"It’s actually King Airei! Or the monster girl version!

Good guy! Now Gomora and Mothra are in company!

Judging from the previous Gomora.

There should be a high probability that she is also a loli in her early childhood!

This is getting more and more punishing!"

Chen Xuanyu came to the white blind box in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and said,"Click!"There was a sound.

The white monster blind box was opened.

Then a girl with a lolita body and a face like a royal sister.

There were two curved horns on her head and long pink hair. She held a long tail whip in her hand.

And Xiaoqiao The girl with the shield - Monster Girl Airei King appeared!

The moment he saw the girl appear,

Chen Xuanyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He felt it from the other party.

A powerful aura of combat power.

"Why! This is where?

Didn’t I just take a dip in Lake 16?

Why did you come here suddenly?!"

Little King Ailei looked at the strange environment around him.

Then he looked at the strange and handsome young man not far away.

There was also a confused and doubtful look on his face.

"Since I want to defeat you!

I don’t know if you are my opponent!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at the monster girl - King Ailei, and said slowly

"snort! It's impossible to defeat little Airei!

Because little Airei is very powerful!"

At this time, little King Ailei showed a strong sense of confidence in his eyes.

He put his hands on his hips and raised his little head proudly.

He almost had the word"Niubi" engraved on his face.


In the Blue Star live broadcast room, many viewers and netizens saw this scene.

They also all called her cute.

There is no way, who makes little King Airei look so cute and beautiful!

"What a beautiful, cute little loli!

Is this a monster?

Have you ever seen such a cute monster?"

"Those upstairs, cheer for Brother Chen! Don’t follow the five senses in your three views!"

"Justice will prevail! Good looks will win!"

"Damn, the one upstairs is so tortured! She is still a child!"

"I heard Brother Chen say it before.

Little Maura is a child who has lived for tens of thousands of years?

Is this the new monster girl too?"

"Legal loli! What a joy!"

"First you have to beat her……!"

"Even if you say less, it is still close to the existence of A!

Except me, Brother Chen! Whoever goes for it will be killed!"


Different world.

Chen Xuanyu looked at the little King Ailei with a proud look on his face.

There was also a speechless expression on his face.

Why do you feel like you are bullying a child who has not grown up?

"Children, it will hurt from the spanking later! Don't cry!

Do not worry! I will be very gentle!"

Chen Xuanyu stretched out his hand, and countless thunder and lightning descended. The dense thunder and lightning were like a terrifying doomsday scene like a natural disaster.

Chen Xuanyu's slender and tall figure. An astonishing thunder wave surged through the space.

It quickly hit the little King Ailei.

"Well! Thunder and lightning! I have it too!"

The two small horns on the head of Little Airei King immediately began to flash out, a terrifying breath of thunder and lightning.

"Discharge light!"

Little Ai Lei Wang shouted.

The released thunder power was like a vast ocean.

It swept through the thunder clouds and triggered a complete riot of high-altitude energy.

"Boom!"There was a deafening violent sound.

It was like the sky collapsed, the dark clouds were bright, and the dense thunder wave fell like a torrent.

It burst towards Chen Xuanyu

"interesting! A billion volts! Lei Ying!"

Chen Xuanyu stood proudly high in the sky.

Looking at the powerful thunder and lightning, his expression was still unafraid.

In front of him, the more violent thunder and lightning power was rapidly condensing and taking shape.

Then the thunder and lightning power released by the two people. (Read the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) also quickly began to collide with each other.


Countless thunder and lightning intertwined and exploded, emitting terrifying energy splashes.

Countless scurrying thunder and lightning flooded the earth.

Obliterating ancient trees, cracking the earth, and destroying hills.

Violent attacks. , extremely huge scope, terrifying destructive energy!

Such a scene like a natural disaster and the end of the world.

It directly made countless viewers in the Blue Star live broadcast room dumbfounded.

This kind of terrifying ability is simply terrifying!

"Directly to the devil's eyes!"

The lightning flashed under Chen Xuanyu's feet.

The lightning power combined with the space power made Chen Xuanyu move as fast as teleporting.

In an instant, he came behind the little King Ailei.

"Crescent Light Blade!"

Little Airei King fired continuously.

Several powerful crescent-shaped yellow electric light bullets hit Chen Xuanyu who teleported behind him.

"God hinders the earthquake!"

Chen Xuanyu's handprint fell, and a huge meteorite fell towards the little King Airei.


The Crescent Light Blade 670 hit the huge meteorite.

Both of them exploded in mid-air.

"Kid, you lose!"

A smile appeared on Chen Xuanyu

's face. He teleported again and came to the front of Little King Ailei. In his eyes, he began to find dozens of dense crimson lines on Little King Ailei.

The sharp blade in Chen Xuanyu's hand was pointed towards Little King Ailei. Pierce in. Prepare to cut along these, crimson lines

"It's useless, our monster family's defense is extremely powerful.

It's not like a mere sharp blade can break through the defense."

Little Airei King looked at the sharp blade stabbed by Chen Xuanyu.

He didn't take it to heart at all.

Her pretty little face still had a look of pride.

As an ancient monster that has been around for tens of thousands of years, its own defense is naturally extremely powerful!

She also has the capital to be proud!


Chen Xuanyu's Death Eye ignores defense and directly annihilates life!

It can be said to be a real injury skill.



The sound of a sharp blade cutting was heard.

A ray of light immediately appeared on the body of Little Airei King. Blood stains.

And for the first time, her face showed an expression of disbelief.


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