
Chen Xuanyu saw the ferocious beast swooping towards him.

But he didn't retreat to defend at all!

I saw the sharp blade flying in Chen Xuanyu's hand.

The ability of the Eye of Death is activated.

Countless crimson lines appeared in the scene in front of Chen Xuanyu.

The sharp blade in his hand cuts along countless dark red and black lines.

Swish, swish, swish!

With just a casual stroke, blood spurted out.

A beast was cut in half.

At this time, Chen Xuanyu was like an elf walking among the beasts.

With a random stroke of your hand, you can instantly kill a beast!

After a short while, there were not many beasts left on the battlefield.

"hateful? How can this be?

Boy, who are you?"

At this time, Nero Kaos's face was extremely ugly.

He never expected that he could meet such a powerful person in this ghost place!

Erquet next to him also had a look of shock in his eyes.

She had just I already knew that the boy in front of me was very strong.

But I didn't expect that killing the enemy would be as easy as drinking"700" water.

It was like doing a trivial thing.

"Then let me see how good you are at fighting!

There are 666 beast factors inside my body.

No physical or magical damage can kill me!

And even if you kill, the beast I summoned!

As long as I am still alive, I can summon them again through the beast factor in my body!

Boy, are you dumbfounded! No matter how awesome you are!

None of them can kill me!

But I can slowly grind you to death!"

Nero Kaos had a look of ridicule on his face.

As one of the 27 Dead Apostles, how could it be possible that he didn't have some special skills and trump cards?

"oh? Can't be killed? Repeated summons?!

Then you can try it now.

Can you summon the beast I just killed?"

Chen Xuanyu said calmly, and he casually made a sword with the sharp blade in his hand.

"snort! Pretending!"

Nero Kaos had disdain on his face.

He immediately activated his ability and prepared to summon again. The dozens of beast factors that had been killed came out.

But after careful perception, the beast factors in his body were much less.

"Um? How can it be? The beast factor is gone?"

At this moment, Nero Kaos didn't believe it at first.

Then after trying it a few times, the expression on his face ranged from ridicule and disdain, to doubt and solemnity, to disbelief!

Chen Xuanyu looked at the silly big man in front of him.

Such a speed of change in expression , it can compete with the face-changing performance in Tianfu City of Kyushu Kingdom!

"This is impossible? How could those killed beast factors disappear?"

Facing the shock and disbelief of Nero Kaos.

Next to her, Erquit, with her beautiful red pupils, was also slightly surprised.

She seemed to know the general ability of Chen Xuanyu.

This should be a kind of magic eye ability!

He has it. The power to wipe out the enemy!

No wonder he was hit twice just now.

There is a strong feeling of weakness in his body!

Seeing Nero Kaos's expression,

Chen Xuanyu slowly said

"hehe! Dead people don’t need to know much!"

The object under the eyes of the Direct Death Demon.

If cut along the line, it will cause indefensible and incurable damage to the object!

That is the real annihilation of death!

The Direct Death Demon Eyes in Chen Xuanyu's eyes looked at Nero Kaos. Only

Nero was seen. Luccaos's body is also covered with crimson lines.

Chen Xuanyu applied flying magic to himself, combined with the obliteration ability of the Death Eye.

Even Nerocaos still has hundreds of beasts that can be summoned.

But he still won't He is Chen Xuanyu's opponent.

Faced with the beast factors that are constantly decreasing, every death will result in one missing.

Nero Kaos finally panicked and no longer looked as proud as before.

"Hold him back! Come on all!"

Nero Kaos breathed out.

He summoned all the beast factors.

He tried to use this method to hold Chen Xuanyu back and buy himself time to escape.

That's right, Nero Kaos, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles , Si, ready to run away.

This kind of ability to kill that becomes less and less the more he fights, is simply his nemesis!

"Want to escape? It's a pity it's late!"

Chen Xuanyu has unlimited magic power, ice, fire, and thunder magic skills!

Several ice crystal seal magics were used.

Countless ice crystal chains bound Nero Kaos's limbs.

Fire magic and thunder magic surged. Out.

The scorching high-temperature flames, coupled with the terrifying thunder and lightning skills, burned Nero Kaos with lightning strikes.

But Chen Xuanyu knew that this weirdo's body had changed long ago.

Ordinary magic skills could not destroy him at all.

But Chen Xuanyu's direct death demon eye , is his natural nemesis.

Seeing such a good opportunity!

The sharp blade in Chen Xuanyu's hand, along the crimson lines in his eyes, cut down Nero Kaos's body.


A long stream of blood spattered out.

The entire right arm of Nero Chaos was cut off at the root.


Nero Kaos's painful screams did not make Chen Xuanyu feel pity.

While Nero Kaos was bound by ice crystals, flames, and thunder. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sharp blade in Chen Xuanyu's hand flew rapidly.

A total of more than ten deep red lines were cut by Chen Xuanyu.

In an instant, in the head thrown away by Nero Kaos.

There was still a look of disbelief in those wide-open eyes.

Nero Kaos, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles, was cut into more than ten pieces and died!

"Are you OK!"

Next to him, Arquette saw the bloody scene in front of him 0......

Not only was he not afraid, he even stepped forward to ask Chen Xuanyu if he was injured.

At this time, Erquette was also confused.

What a strange psychological reaction.

It was obvious that this guy had just attacked him and wanted to kill him.

And in the blink of an eye, he came to protect himself again.

If it weren't for Chen Xuanyu's ability to restrain Nero Kaos.

Arquette can totally imagine it.

When she meets Nero Chaos, how will she be defeated with such a difficult and unbeatable skill?

"It's okay, I just wanted to kill you! But now that I have saved you again, we are even!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Arquette in front of him and said with a smile.


Arquette looked at Chen Xuanyu, who was a head taller than her.

He raised his head with doubts and confusion in his eyes!

"Maybe it’s because I admire Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Or maybe I must protect you, Yue Ji, this time!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Arquette with a different look in his eyes.

"Really, really?"

Arquitet suddenly heard Chen Xuanyu's direct confession, and a blush rose on his face.

As an Arquitet who was either sleeping or fighting alone, he had a simple mind and an innocent personality.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have done it. In the original work, after being separated by the male protagonist, she was still with him!

But now, Arquette will fall in love with Chen Xuanyu!

At this moment, the game prompt sounded

【Congratulations to the players from Kyushu Kingdom.

Successfully rescued Tsukiji Arquette!

Successfully cleared the copy of"Shaping Moon - Yue Ji"】

【As a reward for passing the level:

Congratulations to the players from Kyushu.

Acquire the skill - The Eye of Death!

(Note that the magic eye skill can be turned on or off at any time!) 5.8 Obtain the battle maid card-Elquit!

Get extra special rewards!

Battle Maid Card——Aozaki Aoko!】

【The current copy completed successfully!

Ten seconds later, the Kyushu players will be teleported back to the territory of another world.】

【ten, nine, eight……】

"oh? There is actually a character card of Aoko Aozaki!

This game is so generous! What an unexpected surprise!"

Seeing these awards, Chen Xuanyu also showed a happy look in his eyes.

After all, in one go, he will be the representative of the world of Xingyue.

Two of the four major beauties were obtained at once!

How can you not be happy with this kind of happiness!

As time goes by The countdown is over!

The next second, the surrounding space changes.

Chen Xuanyu appears on the national destiny altar in the territory of another world.

Then two golden lights flash.

Chen Xuanyu's hand appears.

Two exquisite character cards!

It is Erquet. And Aozaki Aoko!

…… ps: The attached picture is an image of Airquit!.

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