Chapter 171 Mewtwo? It was born from a dream!

A new, strange, and 150th elf appeared in the Kanto region!

Chi and Green were stunned when they heard this! kindness?

And... is this possible?

【Dr. Oak: There are so many types of elves! No one can confirm that these discovered now are all the elves! This is the charm of elves!】

【Yulongdu: That’s right! But I think the elf who defeated Midori... wasn't some new species that humans haven't discovered, but... Mewtwo! 】

other people:"!!!"

Just ask them if they forgot something!

Turns out I forgot about Mewtwo!

Audiences all over the world showed expressions of realization!

Oh oh oh!

Because Chi's growth is so incredible!

They almost forgot!

In this review... the real protagonist is not Chi!

But Mewtwo!


Mewtwo, who was suddenly cueed, was not very happy! was ignored.

He is not happy.

Suddenly Rapture slipped out, and he was still unhappy!

Do not ask!

The question is that my self-esteem has been slightly dampened!


In the picture -

Dr. Ohki heard this.

He frowned.

Immediately afterwards.

He turned to look at Chi next to him

"Chi, even though you just came back"

"But I'm sorry!"

"Could you please take a trip to the Hualan Cave?"

The true identity of that elf...

It's hard for Dr. Oak not to care!

Chi didn't think this was an embarrassing request at all.

He said excitedly

"Of course I will go!"

"I will definitely complete the illustrated book!"

A new breed of elves has appeared.

How could he not go to the meeting for a while!

"No, Chi! do not go!"

Green reacted immediately!

He didn't care about so much! He sat up straight.

Dr. Ohmu was puzzled.

Why did he stop Chi?

Green's eyes were a little erratic. should he say this?

Such words... he How could I possibly say it out loud!

After some inner struggle, the green voice spoke slowly.

"Because...that guy is too strong!"

"Even I can't contain it!"

"So red!"

"Neither can you!"


【Karuna: Oh 27! At this moment, I suddenly got the charm of the green boy! No matter how harsh he usually talks to Chi, in the face of real danger, he will still care about Chi! Tsk tsk! So annoying! What a knock!】

【Yulongdu:...Anyway, there’s nothing I can’t do without you, right?】

【Daigo: Ahem! lets change a topic! However... Chi is indeed quite fierce in some aspects! Want to complete the illustrated book? What, are you planning to conquer Chaomeng too?】

【Cattleya: Huh? I said I thought there was something wrong with Chi's dialogue, and it turned out to be this! Hiss——Conquer Mewtwo? This means that the ignorant have nothing to fear, right?】

【Sirona: Actually, if Chi really wants to do this……】

【Mewtwo: Ha! Humanity! Even in a parallel world, this Master Chaomeng will never be conquered! 】

Sirona hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Chaomeng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared in everyone's sight!

Shhh – the chat room is silent.

Stop talking, stop talking!

This topic cannot be discussed any more!

If they keep talking, they will be turned into watches by Mewtwo!


Mewtwo crossed his arms!

Lift your chin!


"That's right!"

"This Chaomeng-sama is so easily accepted……"

"Miao Miao Miao~?"

Mewtwo's words were interrupted by Mew.

Chaomeng understood what Mew was talking about, and his expression suddenly became strange. what? What!

What does this say?


Even if it’s Xiaozhi, so what!

He is the majestic Lord Mewtwo!

It is absolutely impossible to succumb to others...

Chaomeng said, his voice became smaller and smaller... smaller and smaller! kindness!

He didn’t think about anything anyway!


In the picture - listening to Midori's words.

That moment.

A lot of things flashed through Chi's mind! journal? curtain?

Moist water vapor?

But... what is that?

Chi can’t remember!

Midori looked at Chi, lost in memories.

Wake up Chi loudly!

What are you doing!

Talking to him and being half in a daze?

Did you take him seriously?

"I still want to go!"

Chi's words shut up Green.

How should I put it...

He was really not surprised at all by Chi's answer!

Chasing unknown and powerful elves is the nature of every trainer!

"……Seriously, I want that elf so bad!"

Green suddenly said

"If I can get such a powerful elf, I can beat you next time!"

It was with this thought in mind that

Green went to the Cerulean Cave... and encountered this kind of thing!

Neither Chi nor Dr. Oak knew what to say.

This kind of thing... can only be thought of by Green. OK!

The camera turned.

We arrived at the Elf House in Ziyuan Town.


Slowly type a question mark. kindness?

Any clues here?

They saw the conversation between Reina and Old Man Fuji.

Rena told Old Man Fuji.

Recently, a very powerful super elf appeared in Cerulean Cave, even defeating an alliance champion!

Hear the words.

The old man Fuji looked stunned.

"Super power system……"

"Is that guy still alive?"


Champion Gym Leaders:"?"


【Yulongdu: That last scene! It’s that last shot! What a huge amount of information! Does Old Man Fuji know Mewtwo?】

【Kona: You can take a bold guess! Maybe Old Man Fuji has something to do with the birth of Mewtwo!】


【Mi Keli:!!!】

【Sheba: Wait...wait! My mind is almost spinning! Isn’t Old Man Fuji a kind and good man? Why is he involved in the birth of Mewtwo?!】

【Kazuki: This kind of thing...who knows! Besides, who knows what old Fuji was like when he was young? By the way, is there such a person as Old Man Fuji in our world?】

【Lijia: No!】

【Nazi: No! I have never heard of such a person in Ziyuan Town! 】

Li Jia and Na Zi are not too far away from Ziyuan Town.

They were very sure.

I have never heard of such a person in Ziyuan Town!

The Elf House or something like that... doesn't even exist!

The others nodded.

But he didn't let go easily.

Who knows... it's because there is no such person as Old Man Fuji in their world.


Old Man Fuji did not come to Ziyuan Town!

Chaomeng’s identity is really special!

Old Man Fuji actually knows about Mewtwo!

There must be a problem!


In the picture -

Dr. Omu asked people to help Chi adjust the status of all the elf balls.


Dr. Ohki discovered the mega stone and key stone that Akira carried with him! pity.

Dr. Omu also did not recognize the role of these two stones.

Audiences:"!" has a problem!

Old man Fuji really has a problem!

Because...Old Man Fuji knows about mega stones and key stones!


Being just knowledgeable.

Dr. Oki, who was acquainted with the old man Fuji, did not recognize the role of these two stones!


Where did Old Man Fuji know this?

The audience noticed.

It seemed like there was a huge conspiracy slowly unfolding in front of them!


Just a little bit closer!

They can see it all! in the screen.

Let go of the Mega Stone and Key Stone.

Chi finally remembered!

That sentence!

Why does Green's sentence sound so familiar!

Red Lotus Island!

Elf Mansion!

That diary he saw!

【Wu Song: I suddenly remembered something!】



【Wu Song: Why is the diary on Honglian Island? Does this have anything to do with the gym leader of Red Lotus Island? This diary looks very important at first glance!】

【Xia Bo:...Bah, bah, bah! I am not such a person who does not do good things! Don't slander people!】

【Daigo: It’s not like I’m slandering you. After all, we are talking about the Red Lotus Gym Leader in the parallel world!】

【Xia Bo:……】

I believe you guys!

Even if it’s him in a parallel world! (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He must not be a villain who does evil things!

Xia Bo is so confident in himself!


In the picture -

Chi quickly told Dr. Ohki all the news he remembered!

Discover new species of elves!

Named Mew!

After half a year.

Through fantasy.

They researched and created a brand new elf!

Named Mewtwo again by them!

Another half year passed.

There is this sentence in the diary -

Elf - Mewtwo is too powerful! No more! Even I can't contain it!

(In the Pokémon Origins anime, Mewtwo was Mew’s child! I couldn’t accept it, so I changed it back to the setting in the game.)

After finishing this story.

The first thing Chi thought of was Mewtwo!

The elf in Cerulean Cave...could it be Mewtwo?

Dr. Ohmu did not answer this question immediately.

Instead he said

"I see!"

"The owner of that diary should belong to Dr. Fuji!"

Dr. Fuji?

What's going on?

Chi looked at Dr. Omu blankly.

Dr. Omu told Chi another old man Fuji. Once upon a time -

Dr. Fuji was known as the most powerful scholar in the field of elf research!

However, since the discovery After discovering new elves, the doctor’s research was regarded as heresy!

The reason...

It’s because

Dr. Fuji wanted to artificially create the most powerful elves!

Chi:"!" other people:"!"

Doesn't this just match Chaomeng's identity?

As for whether Old Man Fuji and Dr. Fuji are the same person?

Dr. Ohki picked up the mega stone and key stone that old man Fuji gave to Chi.

This is the proof!

There is a very strong exchange of energy in these two stones!

One of them had a strong reaction when approaching Charizard!

This thing... just matches a study done by Dr. Fuji!

The specifics...

Dr. Ohki can't even remember it!

"In short, you and Charizard just need to bring these two stones!"

Chi nodded.

He suddenly asked again

"But...why was this diary left at the Red Lotus Island Elf Mansion?"

Old man Fuji doesn't live there!

Others nodded repeatedly!

Good question!

They also want to know the answer to this question!

"Oh, this!"

"Because Dr. Fuji and Xia Bo are very close friends!"

"The two of them had worked together at the Guren Research Institute before!"

"Probably because of this reason……"


【Yulongdu: Xia Bo, you……】

【Xiba: Xia Bo you……】

【Kona: Xia Bo, are you really……】


【Xia Bo: I’m not, I’m not, don’t talk nonsense! Mewtwo’s research really has nothing to do with me! I do not know anything! I'm just an old man who specializes in fire elves!】

【Cattleya: Ahem! calm down! We haven’t said anything yet! What are you so anxious about? 】

Xia Bo:"……"


Can he not be anxious? He!

But let’s talk a little later.

Mewtwo might be coming! after all.

Making Mewtwo is such a thing.

It definitely requires a lot of researchers to work together to make it possible!

Will Chaomeng hold a grudge against him because of this...


He doesn't gamble!

Can't bet at all!

This requires risking your life!

【Dama Lanqi: Xia Bo, you...hey! never mind! It’s you in a parallel world, I understand! I understand it all! 】

But... the leader of their alliance.

Why do you always have such a weird identity?

The only thing Damalanqi is lucky about is...that such a thing will never happen to champions and kings! enough! 233

This is enough to comfort him!


In the picture -

Chi embarks on the road to Hualan Cave!

Conquering the elf that was probably Mewtwo... something like that.

Chi simply couldn’t refuse!

And just like everyone else thought.

The powerful elf in the Cerulean Cave.

It’s Mewtwo’s original dream!

Standing in front of Mewtwo while riding Lapras.

Just open your mouth!

"You are Mewtwo!"

"Please let me conquer you!" audience:"……"

Mewtwo in the real world:"……" no?

Such words.

How did you do it, when this person's elf said it openly and openly!

Chi: Huh? Any questions? I really want to conquer Mewtwo! in the screen.

As soon as Chi came up, he took out the Frozen Bird!


Mewtwo can regenerate itself!

Frozen Bird's attack has no effect on Mewtwo at all! red:"!"

Actually even the legendary Pokémon are no match for Mewtwo?!


No no no!

Chi's determination to conquer Chaomeng is even stronger!

However... if even Frozen Bird can't defeat Mewtwo... the only thing Chi can think of is.

Just Charizard!




Dr. Ohki Research Institute

"look at you!"

"Look at people again!"

"Why didn't you think about subduing that Mewtwo back then?"

"Compared with Chi, you have an advantage!"

"At least, you have a good impression of Mewtwo, right?"

Xiao Mao watched Chi fighting against Mewtwo. At the same time, he looked at Xiao Zhi with a look of hatred! This guy who doesn't know how to cherish!

That's a mythical beast! A legendary Pokémon!

How many people dream of it!

It's directly placed in front of It's in front of Xiaozhi!

But Xiaozhi has no idea at all!


Xiao Zhi scratched his head and said seriously

"But...we need to see what Chaomeng thinks first, right?"

"What Mewtwo said……"

Xiaozhi recalled what he saw during the inventory.

He said with certainty

"He should care more about the elves he cloned! That's part of his responsibility!"

"Mewtwo won't leave them behind!"

"I can't do that either!"

Xiao Mao became quiet.

He looked at Xiao Zhi with an indescribable look.

Xiao Gang next to him heard the words.

He smiled happily and reached out to pat Xiao Zhi on the shoulder.

"That’s right!"

"Xiaozhi doesn't have to think so much, just stick to what he wants to do!"

Different from the oblivious Xiaozhi and the overly persistent Xiaomao,

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia from the perspective of outsiders can understand better.

Why those mythical beasts like Xiaozhi!

It's very simple!

Who can help it? Do you like a pure heart?

The more you see dark elves, the more you cannot refuse those gentle and powerful lights!

To them, Xiaozhi is such an existence!


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