Chapter 263 Xiaozhi, the successor of Dr. Oak’s will!

Dr. Oak:"……"

Can you speak?

One by one!

They can't even speak!

What does it mean to be a boy? He has the same personality as Xiaozhi!

In order of precedence, Xiaozhi’s character is similar to him, right?

Nothing else matters.

But this order must not be reversed!

Next to him, President Damalanqi:"……"

You also said that Xiaozhi and you are not related by blood!

Do you believe this?

Dr. Oak:...Letter! I believe!

President Damalanqi was choked by Dr. Omu's honesty.

He wanted to say something else.

Then I saw Xiaozhi's biological mother and son, Ms. Hanako.

President Damalanqi silently... silently shut up.

All right.

He believed it. after all.

Hanako's vision can't be so bad, right?

As for the similarity in character between Dr. Oak and Xiaozhi... probably because.

Xiaozhi is the descendant of Dr. Oak.

Growing up in Zhenxin Town.

As the only elf doctor in Zhenxin Town, Dr. Oak's influence on Xiaozhi must not be ordinary! even.

Dr. Oak has already played the role of a father in Xiaozhi's childhood!


In the picture - the boy with short brown hair had just finished speaking.

Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang stood up together

"I'll go with you too!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

With that said, the three people began to introduce themselves.

Xiaogang, a very good elf breeder.

Xiaoxia, who calls herself the beautiful girl of the world.

Finally, there is Xiaozhi, who dreams of becoming a Pokémon master.

And Xiaozhi's partner, Pika867 Hill


The young man listened to their words and also said

"Hello, my name is Xuecheng!"

Audiences all over the world are almost indifferent.



It's the name of a boy with short brown hair!

Is there anything special about it?

It should be the same as those who appeared in the previous inventory, just an ordinary human life!

Only There were a few people who noticed the specialness of this name.

The first one to react was Kikuko, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto!

The moment she heard the name"Yukikinari", she turned her head slightly. He looked at Dr. Ohki with surprise and smiled.


What Xuechunari?

Ohki... Xukinari?

Now that he is old and has a successful career, the image of Dr. Ohki in the hearts of people all over the world - Pokémon Research Community Master!

Everyone respectfully calls him"Dr. Omu".

As for what Dr. Omu did when he was young... Dr. Omu's full name... no one pays attention!

No one checks carefully!

So naturally few people know about it. , Dr. Ohki’s full name is Ohki Yukinari!

But as an old rival who once competed with Dr. Ohki for the championship, can Kikuko still not know it?

Kikuko not only knows it.

Every year, she still finds time to severely insult several people. What sentence!

Damn Oki Yukinari!


That guy is already a champion!

He just felt that there was no more suitable opponent, so he patted his butt and went to explore unknown areas!

That is to say, he went to conduct elf research!

Kikuko knew it at the beginning When this happened, I was so angry that I didn’t contact Dr. Oki for several years!

Even if he let it go later,

Kikuko would still talk a few words when fighting in her own gym.


That guy Oki Yukinari is wasting himself. Talent and strength!

Eliminate some of Kikuko's prejudices against Dr. Ohki.

What she has to admit is... young Ohki Yukinari is definitely a capable guy!

Xiaozhi and young Yukinari join forces...


No no No!

Juzi is not worried about their safety or Celebi's safety at all.

What she is worried about now is the safety of their opponents!

I hope these two people will be more restrained!

Don't just toss people out for good or bad!

It's not appropriate!

Really Inappropriate!


Team Rocket base.

Sakaki's brows wrinkled slightly


"Xuecheng... I always feel... I seem to have heard this name somewhere?"

Sakaki thought for a long time but didn't think of it.

He didn't continue to embarrass himself.

Forget it!

If you don't think of it, just let it go!

Maybe you will think of it after a while!


In the picture - the camera turns.

The Rocket trio, who had been chasing Xiaozhi all the way, crashed again as expected.

Then he was hung on a tree!

The Rocket trio elongated their bodies like a lithe cat strip.

Let your figure hanging on the tree float in the wind!

Ah...this is indeed the most silly and sweet trio in the Rockets!

When I think about it, the bad guys chasing Celebi this time are from Team Rocket.

The eyes of the audience looking at these three guys gradually became complicated.

The Rocket trio were still complaining.

Even if they ask, they don't know where they were forced to land.

The trio was noisy. at this time.

They saw Xiaozhi and his party walking towards this direction.

Team Rocket trio:"!!!"

Discovered, discovered!

The lively combination of Chitou and Pikachu!


"Fuck fuck fuck! Why did these three guys just land in Celebi's forest?"

"Is Xiaozhi the protagonist or they are the protagonists? No one is so lucky!"

"Myocardial infarction! It smells like a heart attack!"

Everyone can only pray... that the Rockets trio can do something good this time! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Don't help others!

Although... the Rockets trio seem to be related to Team Rocket itself is a group!

In the picture,

Xiaozhi and the others did not find the trio of Team Rocket at the top of the big tree.

They were walking along the road where they found the snow.

From time to time, they looked at the grass on the roadside. See if you can spot Celebi. (cefb)


Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders!

He turned in one direction without looking back!

He ran over in big strides!

Xiaozhi and his team quickly caught up!

There is... a towering tree that has fallen for many years!

Thick moss has grown on the trunk.

At this moment,

Bada Die, Hairball, Trumpet Bud, Bobo... a group of elves gathered there.

Their eyes were looking in the same direction!

Xiaozhi immediately reacted.

It's Celebi!

Celebi must be there! Xiaozhi said nothing! Rub, rub, rub!

He's as agile as a monkey monster! (Xiaogang Xiaoxia complains)

Pull the vines hanging down from the big tree and try your best to climb up!

"I'll go up too!"

Xue Cheng followed closely behind!

His skills look no worse than Xiao Zhi's!


"The arm strength is really strong!"

"This Xuecheng is quite awesome! We all know Brother Zhi's physique. Although he is just a tree climber, but he can keep up with Brother Zhi's footsteps...this Xuecheng is by no means an ordinary person!"

"The most important thing is that Xuecheng just experienced a chase with an elf poacher, right? Although forty years have passed in terms of time, for Xuecheng, the time it takes to close and open his eyes never exceeds an hour!"

In other words...

Xuecheng didn't have enough rest time at all!

Everyone couldn't help but marvel!

He is indeed the person who almost made them think he was the new protagonist!

Xuecheng still has something in him!

Da Da who heard these discussions President Ma Lanqi and Juzi.

They all looked at Dr. Omu with joking eyes.

"Dr. Omu, don’t you have any thoughts when you see such an energetic young man?"

Dr. Omu laughed.

Want to tease him?

Don't look at how thick-skinned he is!

Dr. Omu: Proud.jpg!

President Damalanchi and Juzi:"……"


I didn't expect this old guy to be so thick-skinned!


In the picture -

Xuecheng's skills are indeed good.

However, due to lack of physical strength, Xuecheng almost fell.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi caught Xuecheng in time

"It's better for you to stay down there and wait."

"No! I have no problem!"

Xue Cheng refused

"It's my responsibility not to protect Celebi well!"


It seemed as if another force came out of Xuecheng's body!

For Celebi!

He had to work hard to climb up!


Xiaozhi and Xuecheng climbed up the fallen towering tree.

In the Elf In a small tree hole where we gathered, we saw Celebi lying there!

"Is this Celebi?"

Xiao Zhi looked at the little Celebi in amazement.

His heart was full of shock.

I didn't expect!

Such a little elf has such magical power!


Xue Cheng nodded.

Then he stretched out his hand towards Celebi

"Come out Celebi!"

What is unexpected is...

Celebi seems to be in a state of stress!

Even Xuecheng, who had protected him before, made Celebi feel scared!


Celebi can release a powerful energy!

Xiaozhi and Xuecheng were all thrown away!

Gulu, Gulu -

Xiaozhi is about to roll down the tree trunk!

Xiaozhi flipped in the air to stabilize his body

"Is this something He did?!"

Xiao Zhi grabbed his hat!

"Ah - ah——!"


Xiaozhi uses his hands and feet!

Crazy rush!

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia below:"……"

"He's more like a Fiery Monkey than a Monkey Monster!"


【Wu Song: Xiaogang is indeed a companion who has traveled to several regions with Xiaozhi. This complaint is really accurate!】

【Cattleya: That’s right! He has the same skills as the monkey monster, but his temper is worse than the monkey monster... The description of the fiery monkey is very accurate!】

【Michaeli: But by the way, what are the three Rockets guys doing now? Will they know about Celebi's existence? 】

Everyone was excited! yes!

The atmosphere on Xiaozhi's side is a bit miserable and a bit too funny.

They had almost forgotten.

There's also the Team Rocket trio nearby!

And there might even be a Team Rocket bad guy looking for Celebi!


Xiaozhi quickly takes away Celebi!

The longer you stay here, the greater the danger!


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