Cao Ze hurriedly opened the message, and the contents of it made his eyes light up.

Scientists have discovered a possible alternative substance in the lab, and although it still needs to be studied in depth, it is an important breakthrough.

Cao Ze immediately summoned the lead scientist of the research team, a young woman named Zhang Lin.

She passionately introduced their latest findings to Cao Ze.

Mr. Cao Ze, we have discovered a substance called X-93 on a remote planet "717", which has some properties similar to the element KX-237.

While further research and testing is still needed, this could be a promising alternative.

Cao Ze frowned, excited and worried about the news.

He knew that if the X-93 could replace the KX-237 elements, it would bring huge benefits to both parties, but also knew that this would require more validation and research.

Dr. Lin Zhang, you and your team must continue to study the X-93 in depth to ensure its viability.

We cannot afford to rush to progress without losing sight of the potential risks.

Zhang Lin nodded, she understood Cao Ze's concern.

Cao Ze then contacted Zylox to tell them about the X-93's discovery and proposed a plan for cooperation.

Soon after, an interstellar meeting was held in Interstellar City, where the Zylox delegation and Cao Ze's team came together to discuss this new alternative.

The atmosphere of the meeting was full of anticipation, but also with tension.

Representatives of Zylox took the floor to express their interest and expectations for the X-93, while also expressing their willingness to co-invest in research to ensure the viability of this alternative.

Cao Ze emphasized the importance of cooperation, saying: "This is a historic cooperation, we will explore the unknown together, find a way to solve the problem, and our goal is not only to solve the shortage of KX-237 elements, but also to contribute to the prosperity of interstellar civilization."

The faces of the scientists were filled with tension and excitement, as if in this remote laboratory, they could all feel that they were in control of the fate of the stars.

Cao Ze stood at the head of the conference room, his gaze sweeping over the faces of each team member one by one.

Great work, here are representatives from Zylox who are very interested in our research and willing to provide resources and support 0 ...

Zylox's representative, a middle-aged man named Sarnik, stood up.

Thank you for your efforts and ingenuity. The Zylox civilization is also facing a shortage of KX-237 elements, and this cooperation is very important to us.

Zhang Lin responded with a smile.

Thanks to Mr. Sarnik and the Zylox civilization for their trust, we also hope to find a workable solution as soon as possible.

The conference room was immersed in a serious and tense atmosphere, and everyone understood that this was not only a scientific study, but also about the future of two interstellar civilizations.

After the meeting, Cao Ze and Sarnik met individually.

Mr. Cao Ze, I learned that the performance of your 1.4 Emperor Group and Imperial Group is very good. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sarnik's tone was full of sincerity.

Cao Ze smiled.

Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Sarnik, but this mission is different. We face a lot of unknowns and challenges.

Sarnik nodded.

Yes, but that's why we need people like you more to lead this project. []

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