"Mechanical Leader Cao Ze, do you know how big a mistake you made?"

The five-turn demigod released the metal ball in his hand,

A metal ball called a "satellite" floats in mid-air on its own.


The voice of doubt came,

"You build the Mechanical Clan, and occupy nine percent of the luck of the Endless Continent. "

"How many races do you know - hated you to the core?"

"Do you know that you're almost the enemy of the countless races in the entire Endless Continent?"

"You don't know anything!"

"You even dare to start a war with my Thirty-Six Empire with great fanfare. "

"Now countless races in the entire Eastern Continent, and even the entire Endless Continent, are paying attention here. "

The five-turn demigod said, and also looked at some of the buildings in the imperial capital,

There are hidden representatives of forces from the entire Eastern Continent or the entire Endless Continent,

They took the Shadow Stone with them and recorded the battle.

Give it to the forces behind them.

And the Barbarian Fox Empire naturally will not refuse the opportunity to spread the fame of the Barbarian Fox Empire.

Wen Yan,

Cao Ze was a little surprised,

Through countless moons, he saw the many demigods hidden in those buildings,

Four turns, five turns, six turns, and even eight turns of demigods.

They also found the hidden metal ball in the sky, but their mission was to take the photo back.

Naturally, I won't do superfluous movements,

However, some of the demigods were curious, and took away several satellite balls, intending to bring them back.

Cao Ze didn't care either,

I even want them to do it,

Then he will be able to obtain the coordinates of countless forces,

"Now, do you regret it?"

The five-turn demigod sneered,

This is the price of daring to provoke the Barbarian Fox Empire,

"Regrets? Not really, I just hope you'll be able to talk to me like that later. "

Cao Ze's voice had an indifferent tone,

made many five-turn demigods frown,

They think Cao Ze is hard-mouthed.


Suddenly all the demigods suddenly looked up at the sky,

They sensed something approaching over there,

As they expected,

The next moment,

The five star destroyer battle groups have come to the sky above the Brute Fox Empire,

The warships that covered the sky and the sun shrouded most of the imperial capital,

Countless people looked up, and when they saw the terrifying metal battleship, they couldn't help but suffocate.

The entire imperial capital can't help but be quiet,

The pupils of all the demigods shrank and gasped.

"What's, what is this?"

The terrifying battleship with its incomparable oppressive power made their souls tremble.

Those demigods who were holding the Shadow Stone did not hesitate to aim the Shadow Stone at the hundreds of warships,

They know that

What a big impact they're shooting today.

It can even be said that

can make the endless continent shake,


Their shock has only just begun,

When tens of thousands of female warriors walked out of the battleship,

The hundreds of ships that were like metal continents suddenly began to shake, and then countless machines were in a mess,


The metal continents stood up and turned into Optimus Pillars.


The fifth-turn demigod of the Barbarian Fox Empire swallowed fiercely, his eyes widening in disbelief that this was true.

"W-what kind of monster is this?"

Man Jiuke was so frightened that his legs were almost unstable,

Looking at the huge body like a god,

Before it, they were like ants.

And the feeling of pressure coming from that huge body made their breathing even more slow.

Tens of thousands of demigods were already powerless just in the face of this terrifying steel beast.

Not to mention let them go to war with it.

In a forbidden place in the Endless Continent,

Hundreds of leaders of different races gather here,

Many races such as Qiqi, gluttony, and immortal birds that are located after the top ten are now gathered here.

And what they surrounded,

But it was a young man who was only two or three meters tall and had blond hair.

"Our plans were disrupted, and we were preempted by the mechanical leader. "

A flame bird hundreds of meters in size, with a raging fire burning all over its body, had a cold voice.

"Damn, our plans won't be revealed, will they? "

The rat king's eyes were cold,

"Don't worry, since there is a mechanical collar, it is just right to help us attract the attention of those big families. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The golden young man smiled faintly,

"As for the power of luck in his possession, when the battlefield of all races opens, he will take it!"

Wen Yan,

The king of many terrifying races, rest assured.

They gather here,

It was because of the news that the mechanical leader was waging war against the thirty-six countries from the Eastern Continent.

As the first race to be born before the opening of the battlefield of all races.

All races will be curious,

And they also want to see the strength of the mechanical collar,

Ask for flowers0

Thus further implementing their plans.

The blonde young man shook the golden feather fan in his hand,

As the prince who descended from the Golden Crow tribe outside the sky,

The purpose of his arrival is to fight for the position of overlord of the Endless Continent,

Prepare for the Golden Crow Clan's entry into the Endless Continent.

And these races under his leadership,

will merge and a new race will be born.

Demon !!

Combined with the power of hundreds of powerful races, plus artifacts brought from the Golden Crow.

They are already qualified to compete with the ten races.

A vast secret realm in the Endless Continent,

A small sapling sprouts here, but if you look closely, you will find that countless terrifying visions have manifested on it, the world has been born and destroyed, the universe has sunk, and there is an incomparably huge starry sky continent.

And beside him,

A terrifying willow tree with thousands of feet, waving three thousand green silk wickers.

A large tree that seemed to be overgrown with the fruit of the stars, absorbing endless energy from the void.

In the distance, on top of a giant tree that was also a thousand feet tall, with white dandelions on its head and a terrifying human face on its trunk, hundreds of demigods were entwined with the corpses.

At this moment, a magnificent voice, like a voice from ancient times, came from the small sapling in the middle.

"The Endless Starry Sky Sea is not the place where my plant life lives after all, only the Endless Continent can cultivate and grow my plant vein. "

"Now that we have successfully descended on the Endless Continent, it is time to find a suitable place for our people to live. "

"Boss, according to the information I know, the Ninth Sister descended on the Endless Continent hundreds of millions of years ago, and gave birth to the elf race, one of the ten major races in the Endless Continent, should we summon her. "

"Yes, now that my plant has descended, it is bound to occupy a place in the Endless Continent!"

"Liu Shen, you will go to obtain the information of the Endless Continent, and before the war of all races begins, we will make our voice heard in the Endless Continent. "


A cold voice came from the domineering willow tree.

"Another revolution in the Endless Continent is coming, and those forces in the Starry Sky Sea will not let go of this opportunity, and I, the plant race, cannot miss it either. "

A scene like this happened in many hidden places in the Endless Continent.

Because the battlefield of all races is about to begin,

The race that watched the endless continent in the sea of stars could no longer hold back after the establishment of the first mechanical race.

They all want to end up and divide the luck of the endless continent in advance.

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