Chapter 385

"That's Sister Wang's friend, anyway, things are not what you imagined. "

Ashley hurriedly explained a few sentences and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

If you don't hang up, you can't do it!

Wouldn't it be outrageous if my father said something out again~ wouldn't it be outrageous.

She rubbed her cheek vigorously with her hand to make it look less red.

After a while, he whispered in some embarrassment, "Dad—it's true."

And Trump on the other side after his daughter hung up the phone.

He pouted, damn it!

His daughter must have been seduced by some stinky boy.

What should I do if I encounter danger?

But after thinking about it, Ashley usually does things in her own way.

He first pressed the red button on the table.

This was specifically for him to bring Coke.

Then I picked up one of the phones above and dialed it a few times.

It was only two seconds of effort, and the liaison's extremely sweet-sounding voice came from the other side.

"Hello, this is the president's hot hotline, please press 1 to inquire about the black material of the leaders of various countries, press 2 to arrange a visit, press 3 to go to Loli Island, press 4 to evacuate the US troops stationed in Ni, press 5 to commit suicide by being shot in the back, press 6 to request a call with the rabbit leader, press 7 about oil, press 8 to maintain world peace and hegemony, press 9 for manual customer service, press 0 to end communication, and press the button again again. "

Hearing a lot of Rory's chatter in front of him, the corners of Trump's mouth drooped significantly.

He pouted and pressed 9 decisively.


A melodious music came from the microphone, and his fingertips tapped back and forth on the table as he waited.

It seems to be very unhappy with this, but I'm used to it.

Three or four seconds later, a sweet operator voice appeared.

"Hello, Mr. President, operator 9527 is at your service. "

"It's too slow, I'm going to complain to you!"

Trump's voice sounded disgruntled.

It's just that soon he waved his hand: "Forget it, help me contact someone from the Secret Service." "

"Yes, Mr. President, please wait. "

The operator on the other side didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly helped Trump transfer to the Secret Service.

"Hey, hello, Mr. President, this is the Secret Service Presidential Line, is there anything I can do to help you?"

It sounded like a royal sister on the other side of the phone.

"Let your people, help me find out what movie will be released in Los Angeles today, send someone to watch it with a satellite, no, let them come to me, I want to watch the live broadcast." "

"Yes Mr. President. "

The person on the other end of the line didn't talk nonsense.

It was very decisive and simply answered.

Anyway, how to operate is a headache for technicians.

She's an operator who just needs to pass the word.

After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on Trump's face.

"I don't know which stinky boy is trying to deceive my Ashley. "

Since the other party can have a relationship with Hollywood, Trump naturally doesn't think he is a good person.

Hollywood is very dirty, all kinds of weird and dirty.

Neon some beach

"Queen, what should we do now?"

Ato's slightly hesitant voice came from inside the communicator.

They had received news of the total extinction of the gluttonous fleet in the solar system.

They had a lot of neon arrangements before, so that gluttony could directly cooperate with them to take the country in a wave when they invaded.

As a result, it is now known that all the gluttonous people have died in the solar system.

And it was very sudden, which directly disrupted their deployment.

It's really uncomfortable.

"Has Kalna's grandson contacted us?"

Morgana heard Ato's communication and took off her sunglasses and stood up from the beach chair with some annoyance.

Her tone sounded a little unpleasant.

To be exact, she has been very unhappy these days,

It's always going to be inexplicably annoyed, and then thinking of that guy.

She wondered if she was in the shape of a disease on Earth called Stockholm syndrome.

I always think of the bastard who made her so miserable that she was called Lingye.

Morgana was inexplicably irritable and unhappy.

Atto on the other end of the phone shrunk his neck, and he and Atay looked at each other.

The heart said that although he knew that the gluttonous group of people were bastards.

But the queen's tone doesn't need to be so harsh, it's still a little weird and scary.

He stubbornly said, "No, the Styx side has no contact with us for the time being. "

Morgana snorted very dissatisfiedly when she heard this, and she didn't know what kind of plane Carl was doing.

However, the gluttonous fleet is annihilated in the solar system, and she has a strong interest in it.

But it's a pity that she has become cautious after what happened last time.

Demon One remained in hiding the whole time, so he didn't notice what was happening at the first time.

After thinking about it, she felt that there was no point in doing it here.

Decisively got in touch with Karl's side.

"Carl, who drafted my uncle, what kind of plane are you doing, and what kind of invasion of the earth are you talking about?"

"Lady, I'm ready for everything, and I'm going to come together with the outside, but you didn't come?"

"Are you trying to trick me?"

In just a few seconds of communication, Morgana had already begun to spray three times a second.

Carl, who was dealing with things on the other side of the communication, also subconsciously shrank his neck, and said in his heart, "The woman is simply rude and arrogant, plus unreasonable.

Because Morgana has access to his private channel and doesn't need to notify him.

As a result, the other party directly came with a wave of sudden face three sprays without any expectation, which made Carl almost break the pen in his hand.

But in the face of Morgana's questioning, he had to explain patiently with a smile.

"Here's the thing, there's something wrong with the gluttony side and it's going to take a few days to delay. "

"I've ordered Snow to speed up the remobilization of men and fleets, and it is estimated that it will be done soon. "

Morgana was silent for a moment and said, "Could it be that Keisha is here? "

When she talked about her sister Keisha, Morgana was obviously a little intimidated.

If it was really her sister, her heart would have basically begun to retreat.

That Bichi is really strong, if she comes, she has to be hung up and beaten by her when she fights head-on.

Carl, on the other end, naturally heard that Morgana's words seemed to have a sense of retreat.

He felt bad and hurriedly stabilized the other party's mind first.

"Don't worry, it's not your sister, I've been staring at Keisha all the time, and she's still in Tiancheng and hasn't moved at all. "

"Usually, if your whereabouts are exposed, it is basically Keisha who takes the lead in chasing you. "

"Now that she is firmly seated in the Heavenly City, it proves that you have not been exposed yet, and it should be out of a safe state. "

Karl's language is very coherent and clear for a long time.

Morgana was a little relieved after listening to the other party's seemingly well-founded analysis.

Indeed, as Karl said, if his whereabouts were really revealed.

According to Kaisha's previous style, she naturally brought people to chase and kill herself.

Since there is nothing to do so far, it means that she has not been exposed.

"No, I'm still a little panicked, Carl, you need to give me something to support me. "

Carl's eyelids on the other side jumped, and he felt that the guy in front of him was going to open his mouth.

Sure enough, the next second Morgana spoke.

"You help me install a Void Engine for Ato, I still have too little high-end combat power here. "

"Just give Ya a casual upgrade. "

Carl breathed a sigh of relief, if it was just the Void Engine, it would be simple.

He has a lot of more mature models in his hands.

But those are cheap goods, and there must be no problem with using them.

"By the way, didn't you tell me that some Void Warriors had come out recently?"

"It's just right, you give me a few of these three no-products, and I'll take them to help you test and see if the products are qualified. "

"After all, it's definitely not safe to use, I don't bother to test it for you, and if you thank you, you won't have to say that you will give me another copy of the resources last time. "

Carl's eyelids twitched wildly, and he had to thank her for taking his own things?

This man's bandit logic is really developing in the direction of rebellion.

He took a deep breath and wanted to have a wave of bargaining, toot toot... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Morgana hung up the phone without giving Carl any chance to bargain.

She was in a very happy mood when she was done.

A smile reappeared on her face, and they all said that emotions would shift.

You see, Carl's expression became bitter.

What do you mean by that?

Carl, why don't you laugh?

Oh~ It turned out that the smile had shifted to my face!

"This TM...."

Carl rubbed his eyebrows, and wanted to curse a swear word.

But after all, he is a quality person, and in the end, he can only say this TM.

"Snow, tell Howler to hurry up and make another trip to Earth. "

Snow, who was serving on the side, twitched his eyelids when he heard that he was going to Earth.

He felt his scalp tingle when he thought of that broken place, but he hadn't forgotten the powerful existence he had encountered on Earth last time.

If he runs into the other party again, he may not dare to guarantee that he will be able to run away as soon as possible like last time.

0 begging for flowers

But he has always been loyal.

He naturally would not refute or reject the words of his own lord god.

He just lowered his head slightly and said respectfully, "Yes." "

Karl got up from his chair with some irritation, and he paced up the hall.

"This guy is really a lion's mouth..."

He was muttering to himself as he walked, looking dissatisfied.

"Forget it, anyway, if Snow wants to take it for testing, it will be regarded as a favor for her, and the control terminal is still with me. "

In the end, Carl decided to do Morgana's words and give her some Void Warriors as a safeguard.

"Snow, when you go to Earth this time, bring a few Void Warriors over and give them to Morgana. "

Hearing Carl's instructions, Snow breathed a sigh of relief in his heart

No matter how strong that guy was last time, he brought the Void Warrior over this time.

This time it shouldn't be so embarrassing, the Void Warrior can subvert matter on a small scale.

Snow also has more confidence in his heart.

"Yes, my subordinates will do it. "

Snow turned around and left to prepare what Karl had told him.

Seeing Snow leave, Karl sighed a little annoyed.

Planet Los Santos Hollywood

Today there are a lot of people here, and there are reporters from all over the world.

There are also many professional film critics in the industry.

At this time, they were all huddled in one place, as if waiting to interview someone.

"Look, look, it's Cameron!"

"Hey, hey, don't block Lao Tzu's camera!"

"Grass, step on my feet!"

"Fack! what bastard touched the old lady's ass!"

"MD, don't squeeze, you TM are in a hurry to go to heaven to be reincarnated!"

The crowd looked bustling, black and overwhelming, and it was all reporters.

Those with all kinds of long guns and short cannons are waiting for the main creators of the movie to come over.

The scene seemed a little funny for a while.

A luxurious business car gradually stabilized, and Cameron stepped out of the car in good spirits.

A very natural smile appeared on his face, and he kept waving to various media to say hello.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to his new movie.

"Director Cameron, is your new film the final series?"

"It's not the last one. "

"Director Cameron, do you think the box office of this old-fashioned sci-fi style will be guaranteed now?"

"I think my movie is going to be a big hit, haha. "

"Director Cameron, this time it is said that one of the main characters, the Terminator, is a racist, why would you agree to make a movie? I think it's disrespectful to minorities. "

Hearing this reporter's words, Cameron glanced at the other party.

In fact, I have predicted this for a long time, and I know that this kind of problem will definitely be unavoidable.

However, he did not panic about this, and he was ready to respond.

"It's pure nonsense, Lingye is a very good person, he is very humorous, and I only choose people to look at acting skills and style, not what he does, I won't let him play my actor because the other party is from a poor background, and I won't add drama to him because the other party is too rich, I only look at acting skills here. "

After saying that, he looked at the other person again.

"Which journalist are you?"


"Oh, I see, you're the one who reports on fake news a lot?"

"Poof, hahahahaha!"

Everyone present couldn't hold back their laughter after hearing Cameron's words.

As people in the industry, they naturally know the urine nature of CNN.

It's okay to fool ordinary people, but they know how CNN can confuse black and white out of context.

Usually, the other party likes to engage in some racial issues, and when they come out, they want to be equal.

In fact, this group of goods TM is engaged in political correctness everywhere and has created a miasma in the circle of journalists.

There are a lot of celebrities who hate journalistic interviews, and the BBC and CNN people take most of the credit.

It's just that I didn't expect Cameron to be so rigid and not show any affection to the other party.

The CNN reporter's face turned iron-blue.

But in the ridiculed eyes of everyone, he could only grit his teeth and return to the crowd with hatred, not daring to ask again.

The next thing is basically reporters asking Cameron a lot of things.

He responded to everyone with a smile, but he didn't ask him the previous question without looking long.

Before all the main creators arrive, they will basically wait at the door for a while.

One after another, the leading actors drove to the scene one after another.

But the one that is most curious to reporters has not yet come out.

Suddenly, in the distance, they saw an extended Lincoln line approaching their position.

... And..

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