The next day, Chen Heilong, who was in the Haojiang Villa office, called Zhan Mizai.

As soon as Zhan Mizi arrived, Chen Heilong handed him a document

"This is the official gambling license issued by Haojiang."

The official gambling license issued by Haojiang is actually an authorization document. It is not a physical plaque, but only a few thin pieces of paper.

But the weight of these thin pieces of paper is not light at all, and the value behind it is immeasurable. It is estimated that if it is done properly, it can bring in at least billions, or even billions, of revenue every year.

After Zhan Mizi picked up the authorization document and looked through it, he asked Chen Heilong:"Boss, what are we doing now?" Isn’t it possible to select a site and start building our own casino?"

"That’s right! Chen Heilong nodded and said,"I asked you to see the place before. How did you like it?""

"During this period of time, I have carefully researched various places in Haojiang, and I did find several good places."

After Zhan Mizi finished speaking, he asked his younger brother to go to his car and bring him the information on the target addresses that he had inspected during this period.

After the information was delivered, Zhan Mizi spread the map of Haojiang on the table, opened the information and showed it to Chen Heilong explained the places he had inspected and approved in the past few days - addresses

"Xiandeli Street, Haojiang Outer Port Reclamation Area, this place is located in the new reclamation area of ​​​​Xinkou, about three kilometers from the pier, five kilometers from the airport, and seven kilometers from the gate.……"

"Haojiang Road, Cotai Strip, Taipa Cotai Strip and Notre Dame Bay Avenue, eight kilometers from the city center and two kilometers from the airport. It only takes five minutes to drive from Haojiang International Airport, First Ferry Terminal and Lotus Bridge Border Inspection Station.……"

"Haojiang Shali Tou is located on Dimei Diao Shi Na Road in Haojiang, with Phoenix Mountain at its back and Haojiang River in front. It is not far from Taishan Racecourse, seven kilometers from the airport and less than one kilometer from the nearest pier.……"

Strictly speaking, the addresses given by Zhan Mizi are not within the main urban area of ​​​​Haojiang. The main reason is that they are entering now and cannot choose the central location in the city like Lisboa decades ago. Build a casino at the site.

Nowadays, Haojiang urban area has mature supporting facilities and a high population density. If you want to enclose land in the urban area, the cost you need to pay is too high. The various demolition and resettlement costs alone are enough to make people feel headaches, and before demolition, they have to If the resettlement houses are built or sufficient compensation is provided, the price-performance ratio is really not high.

After all, the guests received by the casino are mainly overseas customers. The locals of Haojiang have almost no performance in the casino hotel. In addition, Haojiang as a whole is not big, so even if it is located in the suburbs, it will not have any impact.

Among these places, Chen Heilong is most interested in the land in Shalitou. This place is relatively close to the pier and the gate, and not far from his Taishan Racecourse. Choosing to build a casino here not only allows It also takes into account the horse racing side and is convenient for picking up and dropping off guests from the pier.

In addition, this place was originally a fishing village with a large amount of vacant land. The acquisition price was much lower than that of other places. The land that could be received at the same price was at least twice that of other places.

What Chen Heilong is planning to build is a comprehensive resort hotel similar to that in Las Vegas. The casino is only the core of it, so the area required is larger than the Hexin Lisboa Hotel.

The Lisboa Hotel covers an area of ​​12,000 square meters and 18 acres of land. And if he buys the land in Shalitou, he can get about 60,000 square meters, about 90 acres of land.

However, paper data cannot count after all, and we still have to conduct on-site inspections to make a decision.

In the next few days, Chen Heilong asked Zhan Mizi to lead the way and carefully inspected these locations. Not only did he need to look at the surrounding traffic conditions, but he also needed to study the surrounding environment and the composition of the surrounding residents.

Whether it is a hotel or a casino, they are all considered service industries. When guests check in and play, they will not only consider the hotel's own software and hardware, but also pay attention to whether the surrounding environment is suitable. After all, no one wants to live around a slum that is dirty and messy.

Comprehensive comparison, the traffic situation in Shalitou is the best. Because it is close to the pier, the resort casino is built here. It not only has a partial sea view, but also allows guests to see the hotel when they get off the boat. It only takes less than five minutes to walk from the pier.

Moreover, there were not many residents around Shalitou, so there was no problem of clutter. After purchasing this land, several commercial streets with local characteristics of Haojiang can be developed in the surrounding area in the future.

"How much does it cost to buy this land?"Chen Heilong asked Zhan Mizai

"It costs 300 million to buy this land!"Zhan Mizi looked through the documents and replied.

"Then take this land!"

Although Shalitou is a little remote, the Haojiang River is not that big, so it doesn't have much impact. The most important thing is that this piece of land also includes the small pier in front. The pier can become a casino with a little renovation and expansion. The private wharf in Haojiang has a lot of potential for expansion in the future.

Because it holds a gambling license, the land purchase process was very smooth.

In order to put Chen Heilong's casino into construction as soon as possible, Haojiang officials gave the green light all the way, and all the approval procedures were , all the procedures were completed in less than a week.

After getting the land, the next step is to plan and design the land.

According to Chen Heilong's idea, his casino will be based on the comprehensive ferry in Las Vegas. It is built in the model of a fake hotel, which can provide customers with a full range of services integrating catering, entertainment, shopping and leisure. Naturally, the design of this scale is not that simple. In addition, the core industry casino also needs to find a Feng Shui master. Design.

The principle is the same as that of the Lisboa Hotel. The purpose is to give gamblers a psychological hint and put pressure on the gamblers in terms of momentum. After all, in gambling, if there is no chance of failure, mentality is far more important than luck. and technology are more important

The most famous Feng Shui master here in South Asia is the White Dragon King of Tai Kingdom.

The White Dragon King's original name is Zhou Qinnan. Although he lives in Chonburi in the central part of the country, he is an out-and-out Chinese. He is very famous in Hong Kong Island, Wanwan, Malay, Singapore and other places. Many celebrities have been there. To seek guidance through the maze.

With Chen Heilong's strength in Southeast Asia, it is naturally not a big problem to ask him to help design a Feng Shui bureau.

The design of the Feng Shui Bureau needs to be carried out together with the overall planning of the hotel. For this reason, Chen Heilong also asked the Black Ox King to send the White Dragon King from Taiguo to Haojiang, and together with the professional design team, they planned and designed the resort hotel..

This process lasted for about a week before the preliminary planning and design drawings were produced.

The entire hotel was designed as a comprehensive resort hotel in accordance with Chen Heilong's requirements. The main building of the hotel has a total of 39 floors and more than 3,000 guest rooms. The minimum area of ​​the guest rooms is about 70 square meters. In addition to the core hotel and casino, the resort also has themed shopping malls, fine restaurants, performance halls, sports venues, and a conference and exhibition center.

The most commendable of these is the Grand Canal Shopping Center in the resort. This shopping mall is built on the third floor of the hotel and has more than 350 shopping merchants, dozens of restaurants and three shopping malls each 390 meters long. ft. of artificial canal.

The entire shopping mall is covered by a huge canopy. The canopy can be matched with lighting effects to create clouds and sky colors of morning and dusk, sunrise and sunset. Combined with the characteristic streets, canals, and the 157-foot Riat Bridge, tourists can feel like It's like being in the streets of a water town in southern Europe in the past.

We must know that the spending power of tourists who can come to Haojiang is not much different. It is foreseeable that the rent collected by this shopping mall alone will be astronomical figures every year in the future.

This layout also serves the Feng Shui of the casino. Three artificial canals are surrounded by a Chinese character, and the center point is the passage leading to the casino built underground in the hotel. This is called a mountain surrounded by water in terms of Feng Shui. It is absolutely amazing. header layout.

In addition, there are many Feng Shui layouts similar to those at the Lisboa Hotel.

After reading it, Chen Heilong was very satisfied with the design and asked,"How much money will it take to build this?""

"About 700 million." Zhan Mizai replied.

For a resort hotel of this size, this is the period. If it were delayed for a few more years, the construction cost would probably be more than ten times higher. The current cost makes Chen Heilong think it is still worth it.

"How long does the construction period take?" Chen Heilong asked

"It will probably take three months at the fastest to build the first phase of the main building and the casino with a total of 22 gaming halls."

Of course, a project as large as an integrated resort cannot be completed overnight. The casino needs to be built in the first phase, and then the rest can be done slowly.

"Then it’s up to you to supervise the operation. If you need anything, come to me anytime!"Chen Heilong said

"Yes, boss!"After Zhan Mizi responded, he asked Chen Heilong:"Then what should our casino be called?"

After Chen Heilong pondered for a moment, he said:"Let's call it Black Gold Casino. The hotel will be named Black Gold Hotel just like the casino."

"Okay, boss!"

Not long after Zhan Mizi left with the design drawings, Chen Heilong received a call.

The call was from He Xin

"Are you free today? My son has come back from abroad and is going to have a banquet. If you have time, come and sit down!"

"Okay, I'll get there later."Chen Heilong replied.

He Xin's help to him in gambling far exceeded his previous promise. Chen Heilong also knows how to reciprocate love. In addition, he has a very good relationship with He Tian'er now, so naturally he will not refuse. Congratulations on Xin's kindness. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Before going to the banquet, he asked the Black Python King to prepare some small gifts. Although they were not worth much, they were still considered thoughtful.

Motorcade When they arrived at the He family manor, He Tian'er, who knew he was coming in advance, had already been waiting at the door of the manor to greet him.

When he saw him get out of the car, he threw himself into his arms with a smile on his face.

"Brother Heilong, why haven’t you come to see me these days?"He Tian'er pouted and said

"Who said I wouldn't come? Didn't I come today? I was busy the past two days and couldn't get away."Chen Heilong rubbed He Tian'er's head and said with a smile.

As a child of the He family, although He Tian'er is relatively simple, he does not know anything about the Haojiang gaming industry. He and Chen Heilong are just acting coquettishly, otherwise Chen Heilong will In Haojiang, even if she didn't come to the manor to look for her, she could still look for Chen Heilong. She didn't look for her because she was afraid of affecting Chen Heilong's work. In this regard, she was very similar to her mother. While men worked hard outside, women would never go looking for trouble. Holding her back.

And Chen Heilong also admires this very much about her. With his current status, he has seen a lot of noble ladies from various wealthy families. They are either pampered or spoiled, or they have high standards. Even though most of them are due to their family education. He is very knowledgeable and well-educated, but he is also used to being self-centered. It is impossible for him to take care of other people's emotions like He Tian'er.

"Okay, if you can get away with this excuse, let’s go in quickly, mom and dad are waiting!"

After He Tian'er finished speaking, he naturally took Chen Heilong's big hand and walked towards the manor. But when he reached the door of the villa, he let go of his little hand as if he had a guilty conscience. After entering the villa

, Chen Heilong saw He Xin and his wife Mrs. He was sitting in the living room, and there was a young man sitting next to them.

The man was about 1.8 meters tall and was wearing a gray suit. The shadow of He Xin could be vaguely seen in his facial features, but he was much more immature.

"Aaron, you are here at the right time. Let me introduce you to him. This is my son He Tianbao."He Xin introduced.

After speaking, He Xin said to He Tianbao:"Tianbao, this is Mr. Chen Heilong, the God of Wealth Dragon I told you."

"Hello Mr. Chen!"He Tianbao stood up hurriedly and said hello with some restraint.

"Hello!"Chen Heilong shook hands with him.

"Come on, come on, now that everyone is here, let's start dinner!"He Xin greeted.

Chen Heilong thought that there would be other people at today's banquet, but he didn't expect that it was just a family banquet. There were only four members of the He family plus him. The dishes prepared for the He family's family banquet were extremely simple, and there were no These are some particularly complex delicacies. They are just home-cooked dishes, but it can be seen that a lot of thought has been put into them.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Chen Heilong and He Xin have known each other for so long, and they have participated in the He family's family banquet. Maybe it was Because he has been studying in the West, He Tianbao's table manners are very good, and his every move exudes the word"education".

Including He Tian'er, who usually makes a fuss in front of Chen Heilong, is now extremely well-behaved and quiet in front of his parents. , showing her ladylike side.

After the meal, when the servants were clearing the table, Mrs. He said to Chen Heilong:"Mr. Chen, if it is convenient, can you push me to the garden for a walk? I have something to say to you. You talk alone."

Hearing this, Chen Heilong subconsciously looked at He Xin.

But He Xin was busy talking to He Tianbao at the moment and didn't look at them at all.

"You don't have to worry about A Xin, what I want to tell you has nothing to do with him. Seeing what Mrs.

He said, Chen Heilong nodded and smiled:"In that case, I will push you to go to the garden.""

He Tian'er on the side saw Chen Heilong pushing his mother out for a walk. He wanted to come over with her, but Mrs. He stopped her."Mr. Chen and I have some private matters to talk about. It's not convenient for you to listen. I'll stay with your brother in the living room." Let's chat for a while and we'll be back soon."

He Tian'er, who occasionally dared to talk to his father, was very obedient in front of Mrs. He. Hearing this, he could only watch Chen Heilong push her mother out with reluctant eyes. The

He family garden is very After coming out of the restaurant, you can see the colorful scenery.

Mrs. He pointed to the swing in the distance and said:"Let's go over there and chat!"


After Chen Heilong pushed Mrs. He to the swing frame, Mrs. He looked at the swing frame with a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

"This swing frame was built by A Xin for Tian'er when she was five years old. At that time, Tian'er had to set up a small stool in advance so that she could climb up. Unexpectedly, Tian'er had grown into a big one in the blink of an eye. girl."

Chen Heilong didn't expect that He Xin actually had such a delicate side. Although the swing frame in front of him was not particularly beautiful, and even a little crude compared to the carefully built ones around him, the builder could still be seen. How much care was taken when building this swing frame, and the materials used have not decayed or deformed much even after so many years.

But at this moment, Chen Heilong still didn't know what Mrs. He wanted to talk about when she called him out, so he also No casual reply

"Mr. Chen!"Mrs. He looked at Chen Heilong and said:"I called you out mainly because I wanted to talk to you about Tian'er. As Tian'er's mother, some of my words may be selfish. If there is anything I said that is wrong, please let me know. Do not mind"

"clear! Chen Heilong nodded and said,"If you have anything to say, Mrs. He can just say it.""

When he heard this, Chen Heilong already had some vague guesses in his heart.

"You must be able to feel Tian'er's feelings for you. Her father has protected her very well over the years. She is just a little girl who has not been deeply involved in the world. Although she looks heartless, in some aspects Maybe not that strong."

Mrs. He looked into Chen Heilong's eyes and said

"Therefore, I want to ask you if you are willing to marry our He Tian'er. Ah Xin should have asked you these questions, but regarding the relationship between you, even if I asked him, he would definitely not know what to do. Open your mouth, so I, a female streamer, have to do it for you."

"But don’t worry, whether you agree or not, it will not affect your relationship with A Xin. If you don’t want to, just pretend that I didn’t say these words, and there will be no other knowledge.……"

PS: The new book is about to set sail. I beg you all to send some flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes!...........

Even a flower, a review vote, or a monthly pass will do....................Man..

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