People's faces showed longing looks.

If they can truly become evolutionaries, then they are willing to pay any price.

What does it mean to believe in Qin Jun?

Let them sell their souls!

They had had enough of this kind of work day after day, with no end in sight.

People shouted one after another:"Then how should we believe in Master Qin Jun?"

The man's face was full of fanaticism:"Work , Hard work!

Master Qin Jun is the successor of the Qin family, Dongdu is his territory, and we are all his subjects and believers!

Only hard work can reflect our devotion to Master Qin Jun!"

No! After some time, the crowd slowly dispersed.

Professor Sun also returned to his home.

It was more like a shabby house than a home. He originally had a happy family.

I have a virtuous wife and a lively and lovely daughter.

But the advent of doomsday ruined everything.

His wife and daughter all died in the catastrophe, leaving only him. 733 And he, a well-known professor in the philosophy world, became an assembly line worker in order to survive.

Sun Yue grabbed some random things in the room to satisfy his hunger, then turned off the lights and lay on the bed, resting his head on his arms, recalling what the man just said.

Master Qin Jun...Is it God?

Although Sun Yue is engaged in philosophy, he is also a master in the academic circle after all, and he firmly believes in science.

Originally, he scorned the matter of God and was a standard atheist.

But now, he is moved.

The reason is also very simple, because everything that happens in this world cannot be explained by science.

Although applied sciences such as physics and electromagnetism are still playing a role, science is no longer the foundation and foundation of this world.

It’s more like a technology and skill that coexists with those extraordinary powers.


Sun Yue murmured on the ground and slowly fell asleep.

Before dawn the next day, Sun Yue got up, washed up, and walked towards the factory.

The streets were full of pedestrians, and their destination was the same as Sun Yue.

This is the life of ordinary people in the apocalypse. They have to work before dawn and can't get off work until dark in the evening.

Without holidays or rest days, they are like a screw or a gear, never stopping.

The days to come will be like this, day after day, year after year, with no end in sight.

After entering the workshop, Sun Yue immediately started working.

But this time, he worked extra hard and his work efficiency was much higher than before.

But unfortunately, no one cares.

Because it seems that people are starting to work hard, and there is no need for supervisors to supervise and supervise, but they are spontaneous.

While waiting for lunch time, people did not take the opportunity to rest as usual.

Instead, he eats and works at the same time, full of energy!

The supervisor was stunned.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, Sun Yue called his supervisor directly:"Director Zhou, I apply for overtime without any grade points!" Others looked at Sun Yue. Some seemed to know something and couldn't help but joke. :"Professor Sun, do you also believe in Master Qin Jun?

Don't you always say you believe in science?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What to believe in science..."

Sun Yue's face turned red and he argued:"I study philosophy......Philosophy is about spirit and state of mind, belief in God...Can this be considered a violation of philosophy?"

Immediately afterwards, there were difficult to understand words.

What about"rational pursuit of basic truths" (agah) and"study of behavioral principles" caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Even the supervisor couldn't help laughing.

For a moment time, the inside and outside of the workshop are filled with happy air....

In the past few days, an organization called the World Tree Sect has become popular in various places in the Eastern Capital.

The teachings of this sect are to believe in Qin Jun.

This sect preaches that Qin Jun is the god of the world and will lead his followers to become new humans and escape from the doomsday catastrophe.

In just a few days, this sect has developed rapidly, with countless civilians eager to break away from the status quo and hope to become evolutionaries.

They joined this sect one after another and became Qin Jun's followers.

This result was possible, on the one hand, because of the Qin family's push and Qin Jun's good image in the hearts of the common people.

On the other hand, it is also because the appearance of the World Tree is so magical.

The emergence of the World Tree Sect has the most direct effect......That means the factory’s production efficiency is much higher!

Many workers, who are Qin Jun's followers, are very enthusiastic about their work.

He even took the initiative to apply for unpaid overtime, which was like taking a shot!

Dongdu, Qin family mansion.

The senior executive responsible for managing production in Dongdu is named Qin Kan. Although he is not a direct member of the Qin family, he is only a collateral member.

But because of his outstanding ability, he was appointed by Qin Yuan to manage the production project of Dongdu.

It can be said that he has a high position of authority and is a big shot who does not hesitate to do anything.

But this big shot didn't have any grace at this moment, and his smile was almost crooked.

The reason is simple. The production capacity of the Dongdu factory has increased almost linearly in the past few days.

The enthusiasm of the workers towards their work can be described as fanatical.

Qin Kan smiled and said,"Master, these are the five people who have gained the most points in the past few days."

After that, he handed Qin Jun the list of five people.

Qin Jun took it without any care, without even looking at it.

These five people are all his so-called believers in name, and they have proved with practical actions that they are Qin Jun's most devout believers.

But Qin Jun doesn't care.

Because no matter whether these five people really believe in him, or they just want to become evolutionaries.

After receiving the infusion from the World Tree, they will become his most fervent and devout believers.....

Qin Yuan on the side nodded, with a smile on his face

"In this case, let's hold an ascension conference."

The ruler of Dongdu walked to the window, looked at the cityscape of Dongdu, and said quietly:"Let us create a god for these people......"

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