Chapter 133 The truth! Humanity deserves its own consequences!

Fortunately, the quality of the Pot of Punishment is indeed excellent!

Just like when Gulis sealed Hupa, it was the moment when the lid of the pot was opened.

Da Hupa's power was frantically extracted and sealed into the pot!


The huge impact of power made it impossible for Mei Yali to hold the pot of punishment firmly!

At the moment when you are about to let go!

She firmly closed the lid!

Seal - success!

Hoopa has transformed back into little Hoopa!

The exhausted little Hoopa could no longer maintain his suspended posture in the air.

It fell straight towards the ground!


"Cheer up!"

Ash didn't say anything!

He rushed forward and caught Hupa!

Little Hupa fell into Xiao Zhi's arms, with weakness and fear written on his face!

"very scary!"


Everyone who heard what Little Hupa said showed confused expressions.

Little Hupa...what are you talking about?

Mei Yali took the tired-looking Little Hupa from Xiaozhi's arms.

She looked at him with concern. to Him

"How are you? Hupa?"

Facing Mei Yali, little Hupa felt even more aggrieved!

"very scary……"

"It's almost's so dark in scary……"

"Hoopa... will disappear!"

Hupa felt aggrieved.

As he spoke, a dark scene flashed in his mind!

Little Hupa was even more frightened!


【Daigo:...Is the situation really going wrong? Little Hupa... seems to be really controlled by some force? ? ? But isn't there something wrong? Doesn’t the power sealed in the Pot of Punishment belong to Hupa?】

【Karuna: Hiss—this situation... I have never seen it before! Or is it true that what is sealed in the Pot of Punishment is an evil part of Hupa? Because he was released, he regained control of his body?】

【Adek: That’s not right! Wouldn’t those who sealed Hoopa tell their descendants that the evil side of Hoopa was in the Pot of Punishment? If they knew better, they would never do such a thing!】

【Mayali: Ah... my great-grandfather said that the Pot of Punishment simply sealed the power belonging to Hupa, and it was not an evil force! But these powers have been sealed for too long, and coupled with the possible invasion of evil thoughts, this part of the power has developed an evil will!】

【Balza: I'm so sorry! In the future, without knowing that there is a problem with the power, we want to return the power to Hoopa without authorization! That’s what caused these things! I'm so sorry! 】



Everyone immediately guessed the identities of these two people.

Unexpectedly, these two children could also speak in the chat room.

But blame or something……

【Kikuko: It's not your fault. Simply speaking, little Hoopa is a good boy. You who want to give His power back are also good children! Good children should not be condemned for this unexpected situation!】

【Karuna: Yes, yes! This cannot be said to be your fault! But what about the invasion of evil thoughts and the birth of new evil will? Is there really some misunderstanding in Hupa's story that we don't know about?】

【Mayali: Well...yes! Brothers and sisters, you should be able to see it if you keep reading! 】

Mayali and Balza, who are still children themselves: It’s not that we don’t want to explain!

It’s really because it’s too troublesome to explain!

Big brothers and sisters, let’s watch the light curtain!

They will definitely explain it in the future!


On the other side of the screen.

Serena wanted to pick up the Pot of Punishment that fell aside

"etc! do not touch!"

"There's something evil in there!"

Balza stopped Serena in time!

"I am controlled by it!"

"The reason why Hupa made such a fuss may also be for this reason!"

Balza stretched out a hand and felt the power coming from the Pot of Punishment.

"If you touch it, your mind will be taken away!"

Neither humans nor elves can touch it directly.

Fortunately, there is also Citron, a"genius inventor"!

With the help of his scientific power, the Pot of Punishment was successfully recovered!

"This kid needs a good rest."

"Then go to the elf center closest to here!"

We need to take little Hupa to the elf center.

The nearest elf center is on the other side of the river. It is the elf center in Desert City.

Hearing this,

Mei Yali showed a worried expression!

"But...if Hupa starts making trouble will be the same as a hundred years ago!"

Xiao Zhi heard a key word

"A hundred years ago?!"

Is it such a long time?!

Balza nodded and agreed with this time.


One hundred years!

"A hundred years ago, Hupa destroyed this city!"

Balza turned his head and looked at Desert City behind him.

There were busy cars and high-rise buildings.

"That was a hundred years ago, no one could have imagined"

"What happened here!"

The next second, these modern landscapes turned into a city in the desert that has not yet developed. You can vaguely see the greenery!


The audience who heard this looked slightly surprised. It turns out... at the beginning Is the small town where Hupa appeared in today's Desert City?

The difference... is a bit big!

One hundred years!

Just a hundred years!

The once sparsely populated and unremarkable town. It has turned into a large city with row upon row of rows?!

This... this speed is too fast!

The development speed of a region is related to the local economy, crops, location and other factors.

They don't know much about Desert City.

But Everyone, please understand!

A city located in the desert wants to develop rapidly.

Unless there are important irreplaceable resources in the local area, it will not be easy!

…… in the screen——

"Desert City used to be a small town."

As Balza slowly talked about Desert City a hundred years ago, the audience also saw the desolate appearance of Desert City.

"At that time, Hupa came here"

"He casually ate the food on the street!"

The audience watched Hupa emerge from Guan Guanghuan and eat most of the food on the street.

Then he was yelled at by a local vendor and asked for money!

Audience:"!" fierce!

This person who wants money is really fierce!

Speaking of which...couldn't Hupa be mad because of this?

Immediately afterwards.

I saw Hupa in the picture emerging from the halo!

A halo floats above Hoopa's head!

Get bigger!

The next second.

Countless gold and silver treasures tilted out from the halo!

"Hupa told the angry people that he wanted to make amends, and then took out countless gold and silver treasures!"

"Towns began to develop as a result!"

Meiyali's voice outlined the scene.

When they saw those people rushing excitedly towards the hills of gold and silver, the audience had mixed emotions.

How should I put it... uh... it's water... this Doesn’t there seem to be something wrong with the development and direction?


【Sirona: I am now more and more certain that Hupa went crazy and summoned mythical beasts to destroy the town, which was caused by other factors!】

【Karunai: Look at these people, do you need to talk?"It is said that Hoopa's desire for treasure uprooted the entire castle where the treasure was once hidden", this is not Hoopa's desire at all! It should be the desire of these people!】

【Pakila:...Suddenly I feel a little pitiful about Hupa. What's going on? Hupa, who had just entered human society, didn't understand anything. He wanted to apologize for choosing the wrong way, but the humans didn't stop Hupa? Very happy! They even used this wealth to develop the town! What kind of villain is this?】

【Daigo: All the people are evil...that's not the case! But they didn't stop Hupa's wrong behavior in time. It was indeed... alas!】

【Yulongdu: Nothing to say. Even if they are not all evil people, there is no excuse for these people not controlling their greed and desires! Because of them, Hupa also suffered a notoriety equal to his own! ] said.

Everyone sighed together!


This...such truth really makes people feel complicated!

They used to be.

Thinking that Hupa is some kind of mythical beast that does all kinds of evil.

Avoid Hupa!

But now I suddenly tell them.

Not so!

Hupa's evil... is spreading rumors!

It's been misunderstood!

He is burdened with a reputation that does not belong to him!

And the one who caused everything... is still human beings! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just... hey!

Some things I don’t even know how to say!

【Kagetsu: Hoopa’s’s hard to say. There is an element of indifference between good and evil, but from the big Hoopa's attempt to use treasure to make amends, and the innocent behavior of the little Hoopa, it can be seen that Hoopa is not the kind of spirit whose mind is only destruction and destruction!】

【Hanayue: In other words, if someone can give Hupa the right guidance and companionship, Hupa can definitely become a good elf!】

【Dr. Buratano: The trainer’s guidance of the elves is a very important part of the elf’s growth! Just like Xiaozhi’s Charizard! Ash's Koga Ninja! The growth trajectories and final character formation of elves who grow up in the company of love are completely different from those of elves who do not receive guidance! A negative example is Mewtwo! 】


Chaomeng: This Chaomeng-sama has not provoked anyone!


Don't use him as a negative example, okay?!

【Dr. Bratano: Hupa went down the wrong path just when he needed to be guided by the right person the most! I can already imagine what kind of evil consequences Hupa who grew up in such an environment will have in the end! 】

The audience sighed.

What kind of consequences?

What other consequences could there be? destroy!

The town was almost completely destroyed!

But how did everything come to that point? The audience is still a little confused and curious.

…… in the screen——


"Hupa began to help people prepare a place for them to live and provide food to him to fulfill their wishes!"

Balza said as he took Xiaozhi and his party on the boat to the Elf Center in Desert City.

"Fulfill...a wish?"

When Xiaozhi heard this word, he had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Is this... really possible?!

Balza nodded.


Make your wish come true!

Hupa can definitely do it!

In the memory, the residents of the town enshrined Hupa!

They gave Hupa a lot of food!

And they stood not far away, praising Hupa loudly!

"You look big and strong!"

"Will you win in a competition with other elves?"

One day, the residents of Desert City, who had no worries about food and clothing, suddenly came up with a new idea!

They wanted to watch Hupa fight with other elves!

Hupa, who was lying lazily, sat up instantly

"'Hopa is strong!"

Hupa, who wanted to prove his strength.

He defeated Kuailong!

He agreed to the big steel snake!

The residents of the town were watching!


Treat the battle between Hupa and other elves as a performance!

Hupa Fighting with other elves!

They gave countless compliments and praises!


Hupa was lost in this feeling and praise!


He will continue to show his power!

"But...this made Hupa even more serious!"

"Even summon legendary elves!"

"Finally, Hoopa starts to lose control in order to show his power!"

The picture returned to the original scene.

One by one, the mythical beasts were summoned by Hupa!

Hupa had an excited smile on his face!

But the audience who saw this no longer had any sympathy for Hupa in their hearts. Fear!

Some of it is just...anger towards human beings!

This... what the hell is this!

"It was at that time that our great-grandfather sealed Hoopa's power with the Pot of Punishment."

"Hupa has also become what he is now!"

Balza and Mayali told the story in full.

Xiaozhi and the others were stunned for a long time. They were speechless for a long time.

This... this is really difficult to evaluate!

Hupa did it. No.

But they couldn't support those humans!

And the final bitter fruit and punishment fell on Hupa...

Little Hupa didn't take these things to heart.

"Hehe~ Were you scared?~!"


"Woohoo! Scared! Scared! Little Hoopa is so cute!"

"The large Hupa is so cute too! Why wasn't Ash the first person Hupa met? Or the great-grandfather who sealed Hoopa's power? With their guidance, Hupa would never have grown crooked!"

"Listening to Hupa’s cute voice, I can’t get scared at all! I even feel that I would be very happy if Little Hoopa scolded me! Ahhhh! I'm really not a pervert!"

A group of people held their heads and roared wildly!


The little Hupa is so cute!

Really so cute!

Especially after knowing.

Everything that happened before was all a misunderstanding.

Hupa is not an evil one. After the elf, everyone couldn't control themselves even more!

I like it!

I really like this Hupa!


【Cattleya: Hupa...Hupa is a bit pathetic! If that's what happened...can Hoopa be blamed? It’s obvious that the residents have nothing to do when they’re full!】

【Cattleya: Just use Hupa's ability greedily to satisfy your own desires! After eating, there is nothing to do! You are so busy that you want Hupa to perform for them, right? If Hupa had a softer character, he would be constantly exploited and exploited by these people!】

【Karuna: Bah! A bunch of hot chicks! Forget it if you don’t learn well! He actually dragged the ignorant elf into the water with him! Hot chicken! Little spicy chicken!】

【Sirona: You're right, these humans are just too busy! Elves are not items! Not a tool! Not a toy for them to enjoy! Elves are also independent individuals with self-awareness and self-thought! 】

Three women squirted together! gas!


I was very angry when I asked!

Cattleya and Kalunai were always rude people.

Relatively speaking, Sirona has a gentler personality.

But this time.

Sirona squirted too!

Do not ask!

Asking is about those human beings who hate iron but not steel!

Full of resentment and unwillingness!'s obvious that there are plenty of opportunities, so you don't have to go that far!


Just because of the greedy desires of those villagers.

Let things slide towards the abyss step by step!

Compared to Hoopa's mistake.

Sirona is even more shameless for what she did to those humans!

【Daigo: Hey... I can only say that not everyone can maintain their true feelings in the face of overwhelming wealth. Some things are destined long ago! Residents of small towns living in a bad environment simply cannot resist the pleasure of getting something for nothing! Hupa's cooperation and obedience caused them to lose their recent respect for the elves! That things would come to that... I'm really not surprised at all! 】.

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