The next morning.

Lei Ting went to the appointment on time and arrived in front of Chen Xuanyu's villa

"Came quite early!"

"Everything is packed? Then let’s go!"

Chen Xuanyu rode out a handsome motorcycle from the garage.

"Don't be stunned, come up!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at this silly girl, what was she doing?

She couldn't be still thinking about yesterday's embarrassing things!

When she thought of yesterday's things,

Lei Ting was also so embarrassed that she could use her toes to push out the three bedrooms and one living room.

Originally, others It was all good intentions, but she misunderstood it.

She also said so many strange things!

Thinking of this, Lei Ting also blushed slightly.

"Are you good at driving? Don't throw me down later!"

After Lei Ting calmed down her emotions, she returned to her sassy character again.

"Sit tight! Let's go!"

As the motorcycle's horsepower was increased to the maximum, amidst a roar,

Chen Xuanyu took Lei Ting and rode out.

They walked through the mountain scenery and both sides of the river.

Together they made a Ferris wheel, ate ice cream, sang V, climbed mountains together, and flew kites. , watching the stars on the rooftop.

Camping on the grass, eating barbecue and drinking wine.

Telling interesting stories from childhood.

After drinking for three rounds, Lei Ting's face turned red, and she shook her head and looked at Chen Xuanyu in front of her.

"Xiaoxuan, thank you! Today is really the happiest and happiest day since I was so old!"

Lei Ting breathed out the smell of alcohol and hugged Chen Xuanyu's neck with a blush and excitement on her face.

"Well, Lei Ting, what were you thinking on the bus yesterday?

In fact, there are some things I want to tell you!

I wonder if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

After Chen Xuanyu finished speaking, his face was a little nervous, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

He turned around and looked.

There was a black line, and Lei Ting actually fell asleep.

This is too embarrassing!

There is no way.

Then Chen Xuanyu Princess Lei Ting was hugged and placed in the camping tent.

She stayed vigil by the bonfire outside.

In the middle of the night, when Lei Ting woke up in a daze, she found herself lying in the tent.

And Chen Xuanyu was at the bonfire outside the tent. Next to him, he yawned and kept vigil.

At this moment,

Lei Ting's heart was quietly melted.

Is this guy's confession just now true?

No way! No way! Does this guy really like me?

Then what should I do ? What to do?

Thinking of this, Lei Ting also felt a little tangled on her face.

Maybe she can really give it a try!

If he really confesses his feelings next time, just agree to him! But won’t this seem a bit frivolous?

Ahem, it’s really So confused!


Early the next morning.

Chen Xuanyu yawned and took Lei Ting to go home.

I'm going to class tomorrow. I have to go back and have a good rest today.

"By the way, didn’t you sleep last night?"

Lei Ting asked with some regret in her heart.

"ah! if not? how? I'm afraid I'll take you into a ditch today!"

Chen Xuanyu asked Lei Ting to get in the car immediately.

"Humph, who is afraid of whom? If I fall into a ditch, will you be spared?"

As Lei Ting got on Chen Xuanyu's motorcycle,

Chen Xuanyu immediately sped down the road.

Just as the car was traveling under an unmanned bridge, a figure suddenly appeared.


Chen Xuanyu immediately pressed the brake and stopped at high speed..

And Lei Ting behind her was also hit on Chen Xuanyu's back because she stopped at a high speed.

Chen Xuanyu only felt two small peaks on his back, which were almost squeezed out of shape.

"What are you doing! You really didn’t wake up!"

Lei Ting said angrily.

"Stop making trouble, I seemed to have bumped into someone just now!"

"What? Killed someone?"

Lei Ting was immediately frightened and did not dare to say anything.

There was a nervous and uneasy look on her face.

"Ah ha ha! You two little guys, I won’t let you run away this time!"

At this moment, a wild laughter came from the side

"Who are you?"

Lei Ting didn't know Black Dragon at this time.

She asked with a trace of doubt on her face.

"The dead don't need to know much.

Today I will train you all into corpses!"

The black dragon smiled arrogantly.

With a proud look on his face, he immediately waved a black beam of light in his hand.

It hit Lei Ting straight at Lei Ting.

Lei Ting also started at this time, and her combat power index soared.

Several alienations began to appear in her hand. Fireball.

It blocked the black dragon's attack.


A wave of explosive air swept over. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not bad, some strength! Then try this!"

The black dragon roared up to the sky, and its combat power index began to soar crazily.

It immediately exceeded Lei Ting's combat power index.

Then the black dragon waved his hand.

A more powerful black mist used

"You actually have such a high combat power index. Where do you come from?"

Facing such a powerful blow, Lei Ting also showed a hint of despair in her eyes.

At this moment,

Chen Xuanyu stepped forward and blocked the blow for Lei Ting.

"No! Xiaoxuan!"

Lei Ting roared hoarsely, unable to believe what was happening in front of her.

"Xiaoxuan, you don’t want to die!"

Lei Ting looked at Chen Xuanyu who fell in her arms.

Tears flowed down involuntarily.

"Lei Ting, am I going to die?

If that's the case, I have something to tell you!"

"I have always liked you, from childhood to now, and I hope you can seriously consider it!"

At this time, Lei Ting's pear blossoms brought rain.

"As long as you can survive, I promise you! I promise you anything!"

"`Ah! This is what you said!"

Chen Xuanyu changed directions in Lei Ting's arms.

Then he stood up slowly.

"This, Xiaoxuan! You weren't hurt?"

Lei Ting looked shocked at this time.

She clearly saw Chen Xuanyu and resisted the blow for her.

"Ahem! fine! Can't die!"

Just now, when Chen Xuanyu was resisting the black dragon's attack for Lei Ting, he had used his thunder and lightning skills to form a protective shield on his clothes.

It neutralized most of the black dragon's attacks.

"You actually lied to me! It made me shed so many tears!"

Lei Ting showed a trace of anger on her face.

"Hehe, don’t forget what you just said, agree to any conditions!"

Heilong next to him saw the two of them flirting, and his whole face turned even darker!

"Hello! Have you talked enough?

They are fighting now! Could you please be more professional?"

Heilong couldn't help but complained to Chen Xuanyu and the others.

"Yes, but to deal with you, one move from me is enough!"

Chen Xuanyu stood in front of Lei Ting with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Ha ha! Are you kidding me? Just you?"

Heilong laughed wildly. This person really has something wrong with his brain (King Qian's)!

He still wants to deal with me?

What's more, one move is enough? He is simply more arrogant than me, Heilong!

Lei Ting next to Chen Xuanyu Also a little anxious

"Xiaoxuan, let’s evacuate quickly! This man is too strong! We are no match for him! Don't try to be brave!"

Lei Ting immediately persuaded Chen Xuanyu.

In her eyes, Chen Xuanyu's strength was weaker than hers. How could he compare with this weirdo in front of her!

Moreover, the injury that Chen Xuanyu suffered just now must be holding on and not letting go. Worry yourself!

"fine! Leave it to me next!"

Chen Xuanyu's eyes were extremely fierce for a moment.

A huge amount of thunder and lightning power began to pour out crazily from around him.

"A billion volts! The god of thunder comes to the world!"


As Chen Xuanyu's words fell, a terrifying thunder and lightning force rushed around him.

A towering and tall Thunder God shadow appeared behind Chen Xuanyu.

At this moment, Black Dragon and Lei Ting were both in an instant. I was stunned by the shock!


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