Chapter 104 Dr. Omu: This is the power of love! Convinced!

They have not forgotten Xiaozhi on Tianqing Mountain!

Can't forget it either!


In the picture - the first one to move is Pikachu


The moment Pikachu saw Ash fall, his voice was full of panic, and he ran wildly in Ash's direction!



Its master... its trainer... its Ash!

Pikachu, who was scarred and had never fought back against his own clone, finally stood by Ash's side.

Looking at Xiaozhi who was lying motionless on the ground, Pikachu seemed to be confused in his eyes.



Why don't you respond to me?

Pikachu called Xiaozhi again and again, but didn't get any answer.

Pikachu didn't believe it.

That's not the case!

Xiaozhi... As long as it calls Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi will definitely respond to it!

Pikachu didn't believe it and tried to push Xiaozhi

"pickup truck……"


Get up!

Xiaozhi, you lazy idiot, get up!

Pikachu continued to push Xiaozhi one after another in a daze and unwillingness to give up.

It doesn't doesn't accept!

Pikachu, who had no intention of giving up, released a hundred thousand volts at Ash.

Just like it used to call Xiaozhi who was lying in bed to wake up every day!

As long as one hundred thousand volts are used...

Xiaozhi will definitely jump out of bed screaming!

Then shout its name in an annoyed voice!

However... the lightning dissipated.

Xiaozhi remained motionless.

Countless spectators saw this and turned their heads unbearably.

Pikachu... Xiaozhi has... can no longer react...

Tears fell unconsciously from his eyes at some point.

The Pikachu in the picture still refuses to accept this reality.


What reality?

All Pikachu knew was that Ash was asleep!

What it has to do now is to find a way to wake up Xiaozhi! right!

Wake up Xiaozhi!

If one hundred thousand volts is not enough, then get another one!

"Pikachu!" once

"Pikachu——!" twice

……five times……

……ten times……


Pikachu's electric light looked particularly dazzling in the dim field.

One hundred thousand volts one after another made Pikachu unable to hold on and began to pant.

But Pikachu still doesn't give up!

Can't! wants to wake up Xiaozhi!

Until Pikachu runs out of power and can no longer release any power.

Pikachu at this moment.

Only then did I finally realize -

Xiaozhi is no longer here!

Its no longer here!


Pikachu stared at Xiaozhi, tears kept falling down Pikachu's face, and fell in big drops on the ground!

A sad atmosphere swept the entire castle





White Sea Lion, Gyarados, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard...all the elves present.

Whether it’s Xiaozhi’s elf or not!

Whether it was the original body or the clone, they all shed tears!

They are life!

They can understand what Xiaozhi has done for them!


【Yulongdu: Woohoo! No more! I can not make it! I cried too! Xiaozhi! Let Xiaozhi survive!】

【Sheba: Ash... is a real hero! Xiaozhi should live well!】

【Kona: What original body and clone? The tears they cried together proved what Xiaozhi said, whether they are originals or replicas, they are all new lives! A life that has no connection and no need to compare!】

【Karuna: Xiaozhi will be fine, right? It will definitely happen, right? Xiaozhi will be able to defeat Jindai and me in the future! It's impossible to fall down in a place like this, right?】

【Jindai: That’s right! We have to believe Xiaozhi! A miracle will definitely happen to Xiaozhi! 】

this moment.

Neither Karuna nor Jindai was in the mood to argue.

What's the fuss about?

Xiaozhi’s question is the most important at this time!

What is black history or not? In the face of the problem of Xiaozhi's survival, everything can be thrown aside!

They are so eager!

Looking forward to it!

See Xiaozhi wake up!

But what weighs more heavily on their hearts is... can Xiaozhi really wake up?

Could this scene on the light screen...happen to Xiaozhi in a parallel world?

Then Ash can no longer...


Think about this for a while!

Will not!

Definitely not!


But he is the most capable of creating miracles!

They have to believe Xiaozhi!


"Brother Zhi... Can Brother Zhi really still wake up? Without the help of Phoenix King? Only Mewtwo and Mew……"

"Woohoo! I cried to death! Isn’t Brother Zhi in this parallel world worthy of King Feng’s resurrection armor? Can the world survive without Brother Zhi? cannot! The world without Brother Zhi is just trying to hold on!"

"Brother Zhi! Brother Zhi, come back quickly! This world cannot be without Brother Zhi’s love for the elves! Woohoo! My poor brother Zhi!"

Countless viewers cried to death for Xiaozhi.

The sound of wailing filled every corner of the world!

While calling King Phoenix's name, they were also looking forward to... the arrival of a miracle!

Brother Zhi deserves it!

Xiaozhi deserves it. All miracles come for him!

Tokiwa Gym.

The Rocket trio hugged each other and cried.


"Don’t die, little devil!"

"What will we do if you die?"

"You are our best opponent! You must live well!"


All three of them cried miserably.

Very sincerely.


True love is unmistakable!


Even bad guys like Sakaki don't have much affection for the Elf Alliance and the so-called good guys.

After seeing what Xiaozhi did, they couldn't help but fell silent.

Crying bitterly.

He can't do it.

But he wasn't moved at all...

Sakaki couldn't do it either!

In order to prevent the so-called meaningless fight between elves, he would risk his own life?

Sakaki would never be able to do such a thing!


Sakaki was deeply shocked by Xiaozhi who could do this!

Humans...can humans actually do this?

Such Xiaozhi... Such a heart...

Sakaki looked at Mewtwo in the light screen without saying a word.

Didn't see the end.

Sakaki has already guessed Mewtwo's choice.

Compared to others.

He knows nothing about Mewtwo!

Do it before seeing this video.

Sakaki doesn't accept this choice!

Even if he uses unfair means such as kidnapping, coercion, inducement, etc., Sakaki will definitely bring Chaomeng back!


Sakaki started to think seriously.

Not as the boss of the Rockets.

But as a...trainer who still has love and conscience for elves!


How sad the audience cried.

The elves in the light curtain were crying so sadly!

Even worse! because.

They really felt Xiaozhi's kind presence!

Again -

Xiaozhi is worth it! at this time!

Someone noticed something wrong!

In the picture - a miracle is happening!

Tears fell in big drops from the elves present.

Those tears glowed like stars!

Tears no longer drip towards the ground.

Instead, under the control of some unknown force, they gathered towards Xiaozhi in the center of the dark field!

Countless tears are gathered together, like a galaxy of bright stars!

Incomparable beauty! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The petrified Xiaozhi began to sparkle!

Finally, Pikachu’s tears!

The moment they converge into Xiaozhi's body -

Xiaozhi is glowing!

Ash becomes light! (cross out)


Pikachu looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Xiaozhi's body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From a stone statue to a soft body.

All the colors returned to Xiaozhi's body.


Xiaozhi moved!

Ash raised his head from the ground on his elbows.

The first thing he met was Pikachu's eyes

"pickup truck……"

Pikachu opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiaozhi in front of him.


Ash smiled and called out Pikachu's name!

At this moment!

Pikachu couldn't bear it anymore!


Pikachu jumped into Xiaozhi's arms!

It was that fresh and soft embrace!

It hugged Xiaozhi tightly!

It felt the fresh life from Xiaozhi!


Its Xiaozhi Wake up!


"Long live! Xiaozhi is alive! Xiaozhi is alive!"

"Very good! Xiaozhi is finally alive again!"

"I just said, a miracle will definitely happen to Xiaozhi!"

"Brother Zhi is awesome! Long live Brother Zhi! Brother Zhi is great!"

Countless viewers hugged each other tightly after seeing this!


So happy! At this moment.

No one will be jealous of Xiaozhi!

No one will be envious of Xiaozhi!


This is all Xiaozhi. Well deserved!


【Yulongdu: OK, OK! It’s so good! Woohoo! I finally saw a happy ending!】

【Dan Emperor: Xiaozhi’s efforts were not in vain! All the elves felt the kindness from Xiaozhi! This is the best ending!】

【Sirona: Even if this world does not have the test of Azure Mountain and the journey of the Rainbow Hero, Xiaozhi’s identity will always be the brave and enthusiastic Rainbow Hero! The one who can create miracles!】

【Adek: Hahaha! Maybe? Chitaro will definitely be a legend in the future! His dream will definitely come true!】

【Karuna: Woohoo! happy! I am so happy! Seeing Xiaozhi doing well makes me feel that everything is worth it! Even if you give me another black history, I can still hold it!】

【Jindai: Huh? Miss Karuna, are you serious? How about letting Ash travel to the Kalos region after he finishes the Quartz Conference? 】


Shut up, damn Jindai!

She just said that smoothly!

This guy from Jindai is actually becoming more serious!

Damn that guy!

Karunai stopped talking!

Elf Alliance.

Damalanchi touched his beard.

The moment he saw Xiaozhi wake up, a sincere smile appeared on his gloomy face.


"Very good!"

"Xiaozhi...I knew nothing would happen to him!"

Looking at Xiaozhi's difficult journey.

Watching Xiaozhi's faith never waver along the way.

Damalanchi's sense of Xiaozhi couldn't be better!

This is the future of the new generation of the alliance!

The alliance. A new life!

Fresh blood!

When Xiaozhi grows up...those evil organizations will definitely cease to exist!

【Dr. Kukui: Then again... No? There are too many abnormal things happening to Xiaozhi! I was moved and puzzled throughout the whole process! 】

Dr. Kukui in Alola.

It has not completely connected with the Elf Alliance.

Even now, there is no Elf Alliance settled in Alola.

Dr. Kukui didn't think anything was wrong before.

But after seeing the inventory...

Dr. Kukui didn't think so! unusual!

This is so abnormal!

The things that happened to Xiaozhi...the things that happened to Xiaozhi's elf...he was full of curiosity!

Especially this video about Mewtwo!

Dr. Kukui has accumulated a lot of questions in his stomach! no?

Just the attack of Mewtwo and Mew!

If it falls on any human being, that human being will simply burp!

What turned into a stone statue?

It doesn’t exist at all!

That's not a move to petrify your opponent!

Techniques used by Mewtwo and Mew, at first glance, he was going for the little life on the opposite side!

How could it be so gentle!

And Xiaozhi’s final recovery!


Are you really sure you're not joking?

Can Tears have the ability to touch the damage caused by the attacks of two divine beasts?

If so.

I don’t know how many people are willing to cry all their tears!

Dr. Kukui: I doubt it! Very doubtful! I wonder if the alliance has developed any new technology, but they didn’t tell me!

Dr. Kukui thought so.

Dr. Kukui also complained like this in the chat room!

【Dr. Buratano: Well...I think you're really overthinking it!】

【Dr. Yew: None of those weird things!】

【Dama Lanqi: This brain circuit... is a bit magical!】

【Dr. Oak: Hahaha! It’s normal to think so! After all, a normal person would be curious about such a miracle that looks like a miracle! 】

you do not say!

Countless spectators nodded.


They are neither jealous nor envious of Ash!

Because they know.

From the same perspective and standpoint, they may not be able to take that step that Xiaozhi did.

So facing Xiaozhi who could do this, their hearts were full of admiration and admiration! but.

This does not prevent them from being curious!

The last resurrection of Tian Qingshan Xiaozhi can still be explained.

It was because of King Feng's intervention.

But what about this time?


Tears...can they really have so much energy?

No no no!

Tears really can’t do this!

They swear by their own tears!

【Yulongdu: Dr. Omu, when you say this, do you already have any guesses? You can say it with confidence!】

【Karuna: Yes, yes! We are indeed quite curious! 】

Facing the curiosity of so many people.

Dr. Ohki naturally did not refuse any more.

He coughed twice and started speaking in the chat room

【Dr. Oak: Ahem, first of all, I suspect that Xiaozhi’s resurrection is related to King Ho! 】


Champion Gym Leaders:"???"

Uh huh huh?

Phoenix King?

Where did the Phoenix King come from?

Didn’t King Feng not show up the whole time?

Why does it involve King Feng again?

【Dr. Oki: Looking at all the mythical beasts, only Ho-oh can possess the power of recovery! Only Phoenix King can save Xiaozhi in this situation!】

【Dr. Oki: Just like Dr. Kukui said, if a normal person is faced with the attack of two mythical beasts, he will be shattered to pieces! But Xiaozhi survived! Why?】

【Dr. Ohki: Of course it’s because of Ho-oh! 】

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

It makes sense, huh?

How can a normal person... possibly survive to the stage of resurrection?

I'm afraid people are gone long ago!

So...Fengwang can resurrect a human remotely?

【Dr. Oak: The journey of the Hero of the Rainbow belongs to Ash in the parallel world. This does not mean that the Phoenix King in this world has no feelings for Ash!】

【Dr. Oak: Xiaozhi in our world also met Ho-Oh on the first day of his trip! Maybe King Feng gave Xiaozhi some kind of blessing or protection at that time? 】.

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