizing that something was not going well, Xiaochao was about to take Xiaozhi and the others out of the botanical garden.


What is unexpected is that the access control system of the Botanical Garden has lost power control!

Xiaochao's passport cannot open the door of the Botanical Garden at all!

The system seems to be closed!

Xiaochao and Xiaozhi stood at the door, looking at the empty space outside. The streets looked confused.


What happened?

What are they going to do now?

The audience couldn't help but show headaches.

"This... leaky house happened to be raining all night! When bad luck comes, you can’t even hide!"

"Xiaozhi and the others will definitely not be trapped! There is a way! There is definitely another way!"

"Suddenly I realized the disadvantages of high-tech cities... Once the power is cut off, the whole city will come to a standstill!"

"This is also an emergency! Normally, a city like this must have a backup power system!"

"yes! And the reason why these systems are shut down...maybe is because of the destruction of Deoxys' energy!"

Everyone was discussing one sentence after another.

But no matter what they said,

Xiaozhi and the others are now trapped in the botanical garden! They can't get out at all!


On the other side of the screen.

Xiaochao's father, Dr. Londo, also discovered this!

"You go and take refuge!"

"I'll take Xiaochao away!"

With that said,

Dr. Londo rushed towards the road to the Botanical Garden alone!

What Dr. Londo didn't expect was... on this road that he was accustomed to walking, there were many obstacles that he was not familiar with! First, there were many obstacles that he was not familiar with!

The track on the road stopped transmitting.

Dr. Lundo wanted to walk directly over.

Unexpectedly, he had just walked up.

The transmission returned to normal!

Dr. Lundo was suddenly teleported to a direction he did not want to go!

Immediately afterwards, he was He was involved in a large number of people evacuating!

Seeing that he was about to be dragged in an unfamiliar direction.

Dr. Lundo jumped from the bridge into the water without hesitation!


He can't leave now!

He must To find Superboy!


Larus City


Watching when disaster strikes.

But his father still ran in his own direction.

Xiaochao's mood was a little complicated for a moment.

He whispered"Dad".

Think back to what happened in the past few years.

Because of his own fear of elves.

Coupled with Dr. Londo's busy work.

Xiaochao didn't have that much time and opportunity to spend time with his father.


Chao knows.

Dad is always paying attention to him!

As long as there is time.

Dad will try his best to study how to get him out of the shadow of the past.

How to get him in contact with the elves again.

But because of the fear of accidentally hurting him... many plans were shelved.

Think of this.

Xiao Chao's eyes looking at the light screen became a little more complicated.

He in the future... seems to be really about to get rid of the shadow he once had on the elves?

So... he can too, right?

Xiao Chao stared at the light curtain.

He... he wants to see that scene!

He hopes to see such a scene!


In the picture - the camera turns.

The Rocket trio were also mixed in the crowd and evacuated weakly.

"Are we going to evacuate together too?"

"Very hungry……"

"You should be able to get something to eat as long as you leave the street!"

Both of them looked like they were dying.

The audience looked at it and shook their heads.


These three guys are so miserable!

They can't even eat!

Team Rocket... what on earth has Team Rocket become!

However. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Facts have proved that there is no unlucky time for people.

There are only more unlucky times!

The three members of Team Rocket, who were so hungry that they didn’t even have the energy to trouble Xiaozhi, followed the crowd...

I accidentally came face to face with Deoxys!

Deoxys, who had purple crystals on his chest!

Standing on the high guardrail in front!

Looking down at the fleeing crowd.

I saw his energy moving towards Emitted all around.

The electromagnetic waves emitted by the human body distorted his energy.

But these humans were all sensed by Deoxys!

"what is that?!"

The Rocket trio and others around them all showed shocked and panic expressions.


That guy looked like a human at first glance. But he had two red and green arms on each side of his body that could swing and bend at will....At first glance, he doesn’t look like a human being!

And that aloof look!

At first glance, it’s clear that the person who came here is evil!

At least for them, it’s someone who comes with evil intentions! As expected. The next second, He waved his long, Flexible arms. His figure is divided into three parts, three parts and five parts... The art of multiple shadow clones! Countless... gray, colorless Deoxys appeared! These split gray Deoxys Hiss. Run towards the humans below! Use four long, flexible arms to restrain the humans! And take them away!


【Yulongdu: Wait wait?! he hunting humans? no? Why! Deoxys had clearly shown no signs of attacking humans before!】

【Zhimi: This’s hard to say! It’s quite hard to say! It cannot be ruled out that it was the human evacuation reaction that stimulated Deoxys!】

【Cattleya: Dr. Omu, what do you think?】

【Dr. Oki: Well... I don't know much about Deoxys, but if you want to ask, I can tell you what I guess.】

【Jindai: It doesn’t matter! Dr. Omu, please feel free to speak boldly! We’ll judge for ourselves! I just hope you can give us an idea!】

【Dr. Oki: That’s okay, I said so. First of all, according to previous speculation, Deoxys came to find his companion, that is, Deoxys in the green crystal. It can be seen from many of Deoxys' actions that Deoxys is wise, and not low! After searching to no avail, and discovering the arrival of Rayquaza and the evacuation of humans... Deoxys realized that just searching was useless, and he needed to take other actions.】

【Dr. Oak: Capturing humans is one of them! By capturing humans, Deoxys would have the capital to negotiate with the remaining humans? 】


Because Deoxys still has a human in his hand.

Even if other humans want to do something to Deoxys... they have to be careful!

What made the audience even more amused was that……

"Deoxys is really awesome! The real protagonist team was captured right from the start!"

"Yeah! Deoxys still has some skills in this regard!"

"In fact, what I want to complain about more is... doesn't Dr. Lundo know the danger of Deoxys? If he knew, why would he want to hatch another Deoxys?" other people:"……Well. This is a good question!"

That's right!

You already know that Deoxys is not a good person!

Why do you want to hatch another Deoxys?

Do you think Larus City's defense is strong enough?

0 Please don't be afraid of this one. The birth of Deoxys?

【Cattleya: Suddenly I understand the madness of people like this in the institute! Even though he knew the danger of Deoxys, Dr. Londo's laboratory was still working on how to hatch another Deoxys for four years! This kind of spirit... is probably the spirit that only scientific researchers have!】

【Dr. Londo: This thing...this thing is different! ]

Dr. Londo opened his mouth to explain.

But I don’t know where to start explaining.

After all... their laboratory's research on the hatching of Deoxys... has really never stopped!

They are full of endless curiosity about the incubation conditions and formation conditions of Deoxys!

【Dr. Londo: We're not really messing around. We are verifying our experimental results!】

【Nazi: No malice, just a simple question, what did you find? 】

Dr. Londo sighed

【Dr. Londo: Yes, we did find something. Although it has not been completely confirmed, we can tell you part of what you want to hear. 】

Everyone’s eyes lit up together!

Want to hear it?

Of course I want to hear it!

Talk about it!

Say it quickly!

The sooner you say it, the better!

【Dr. Londo: Just as Dr. Omu speculated before, according to our research, although Deoxys are elves from the universe, they did not originally have a complete form in the universe.】

【Dr. Londo: Deoxys should be an elf formed by the DNA of a cosmic virus attached to the meteorite, which mutated after being exposed to the aurora!】

【Dr. Lundo: The irradiation frequency in our laboratory is to simulate the aurora irradiation frequency as much as possible! If our experiment succeeds, it means that our speculation about the origin of Deoxys is true! 】



Fuck fuck fuck!

Shocking thunder!

Dr. Londo’s words shocked a group of people!

What is... a spirit that is created when the DNA of a cosmic virus attached to a meteorite mutates when exposed to the aurora?

The origin of Deoxys... is really a bit too fierce!

My Deoxys is awesome!

The origin of Deoxys is too fierce!

It was so violent that many viewers almost couldn't react! in the screen.

Miss Junsha and Dr. Londo also looked unresponsive when they saw Deoxys actually starting to capture humans.

"He is actually capturing humans?"

"What exactly does Deoxys want to do?"

Before Dr. Rodo could come up with a reason,

Rayquaza's figure had already arrived!

He flew half way around the world just to beat Deoxys!

Rayquaza opened his mouth and fired a destructive death ray!

From the direction of the sky, he shot Attacking Deoxys in the city!

An even more unexpected scene appeared!

Deoxys crossed his arms together!

A huge, half-bowl-shaped protective shield!

It shrouded the city directly!

Rayquaza's attack was also blocked!

The audience silently raised a question mark

"wait wait wait? Deoxys...did he really protect this city just now?"

"no? I’m confused now too! What exactly does Deoxys want to do?"

"The front legs are still catching humans, and the back legs are starting to protect human cities again... My brain is very confused now! Very confusing! It’s completely impossible to guess what Deoxys wants to do!"


【Karuna: In the situation just now... Deoxys really used his protective shield to protect the entire city, right?】

【Cattleya: Yes. If Rayquaza's attack hits Deoxys... not only Deoxys will be affected, but also the humans in the city who have not had time to evacuate!】

【Yan Kai: So is this Deoxys a good elf or a bad elf?】

【Dora Sena: Haha~ The quality of elves cannot be judged from a human perspective. From the perspective that Deoxys is protecting the human city, it is better to say... Deoxys is protecting his unborn companions in this city. 】

Uh huh huh?

When the audience thought about it... it seemed to make sense!

Compared to protecting humans.

What Deoxys wants to protect even more is probably the companion he has not found yet!

【Pachira: That's what I say, but I have to admit that - while Deoxys wanted to protect his companions, he also really protected this city, and this kind of city is still active. of human beings! 】



The eyes of the audience looking at Deoxys gradually became complicated.

How to judge what Deoxys did...

It's hard to say!

It’s really hard to say!


In the picture -

Deoxys' protective shield covers the entire city!

It also cuts off communication within and outside the city.

The entire city's power system has entered energy saving mode!

The operation of infrastructure has also stopped! And it became extremely difficult for Rayquaza to enter the city and beat up Deoxys....

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