The ancient god's whisper resounded clearly in Qin Jun's heart. He stared at the towering ancient tree in front of him with a faint look.

This ancient tree seemed to come alive.

The trunks of the ancient trees are covered with lines. The traces of time are recorded by the lines, giving people a feeling of incomparable ancient vicissitudes.

"Good boy, come here quickly."

The hazy voice seemed to come from outside the sky, with a bewitching magic power that made people want to surrender, kneel down, and offer their faith!

Qin Jun's eyes were deep and chaotic, as if he was caught by this. Bewitched by the voice.

He walked forward step by step and walked under the roots of the ancient tree.

Standing here, Qin Jun felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling, as if the ancient tree in front of him was not a tree, but a statue. The high-altitude gods!

Incomparably majestic, sleeping high-level lives!

The next moment, a green light suddenly bloomed from the trunk of the ancient tree, completely covering the entire jungle.

Qin Jun only felt that the void was changing, and he Suddenly appeared in another time and space.

He was in a wilderness, and in the void far away around him, there were temples floating in the sky, shining with green divine light. The clouds above his head were dense and gloomy, as if the sky was about to fall, which made people feel sad. It was so depressing that I could hardly breathe.

In front of Qin Jun, a towering ancient tree slowly transformed. Its huge branches fell and turned into a staircase leading directly to the tree crown.

Qin Jun did not hesitate, raised his legs to climb the ladder, and walked up step by step. Go.

Every step he took, the flowers around him began to bloom, like a ladder of flowers, ascending to the paradise of heaven!

I don’t know how long it took, Qin Jun finally reached the top of the tree crown.

In front of him, a huge eye His eyes slowly opened, staring at Qin Jun

"Good boy, you are finally here..."

The ancient tree began to tremble, and behind its eyes, something resembling a humanoid stood up.

It seems to be a collection of plants, with its body made of dead wood, its hands made of flowers, and its legs and feet made of vines.

But she has a beautiful face.

It is impossible to tell whether this face is male or female, old or young.

A flower bloomed in the socket of the left eye, and the right eye was green, staring at Qin Jun.

The look that this eye looked at Qin Jun was very gentle and doting.

It seems that he is looking at his most perfect creation and his most proud heir.

"Who are you?"

Qin Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, also looking at the stalwart being in front of him.

"I am the Almighty, Ello. He is also the God in your mouth."

A smile appeared on Elo's face, and he explained Qin Jun's questions with a smile.


Qin Jun's face did not show a look of awe and admiration. Instead, he frowned.

But he was not surprised. This world is no longer the scientific world before.

After the end of the world, human beings awaken their talents. This is already Possessing some godly power.

And those black obelisks that broke out of the ground record countless cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge, as well as some words that humans still cannot understand, and they cannot be explained by science.

This is a doomsday world , is also an extraordinary world!

The smile on Elo's face remained as before. He looked at Qin Jun patiently and said:"Yes, the will of the gods has enveloped this planet.

And I am one of them..."

"Don’t doubt God’s existence, and don’t question God’s power.

We are existences beyond the scope of your human imagination, great beings that are above the laws of the universe. He looked at Qin Jun with gentle eyes and said softly:"Good boy, your talent is so powerful. You should be my most devout believer by birth."

It's destiny, I will share my glory with you..."

Qin Jun's eyes were dark, and he suddenly showed a smile:"What about my reward?"

The smile on Elo's face became even brighter, and he almost couldn't wait to stretch out a vine pipe.

"Good boy, come and accept my gift, I will give you endless power...."

Qin Jun looked at the vine pipe in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly asked:"Can your will still not affect this world?"

Elo's smile did not change, and he said leisurely,"I am still asleep now, I need Your help, my most devout believer"

"How can I help you?"

Elona's only eye shined with light:"In this world, 24 black obelisks appeared. They are the creations of the Supreme God.

Good boy, I need you to collect for me all the oracle codes written on the black obelisk....."

Oracle code?

Qin Jun's expression moved slightly, and he immediately recalled the words on the black obelisk in the Eastern Capital that humans still can't understand.

Even the most senior linguists cannot see the mystery of those words. There is no trace to be found. They seem to be just some irregular symbols.

But those words have the power to drive people crazy.

Many researchers in the research institutes in Dongdu have gone crazy because of this.

Therefore, those words were also covered up and no further research was allowed.

It seems that those words are the oracle code, and mortals cannot yet glimpse the truth in it.

Ordinary humans will fall into madness after witnessing a corner of the truth of the universe.

Elo smiled:"After gathering all the oracle codes, I can become the new supreme god.

And you will be my most loyal and intimate servant. , manage this world for me.

Become the master of this world!"

Elo explained many questions for Qin Jun, and the smile on his face remained:"Okay, do you have any more questions?"

"There is one last question."

A haughty smile gradually appeared on Qin Jun's face. He looked down at Elo.

His eyes were full of sarcasm and coldness.

"What should I do with you?.....The so-called god?"

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