This incident led to a lot of subsequent changes.

For example, there has been an increase in the number of letters from various countries requesting alliances.

They all can't wait to form an alliance with Huaxia and become good international brothers.

Of course, for these requests, except for a few countries, Huaxia has always come to refuse.

After all, this is just an agreement on paper, and it is not very restrictive.

Compared with the alliance application of these countries, another thing is what makes the top management of China even happier.

That is, in the two worlds, there are people who take the initiative to come out and negotiate with Huaxia.

In the martial arts world, because they saw the previous earth-shattering changes, several celestial powerhouses walked out of the entrance and took the initiative to contact the Huaxia soldiers stationed here.

They negotiate with them and want to communicate with the higher-ups.

Of course, for these people's initiative to negotiate, the top management of Huaxia is very happy.

Because of this, I quickly negotiated and talked with these people.

Soon, the top management of Huaxia knew what these people thought.

These people are all from different countries, well, it's kind of similar to the kingdoms of their history.

Of course, the higher-ups know that this is born because of the influence that exists, so they don't care about this problem.

What they care about now is the impact these people have had on Huaxia.

First of all, there are so many third-order cultivators all at once, and they are still on the martial path.

This can bring a new path to Huaxia, the martial arts.

And you can cultivate up to the fifth realm, which is also very good.

The most important thing is that martial arts do not have such high requirements for cultivating immortals.

Regardless of the level of qualification, you can cultivate.

Therefore, after some negotiations, the senior management of Huaxia quickly decided to let the other party join Huaxia.

Of course, in this process, it is not allowed to destroy it at will and cause adverse effects.

Otherwise, an all-out crusade will be launched against them.

And they are also responsible for teaching and promoting martial arts.

Of course, correspondingly, the Huaxia side will also provide them with resources for cultivation, and they can get the opportunity to listen to the powerful lectures once a month.

This is the condition for the cooperation between the two sides.

However, for these requirements, Huaxia occupies the initiative.

After all, the Huaxia side is the strong side.

And on the side of the martial arts world, it is the weak.

In addition to the martial arts world, the people of the Thunderbolt world are also negotiating with the high-level of Huaxia 23.

As for why the negotiations were made, the reason was naturally to get help from Huaxia.

Of course, the main thing is that they are afraid that at some point, they will be destroyed by Huaxia.

This is not an alarmist idea.

Don't look at Huaxia now that there is no sign of making a move on them, and there is no such thought.

But no one will let their side leave a ticking time bomb.

For Huaxia, the world of Thunderbolt is that bomb, a bomb that could explode at any moment.

Because the monks above are not like the martial arts world, the strongest here has even reached the immortal.

Immortals, that is, the existence of a kingdom can be easily destroyed without anyone stopping it.

Moreover, in addition to the powerhouses of the Immortal Dao realm, there are many powerhouses of the fifth realm below.

This is a force to be reckoned with.

Even, if Huaxia's peak standing is removed, Huaxia will not be able to fight against this world at all.

Who would have peace of mind in such a world?

Thinking from another perspective, the powerhouses of the Thunderbolt world are not so generous, and if there is such a world around them, they will definitely find a way to destroy it.

And Huaxia also has that kind of qualification.

Therefore, they found the top management of Huaxia and carried out the same negotiation process as in the martial arts world.

Unlike the world of martial arts, the contract between the world of Thunderbolt and Huaxia is simple.

As long as the two sides don't cause damage to each other's worlds, they won't attack each other.

Huaxia doesn't have to offer anything to the other party.

Correspondingly, the other party can't do anything in Huaxia.

And it's a sworn contract.

For the average person, this may not be of much use.

But for these people who have cultivated to be powerful, they are inviolable existences.

If the oath is violated, it will produce demons in the heart, causing regression in cultivation and going mad.

Even in serious cases, it can lead to the death of the monk.

So, there is no more rigorous contract.

In the void, watching the movements of the world, Zhou Yi's face was very calm.

All the movements on the Blue Star can't make him have too many emotional fluctuations for him at this moment.

After all, everything is made by him now, how can there be any emotional fluctuations because of these things.

Of course, this is not to say that his feelings are gradually indifferent because his cultivation has become higher.

He's still him, and he'll still love everything he liked before.

"This time it's over, and when it comes to it, it's time to do things again. "

Zhou Yi was a little helpless, although his cultivation was so strong.

But in fact, it's like a worker, constantly doing things.

This time it's done, and I'll move on to the next time.

Although it is said that it is very cool to create the world and control the whole world.

Zhou Yi touched his chin, thinking about whether he wanted to have a pleasant fishing.

Although when he created the world, he always touched the fish.

Except for thinking about things, the rest of the time is spent watching plays.

"Well, forget it, you can do things at any time, but you can't miss this kind of thing. "

Zhou Yi made a very happy decision to give himself a vacation, and then come back to do things after fishing.

As his thoughts turned, Zhou Yi had already returned to the room he was in.

"Comfortable. "

Lying down on the sofa, Zhou Yi squinted his eyes comfortably.

It's the same rest in other places, but on the couch, it's a very different feeling.

Turning on the TV, Zhou Yi came with a bottle of happy water.

The next moment, what appeared above was a large number of movies and TV series about mythological adaptations.

Due to the resurgence of mythology, this kind of theme is the most popular theme recently.

As long as you dare to shoot, it will be popular all over the Internet.

Don't say it, when people have real cultivation, they don't need to do special effects, just use ready-made ones.

And the fight is needless to say, the current fight is all fist to meat, I don't know how many times better than before.

As a pastime, that's no better.

Switch it around, and what appears above is everything that happened today.

The host on TV was still talking passionately about everything that was happening on the spot.

and then praised the greatness of Hou Tu Niang Niang very passionately.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Yi always felt weird.

Listening to others boast about themselves like this in front of me makes me feel a little embarrassed.

Well, don't say anything to praise that Hou Tu Niang is not him.

Isn't the phantom of Houtu also created by him, and praising the characters he created is equivalent to praising him.

Is there something wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with that.

For a while, Zhou Yi watched the TV even more beautifully.

Praise more, I love to listen.

However, when the blue star returned to calm, the entire universe was in turmoil.

In the Merlot Heavenly Court, Hiko and Hexi sat on the highest seats, while the people of the adventure stood on both sides of the main hall.

"You should have felt the strong power you had before. "

Hexi looked at the people below and spoke in a deep voice.

Hiko sat on the side, his eyes solemn.

"I suspect it came from the Blue Star. "

The coercion that the two of them were talking about was the coercion that they had brought with them when the rear projection appeared earlier.

Houtu is the mother of the earth, and it is full of love.

But the earth can bring life and contain everything, but it can also bring heavy pressure and suppress all enemies.

The love of the Houtu has always been reserved for its own people, and there has never been any love for foreigners.

Hearing the words of the two, many figures below couldn't help but nod.

They almost lost their breath for the feeling of oppression.

This feeling, although it is impossible to perceive where it comes from. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But what can make them so embarrassed, except for the existence on the blue star, it is impossible to have it anywhere else.


Looking at the reactions of the people below, Hiko took a deep breath and slowly spoke.

"After my discussion with the King of Heaven, we decided to move the clan land to the Blue Star and join it. "

Her words stirred up an uproar like a boulder thrown into calm water.

"What, are we leaving our hometown and heading to Bluestar?"

"But this is our hometown, are we really going to abandon it like that?"

"This should be just a joke, we are so far away, it shouldn't be able to affect our side, why evacuate. "

No one could understand this decision, even though it was the two people with the highest status in their clan who made the decision.

But asking them to leave this planet where they have lived for tens of thousands of years is unacceptable to everyone for a while.

Yan looked at the movement below, and pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

She knew a long time ago that when she said these words, it would cause a lot of discussion.

But she still said this sentence, not because of anything else, but because of Hexi's calculations.

After Hexi's calculations, one after another big things will happen on the blue.

Moreover, it seems that the Blue Star has turned into the core of the universe, and now it is also very large, and if you enter it in advance, you can get huge benefits.

Maybe the entire race will evolve to a higher level because of this.

And the forces that joined, calculated according to the information she had obtained in the dark plane before, had already been found.

That's Huaxia.

In the record, Huaxia is the most tolerant country in the whole Blue Star.

As long as he doesn't do things, he is very inclusive.

They moved to the top, and the one who decided to join was Huaxia.

Of course, there is also a reason for Keisha.

Because when they left, Kaisha said that she would join Huaxia and seek a higher opportunity for evolution.

But the most important thing at the moment is to convince this group of people to talk.

"Of course, this is not a dictatorship, if you want to go to the Blue Star, stand on the left, if you don't, go to the right. "

Hiko spoke slowly, and after a while, there was a commotion below.

Then, the line slowly divided into two rows.

One row on the left, one row on the right.

But it's clear that there are a lot more people on the right than on the left.

Looking at this scene, although he had expected it for a long time, Hiko's heart was still helpless.

However, the decisions made will not change because of these people.

She spoke in a deep voice.

"In that case, the people on the left will go to the Blue Star with me and the Tianji King, and the people on the right will continue to stay here. "

She will not give up the opportunity to lead the group to higher levels, even if there are few people to support.

As her words fell, the meeting was over.

Not to mention the movement of Merlot Heavenly Court, on the other side, the Styx galaxy.

Like Hiko's group, Carl also felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

The feeling of oppression that seemed to be pressed on his body as if the entire universe was pressing on him almost suffocated.

Although he doesn't need to breathe anymore.

"Snow, did you say that the previous movement happened on the Blue Star? "

After a long silence, Carl finally looked at the subordinates next to him and spoke slowly.

Snow was silent, but spoke anyway.

"My God, as it seems, is so. "

There was no way, that coercion, as well as the previous actions, all proved that it was coming from the blue star.

"You say, for the blue star's action, did I make a mistake. "

What Carl said was naturally a move to fool Morgana into going to the Blue Star and sending the Gluttonies to the Blue Star.

If it weren't for these actions, you probably wouldn't have suffered anything before.

Although neither the demise of the gluttony nor Morgana's death had any effect on him.

But he still has a little weakness.

In the face of the existence of that level, he couldn't imagine what method he needed to use to escape.

He even knew the reason for his survival this time.

397 That's just because I'm too weak to be looked down upon.

But you can't survive by being belittled by others every time.

Moreover, although they survived this time, the gluttonous clan was wiped out without doing anything.

But in the end, I went to invade, or I went because of my own reasons.

What if someone comes looking for you in the future.

"My God, though it is, is so. "

Snow finally said something different this time.

In the past, no matter what Carl did, he was unconditionally supportive.

Because of Carl's power, no one in the entire universe can help him.

But in retrospect, that was a dead mistake.

What is invincible, it is not slapped to death.

When Karl heard this, there was silence again.

He is not afraid of death, but in the face of that kind of existence, he can't help but be in awe.

It's an amazing feeling that I can't describe it.

For the first time in the Academy of Dead Songs, Carl felt fear.

It was a mood he had never felt before.

"My God, what are you going to do now. "

After a long time, Snow finally spoke.

"I'm going to see what happens. "

Karl sighed helplessly, for a strong man of that level, he didn't believe that he could escape by leaving here.

If it were just that, it would be too simple.

That kind of strong person, no matter where he is, the other party can easily find it.

However, this feeling of waiting for death is really not comfortable at all.

Carl thought silently.

The other party didn't trouble himself this time, but he wasn't sure if there would be trouble in the future.

At the same time, on a distant planet.

Bo Shun opened his eyes.

At this moment, most of his injuries had recovered, but the price was that all the living beings in the surrounding star fields had been sucked by him.

Even if it's a planet, it's a real death star.


Gently exhaling a breath of turbidity, Bo Xun got up and looked in the direction where the blue star was.

Not long ago, he felt that supreme aura again.

"Over there, is there something going on again?"

Bo Shun was a little surprised, but at the same time worried.

Because over there, there is also a world of its own.

If his world was destroyed by this supreme fluctuation, wouldn't it take a long, long time for his injuries to recover.

No, it may never be recovered.

"It seems that the injuries on the body can only be like this, and we have to go back to see the situation first. "

Bo Xun's mind turned, and a decision had been made.

Although there is a huge risk of going back this time.

However, if I don't go back, I don't know how long it will take me to recover from my injuries in this starry sky.

Making a decision, Bo Xun no longer hesitated, and his body had already made a move.

I saw him step forward.

In the next second, the figure had already appeared outside the planet, in the universe.

Ignoring the feeling of stagnation caused by the vacuum, Bo Xun moved here, instantly turning into a streamer and flying towards the blue star.

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