Chen Xuanyu slowly came to the white blind box.

He reached out and took out the copy card.

Look at the Iron Armor Xiaobao logo on it.

Chen Xuanyu's memory was in a trance.

It's like being a kid again.

Watch Tiejia Xiaobao’s happy times.

However, when I was a child, I was really blinded by lard, and I just looked at those junk people!

I don’t know how many beautiful moments I’ve missed!

"I wonder if I can see the beautiful and innocent Miki Nakano this time!"

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu immediately prepared to use Iron Armor Xiaobao's copy card!

Click to use the copy card!

【Copy card! Iron-armored Xiaobao - fighting for the Peace Star!

(Use non-violent means to participate in Captain Dragonfly’s game and win!)】

"What the hell? I also want to participate in that old antique game!"

Seeing the information on the dungeon card, Chen"Seven Zero Seven" Xuanyu also had a headache.

But since it was a dungeon rule, Chen Xuanyu still planned to take a look.

Not for anything else, just to see a few beautiful childhood friends. Idol (goddess)!

With the changes in the surrounding space,

Chen Xuanyu also came to the world of Tiejia Xiaobao.

Blue Star’s live broadcast room also began to synchronize


The world of Iron Armored Treasure.

Chen Xuanyu looked at the street.

The lively scene of people coming and going made me feel a little confused for a moment!

There is no timeline now, and there are no major events. Where can we find the Peace Star? at this time.

Chen Xuanyu saw a somewhat familiar figure walking out of the convenience store.

It was a woman, about 20 years old.

Fair skin, pretty face, delicate and pure.

It gives people a lively feeling of a young girl.

Wearing a well-fitting police uniform, he looks somewhat heroic.

"Alas, I have been a patrol officer for two hours and fifty-seven minutes, why hasn't anything happened yet?"

Just when Miki Nakano was a little distressed, she happened to see the convenience store next to her.

So she went to the convenience store and bought herself some instant noodles for lunch.

"Well! It was indeed her! Miss Miki Nakano!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Nakano Miki in the distance and was about to step forward.

A tire attached to the Peace Star rolled towards Nakano Miki.

"This, what is this!"


Nakano Miki and the police robot AP717 exclaimed.

Seeing the huge approaching wheel, it was about to crush Nakano Miki.

At this time, a thunder and lightning flashed under Chen Xuanyu's feet.

Nakano Miki was instantly blocked. In front.

He just stretched out an arm to block the speeding wheels.

"This, this is, what an amazing person!"

The instant noodles in Miki Nakano's hands were so frightened that she dropped them to the ground.

This was the first time she saw a human boy with such great strength. He could actually catch a high-speed tire with his bare hands.

"Are you okay?"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Miki Nakano and the blue female police robot and said with a smile.

"No, we're fine! Thank you!"

When Nakano Miki saw the handsome young man in front of her, her heart beat slightly faster.

This is really the most handsome young man she has ever seen!

Although she is not an absolute member of the appearance association.

But such a handsome and handsome young man, with Saved myself again.

It's normal for Miki Nakano to have her heart beat faster.

Of course, Miki Nakano won't know.

This kind of psychological activity is actually nothing more than the suspension bridge effect!

"Just be fine!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at the tire, and sure enough there was a Peace Star on it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in Chen Xuanyu's memory, this Peace Star seems to be a fake!

But I can't say that. Sure, what if his arrival changes the trajectory of the Peace Star?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu looked around to see if Captain Dragonfly was there.

The requirement for the copy card was to win the Peace Star in the game of Captain Dragonfly. To pass the level!

But Captain Dragonfly didn't see it, but he saw the villain Scrap Iron Three Idiots!

A noise nearby attracted the attention of Chen Xuanyu and Nakano Miki.

Spider Detective:"Brother, we haven't eaten in three days.! very hungry!"

Scorpion Lailai:"Follow the boss and you'll be hungry for nine meals in three days!

Brother, look, there is a leaf rice cake shop in front! Cockroach

Bully:"Let's go and fight the big one!""

The villain San Shao simply put a black plastic bag on his head.

Then he arrived in front of Tiandelina's shop where she was selling leaf rice cakes. She said loudly: Hand over the leaf rice cakes quickly! Did you hear that?

Tiandelina one With a confused face, he looked at the three silly villains’ costumes.....

Can you be more professional when you go out to rob?

"Cockroach Bully, Spider Detective, Scorpion Lailai, what are you three doing?"

Hearing Tiandelina, she called out their names at a glance.

The villain Sansi immediately denied Sanlian.

Cockroach Bully:"I am not a Cockroach Bully! Spider

Detective:"I'm not Spider Detective!""

Scorpion Lai Lai:"I'm not Scorpion Lai Lai either!"


But looking at these three guys, they were so hungry that they were weak and their chests were pressed against their backs.

Tiandelina still decided not to expose the bully's deceptive behavior.

So I gave the expired leaf rice cakes that were not sold yesterday to these three guys!

"take it! Eat slowly!"

Looking at the trio of bullies, giggling and running away in panic.

Tiandelina also found it funny.

"stop! You robbers!"

Nakano Miki, who had a strong sense of justice, naturally couldn't turn a blind eye when he saw this scene. Yu Shi immediately stopped the villain San Shao and said

"I'm going to arrest you now on suspicion of robbery!"

Hearing this, the three villains were also stunned, with a panic look on their faces.

They are just trying to grab stuttering food, is it easy for me?!

When the three villains were about to think of a way to escape, they accidentally glanced at 0.3 next to Chen Xuanyu. There is actually a peace star on the tire!

"It’s the Peace Star! superior! Grab it!"

Just when the three villains were about to take action.

At the critical moment, that man finally appeared!

"First: Never act out of emotion.

Second: Never miss a single bad thing.

Third: The referee is absolutely fair and beautiful!

Captain Dragonfly, the referee robot, comes to meet you!"

With the appearance of Captain Dragonfly.

On the other side of the street, the protagonist group also appeared.

Xiaorang took Kabuda, Xiaozang took Jiro the Golden Turtle, and Sayuri also came.

"very good! Now that everyone is here, the game has officially started!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuanyu was also slightly touched.

The scraps of childhood are back again!

But this time, the protagonist is me!


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