royal palace.

In the side hall of Wenhua Hall, Li Shimin was lying quietly on the couch.

The bosses of Tai Hospital take turns to fight

"Dr. Li, please come and see me."

A thin old lady doctor stepped forward to check her pulse, and then she couldn't help but frown.

"Doctor Wang, you are always a master at taking pulses. Come and take a look."

A fat old doctor stepped forward to check his pulse, and then he couldn't help but frown.

"Doctor Zhang, you are always a master in this field. Come and take a look."

This conversation lasted for half an hour.

A group of imperial doctors, nearly a thousand years old in total, did not understand the reason for Li Shimin's coma. Wang

Zhi, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Yu Qian, the Minister of the Ministry of War, standing behind them, looked at each other in confusion.

Can't wait to ask

"Has it been diagnosed?"

"For the time being, the reason cannot be found.

Your Majesty's pulse is normal, but he just can't wake up."

The director of Taiyuan Hospital said helplessly.

After taking his pulse, Li Shimin's pulse was completely that of a Jiankang person.

At most, he was a little angry, but there were no other abnormalities at all.

When seeing Chinese medicine, the worse situation is that the doctor is His brows were furrowed when he checked his pulse.

What was even worse was that he summoned a group of white-haired old men to frown together.

While frowning, he also flipped through books recording medical terminal illnesses.

Like Li Shimin, this is the worst case scenario.

A group of white-haired old men frowned together. The pale doctors gathered around him and flipped through books, each one faster than the other. A normal person would have been frightened when he saw this scene.

"What should I do?"

The emperor suddenly fainted for no reason. This is a big deal.

Especially since the news cannot be concealed at all and too many people saw it.

"Give the order, the gates of the city are under martial law, and the palace is under martial law."

Wang Zhi, the Minister of Civil Affairs, looked at Yu Qian and said in a low tone.

"Just in case someone takes the opportunity to cause trouble. Hearing this

, Yu Qian just shook his head.

"No, we cannot overstep our bounds.

His Majesty did not give any instructions before he fainted. He cannot give direct orders, otherwise it will be a mess."

In critical moments, those appointed supervisors and auxiliary ministers seemed useless, but in fact they were given huge powers in an emergency, and they were able to do whatever they wanted to do.

But this incident happened suddenly, and no one had such great power..

Of course, in a strict sense, there is.

That is the Empress Dowager in Cining Palace.

But at this time, Wang Zhi and Yu Qian did not dare to go to each other.

King Tan is not his biological son, but the Emperor is.

"No, Ming Dynasty cannot be in chaos again.

I will give the order and bear all the responsibilities!"

Wang Zhi, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, looked at Li Shimin and said with a heartbeat.

Even with the cabinet, he, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is still the head of the officials.

At this time, he has to stand up.

"It's not that Yu is afraid of taking responsibility, it's just."

Yu Qian is an upright man, but this integrity may not be effective at critical moments.

There is not much that Wang Zhi, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Yu Qian, the Minister of the Ministry of War, can do.

They cannot directly command the imperial guards to enforce martial law on the city gates and the palace. But they can seal the gate of Nangong.

In addition to the Yulin Guards, dispatch another team of troops to guard it.

After doing all this, the two of them can only resign themselves to their fate.

Pray that the emperor wakes up soon.


South Gate.

All the main and side doors are sealed.

It can be said that this huge palace has now become a big prison.

However, if you want to get in, you can still get in if you think of a way. night


The sky suddenly thundered, followed by a heavy rain.

The water in the sky seemed to be pouring down.


Lightning from time to time illuminated several people walking in the front yard of Nangong.

There were military generals, civil servants, and even eunuchs.

After they entered the door, they saw Zhu Qizhen sitting alone on a chair.

They all knelt down and saluted.

"Your Majesty, this is my nephew Shi Biao, the leader of the third battalion of Fusi, Beizhen.

The guards at Xuanwu Gate are now all replaced by our own people."

Wu Qing Hou Shi Heng said with his hands raised.

He was once a good friend of Yu Qian and a general trusted by the emperor.

But now, he has become the main force supporting the restoration of Zhu Qizhen.

The reason is just two words, power and benefit.

Relying on normal channels , he can't satisfy his ambition!

"Everyone, please stand up."

He waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

Looking around, Shi Heng, Shi Biao, Xu Youzhen, Cao Jixiang, Zhang Fu, Yang Shan, Xu Bin.

These people used to be looked down upon by him.

But now, they have become He had one of the few things he could rely on!

Zhu Qizhen took out a pot of wine and put on the wine bowl.

The next moment, he scratched his palm with a sharp blade.

Everyone was shocked and stood up slightly.

They saw the other party pouring blood. Drop it into the wine bottle and pour it for everyone

"The ancients said that blood is used to make an alliance, and today I use my blood to make an alliance.

Killing you is like killing me!"

"We swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death!"

Everyone took the wine cup, and the names in their mouths had changed.

Obviously, they all came here for the merit of the dragon.

It is difficult not to be moved by this kind of achievement that reaches the sky in one step.

"If we win today, then everyone in the country will sit together!

If this fails, General Shi, please send someone to take me and Muge's son north.

Tell Grand Master Wala Ye first that this child's surname is Zhu and ask him to avenge me!"

At this moment, Zhu Qizhen only has revenge in his heart!

Zhu Mingjiangshan? Mingren people?

He can't care about so much anymore. Why does he care about the flood after death?

"Yes! Shi

Heng solemnly raised his hands and said

"Live and die together, advance and retreat together!"

Zhu Qizhen pulled everyone together and swore an oath in a low voice.

"Live and die together, advance and retreat together!"

A frustrated emperor led a group of frustrated civil servants, military officers, and even eunuchs to rebel together.

What a funny thing.

However, they seized this perfect opportunity when the emperor was in a coma.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

In front of the Nangong Gate.The heavy rain became a little lighter, but there were still big raindrops falling on the ground. It was almost midnight, and a dull loud noise woke up the Yulin Guards inside.


The siege equipment was used on the south gate, smashing open the sealed gate.

"Alert, alert!"

The Yulin Guards inside and outside the Nangong Palace were all dispatched urgently.

However, what they saw was the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen.

And thousands of troops from the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion!

"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

"Take back what is rightfully mine!"

Zhu Qizhen looked at the familiar face in front of him and continued.

"Either die here or follow me.

Your glory and wealth will be indispensable in the future!"

This person was originally chosen by the Empress Dowager, and he was relatively biased towards Zhu Qizhen's generals.

"Rebellion is a serious crime against the nine tribes!"

He hesitated a little, then immediately realized.

This is the Supreme Emperor.

A tangled question immediately appeared in his mind.

Does rebelling with the Supreme Emperor count as rebellion?

"If they are not friends, they can only be enemies."

Zhu Qizhen stood in the rain and said coldly.

This courage was not shown in Tumubao.

As the saying goes, be good to the outside world and good to the inside.

"The last general, the last general."

For a long time, this man thought a lot, and still knelt on the ground.

"See Your Majesty!"

All the Yulin guards knelt down together and chose to be loyal to Zhu Qizhen.

Then, under the leadership of Zhu Qizhen, thousands of people quickly headed towards the Xuanwu Gate!

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