Auroville, inner city

"Brother Huang! You haven't come to see me or my sister for a long time."

At the dinner table of the Dong family, Dong Lu complained to Huang Shaozhou dissatisfied.

Although in the eyes of others, Dong Lu was a hateful naughty boy with an extremely naughty character.

But Dong Lu also had someone he admired, and that was Huang Shaozhou..In front of Huang Shaozhou, Dong Lu was so well-behaved, he was just like a little enigmatic brother.

"Xiaolu, Brother Huang has been very busy these days."

Dong Yi scolded, then looked at Huang Shaozhou with a very gentle expression, and filled the table with several plates of good food.

Huang Shaozhou smiled and said:"It's been a long time since I've eaten the food you cooked."

"Then eat more."

Dong Yi joked. The three of them sat at the dining table and ate happily. It felt a bit like a family of three.

But basically it was Dong Lu who was talking. Huang Shaozhou was a silent and introverted person who didn't talk much.

Dong Lu chattered a lot and asked:"Brother Huang, when will the eldest son of the Qin family leave?

With him here, I can no longer go to many places in the inner city! Dong

Lu said angrily.

When he heard the name Qin Jun, Huang Shaozhou frowned slightly and said calmly:"It should be soon, right?"

Dong Yi on the side asked:"What's wrong?"

Huang Shaozhou was silent for a moment and said softly:"I don't like this young man of the Qin family.""

Huang Shaozhou's face was expressionless, and his expression was a little gloomy. Although he and Qin Jun didn't talk much about each other, that is, he greeted Qin Jun once that night and met him.

But he didn't like Qin Jun.

Because Qin Jun is this The most perfect and reasonable image of a human being in the apocalyptic world, it is also the image that Huang Shaozhou dislikes the most.

Extremely calm, or cold.

He always only considers the gains and losses of interests. In his eyes, people are just cold data, and they need There is no hesitation at all when sacrificing.

This kind of character cannot be said to be evil. It is even because of this character that the Qin family in the Eastern Capital can develop rapidly to its current hegemony.

Perhaps such people are more suitable to survive in the doomsday.

But Huang Shaozhou still hates such people.

In contrast, he prefers to be with ordinary people.

In Qin Jun's eyes, these existences are ants, but they are the most real human beings.

When the apocalypse comes, there are indeed many people who are fighting for Fighting for supplies, intrigues, murders, calculations, and hatred between relatives.

But Huang Shaozhou has also witnessed many glories of human nature.

Some people are willing to share their only rations with others when they are extremely hungry.

Men The materials they collected at the risk of their lives were willing to be given to the elderly, weak, women and children first. Before danger, people work together and unite as one. This is the real power of mankind!

Although these ordinary people are very weak in Qin Jun's eyes, they are like ants..

But it is these countless ordinary people who can truly represent mankind!

Huang Shaozhou firmly believes that only by relying on and uniting the power of ordinary people can mankind truly survive this doomsday catastrophe.

Not just relying on those who have awakened. A gifted lucky person.

Even if he is this lucky person...

But Huang Shaozhou didn't say much. After all, the strength of the Qin family in the Eastern Capital is too strong, far stronger than Liming Hope.

Talking more is useless.

Although Huang Shaozhou stopped talking , but he didn't like Qin Jun's words, but Dong Lu remembered them in his heart.

He lowered his head to eat, and he had been thinking of playing a prank on the arrogant young man of the Qin family.

But because of his sister Dong Yi's warning, He calmed down for a few days.

Now that he heard that Brother Huang, whom he admired most, hated Qin Jun, Dong Lu immediately became interested.

He wanted to vent his anger on Brother Huang!

In fact, Dong Lu didn't know much about Qin Jun's background. , just knowing that this Qin Jun is a very powerful evolver.

But so what?

It’s not like he has never played tricks on evolvers!

In Dawn City, Dong Lu’s reputation is unknown to everyone, and even some evolvers are teased by him. They teased and played a lot of pranks.

But because Huang Shaozhou had a good relationship with the Dong family, and they really didn't want to get along with a child.

So they just smiled and scolded Dong Lu a few words, and that was it.

So now. , developed Dong Lu's character of being fearless.

Although he has no awakening talent, he is just an ordinary child.

But he has lost himself under people's preferential treatment.

Dong Lu even feels that he will be forgiven no matter what he does.

He is Dawn City Your Highness!

It shouldn’t be a big deal to tease the eldest son of the Qin family, right?

After dinner in the evening, Huang Shaozhou said goodbye and went home.

Dong Lu, on the other hand, took a few treasures in the drawer of his room and went with My sister said she was going out to play and ran out.

Watching his brother leave, Dong Yi shook his head helplessly.

She knew very well that her brother was definitely going to play tricks on others.

But she didn't care about it, after all, as long as her brother could be happy.

It's just a prank anyway, 257 is harmless, and no one will be as familiar with him.....

Dong Lu quietly walked towards the Qin family's residence in the night.

Although there are many guards at the Qin family's residence, Dong Lu will not be afraid.

With so many prank experiences, he has already developed a sneaky skill.

It's silent when walking, and it's even easier to climb over walls and so on.

Dong Lu took out a packet of powder from his arms with a smile.

After the end of the world, plants also mutated, and many plants have special effects.

One of the plants, called nettle, has been mutated to extract healing fluids.

The remaining waste is non-toxic, but it can cause red spots all over the body for a week.

Therefore, this thing became a classic prop for Dong Lu's pranks, and many people in Dawn City fell into it.

Dong Lu just wanted this, to teach Qin Jun a lesson.

As for why he wanted to teach Qin Jun a lesson and the consequences of doing so, Dong Lu didn't think about it at all.

He just finds it fun!

Also, he felt that by teasing Qin Jun, he was venting his anger on Brother Huang.

Dong Lu even felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, as if he was doing something great!.

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