no doubt

The announcement in the Eastern Continent Channel took the countries by surprise.

They also thought that the forces of the Thirty-six Kingdoms had been fighting against the Machine Collar for a long time.

Even they were ready to end the war before the battlefield of all races.

But the machine led to a big surprise for all of them, all the forces.

Even beyond everyone's expectations.

There are even some forces that have not yet concluded their discussions.

The battle was over, and all the forces were taken by surprise.

And at this moment,

The people they sent out brought back the projection stone.

Holy Alliance,

Hundreds of emperors, unprecedentedly dignified.

Thirty-six empires, one of which is a fifth-level empire, four fourth-level empires, and dozens of other level empires,

There are tens of thousands of demigods involved,

But even these tens of thousands of demigods couldn't stop the mechanical collar for a moment.

They don't care about subordinate empires,

After all, even a fifth-level empire, in front of these tenth-level empires, they were just ants.

What they are really worried about is the potential of the mechanical collar,

From the Hundred Beast Empire's report to the mechanical realm, to the fall of the Hundred Beast Empire,

The mechanical collar didn't give them 12 response time, and they didn't care.

This was followed by the creation of a new race: the Automata.

They have discussed it, but they have not yet come to a conclusion.

He then challenged the thirty-six nations.

There was no time for the Holy Alliance to react at all,

This time

The mechanical collar once again sought the surprise of all the chefs and took down the Thirty-Six Empire.

According to the terrifying war potential of the Terran lords,

Once the mechanical realm annexes the accumulation of the thirty-six countries, it will not hesitate to send troops around.

At that time,

There will be more thorns on the territory of the Holy Alliance.

This is something they cannot tolerate.

It was at this moment that the projection stone was delivered.


Hundreds of Emperors of the Rank 10 Empire looked at the huge image played in the projection stone.

The next moment, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Some people can't even believe their eyes,

In front of them were five humanoid creatures made of metal that covered the sky and the sun, like an eternal mountain.

Even if it's just looking at the projection,

They felt as if a cold, piercing gaze was coming at them!

It seems to devour them.

Boom Boom Boom –

One emperor after another who was ten revolutions, the momentum on his body subconsciously burst out and swept up.

The top of the entire hall was lifted off, attracting many knights and guards.

After discovering that nothing happened, he retreated.

"Is this the mechanical clan created by the mechanical collar?" one of the emperors asked.

"Terrible, a race made of metal, how did he come about?"

"It's not surprising that plants can give birth to elves, and metal can be used to create machines. "

"But why does this mechanical clan give me the feeling that it is even more terrifying than a tenth-level demigod?"

"That's right, even a tenth-level demigod can't have such a sense of oppression. "

"This gigantic size is even bigger than an adult giant! It's hard to imagine how terrifying such a creature would be if it erupted. "

"Rank 10 demigods, we can treat them as five rank 10 demigods. "

"Terrible, I said why did the mechanical leader dare to challenge the Thirty-Six Empires at the same time, such a race is bred to be a demigod top, and it is too terrifying!"

"No, the number of this race must not be large, and if you want to build one, you don't know how many resources it will take. Look at the hundreds of cyborgs behind them, their strength is much lower than these five super cyborgs. "

"So there are limits to this race, such a race may be able to occupy a place among all races, but it is impossible to threaten the status of our ten major races. "

"That's right, only with a sufficient population can a race grow. This is another giant race, but compared to the giant race that has already developed, it will take tens of thousands of years, or even longer, for this race to grow!"

"Fortunately, such a race has limited potential. "

Many emperors of the tenth-level empire quickly reacted.

Based on their observations, they quickly saw the weakness of the automaton.

The more innate and powerful the race, the longer it takes to conceive, and the more conditions it takes to be born.

Like this kind of mechanical race that has reached the strength of a ten-turn demigod just after birth, (read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They didn't think that Cao Ze would be able to continue to create more mechs.

Since then,

The threat of the Mechanical Collar to the Holy Alliance has been greatly reduced.

"After that, there is no need to pay attention to the mechanical collar, and now the first task is the battlefield of all races. "

"As for the mechanical collar, after entering the battlefield of all races, it will be dealt with with those disobedient races. "



There are many races like the Holy Alliance that think so,

At first, they were frightened by the mechanical god in the Lingering Stone,

But soon they reacted,

Realize what's wrong with the mechanical family.

Whether it is the god race, the elf race, the human race, and other top ten races that pay attention to the mechanical realm, they all breathe a sigh of relief.

I thought that the Endless Continent had so much luck with this nascent race because this race had special features and had the potential to dominate the Endless Continent.

Now it seems that they are overthinking.

The Endless Continent is not without innate powerful races,


Among the top 100 races, there are quite a few races of innate demigods.

But they were left behind by the ten races,

The reason is that there are restrictions on reproduction, and no matter how strong such a race is, it will not be able to become a climate.

And these races, which are easy to reproduce and already have a huge base, give birth to more demigods every year than even their entire race.

What do they compare to the top ten races?

Therefore, after receiving the report,

The attention to the mechanical collar is disappearing,

There are even ethnic speakers,

100 This race will inevitably be wiped out in the endless battlefield after half a year.

Cao Ze is in the territory,

Naturally, I don't know what the outside world says about him,

But he learned the coordinates of several extremely distant locations from Xiao Yan.

no doubt

These coordinates are the headquarters of those forces,

Once Cao Ze needs,

Countless armies of mechanical people will pass through the door of the wormhole and reach the hinterland of the enemy.

Kill them one by surprise.

And now,

A steady stream of ores and magic crystals from the Thirty-Six Kingdoms filled the entire territory.

See this,

Cao Ze no longer hesitated and went to the android production line.

Now in control of 36 countries, more than tens of thousands of cities need to be managed.

The androids needed are in the millions.

Thankfully, a lot of ore has been scavenged from these empires.

Put a lot of ore into it,

It won't take long for batches of androids to be created.

And Cao Ze did not hesitate to transform them into a mechanical clan.

Suddenly obtained tens of thousands of divine fires and hundreds of godheads.

His source of fire has expanded hundreds of times compared to before.

Even if all cyborgs are converted into automatons, it is enough to use.

The entire territory is extremely busy.

But there is no doubt that

The resources brought by the Thirty-Six Empires to the Machine Lord,

It is enough to make the strength of the mechanical collar go to the next level.

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