Zhao Xiaogang lay comfortably on his seat and sang loudly to the rhythm:"The past has become a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of each other. Even after we said goodbye, I can't see you. You are a little sad. Everything you gave me……"

The middle-aged man next to him glared angrily:"Can you please stop singing?"

"I came to hear Zhang Tianwang’s concert, not to hear you sing!"

Zhao Xiaogang paused and pulled down his mask, revealing the huge scar across his cheek, which looked ferocious.

He said fiercely:"Say it again? The middle-aged man suddenly lost his momentum and said without confidence:"Sing... you can't hear it clearly even if it's too loud." His wife even pulled him and whispered,"Shh, don't argue with him. He has a fierce look on his face. He might have killed someone before.""

Zhao Xiaogang lay down comfortably again, with his feet still on the heads of the people in the front row.

The people in the front row were just about to curse, but when they saw the fierce light in the catalog, they were frightened and could only lean forward and pretend that they didn't feel it.

Zhao Xiaogang has indeed killed people. , and because of this incident, he has not dared to return to his hometown for more than ten years. He can only rely on fake IDs to fool around outside.

But he is not worried. He usually wears a mask when going out, and he relies on scalpers to buy various tickets. The police have no idea. I can’t catch it.

It was the same in the past, and it’s the same today.

Not only do you not need to commit suicide, but you can also listen to Zhang Tianwang’s concert comfortably.

No money?

If you don’t have money, you won’t ask for it. There are so many people in the Dragon Kingdom, and they are always warm and hospitable. People who are willing to give everything they have

"You are just perfunctory. The more innocent you smile, the wilder I will love you. There will always be some understanding in an instant.……"

Zhao Xiaogang sang again, this time louder.

After the threats just now, no one will bother me anymore, right?

"Shut up and get up."Suddenly a voice came from the side.

Zhao Xiaogang opened his eyes and cursed angrily:"Get the hell out of here, what the hell am I doing?……"

He suddenly froze, and there were several black skins standing in front of him!

"grass!"Zhao Xiao just wanted to run away when he was held down by several hands.


"Zhao Xiaogang, look where you are going!"

"Bring back!"

Everyone around was shocked, watching Zhao Xiaogang being handcuffed and being taken away by the police.

A few seats away, a young man dressed in hip-hop looked shocked:"Fuck, if you sing at a concert, you will be arrested by the police. ?"

He quickly covered his mouth and didn't dare to sing anymore.

In the conference room of Longguo General Office, all the participants were quiet and showed expressions of surprise.

Sun Wei smiled bitterly:"If the spy hadn't been caught on the spot, I wouldn't believe it. The Marauder's Map is real"

"Does everyone believe it now?"

The participants nodded silently, and their hearts were filled with panic.

At this time, Yan Hongyi's voice came from the screen:"Report to the chief, through name comparison, we found 18 suspected fugitives."

"After secret comparison, 4 people were finally confirmed"

"Two men were convicted of gang crimes and have been on the run for 2 months"

"A fraudster who has been on the run for 3 years"

"A Class A wanted criminal who has been on the run for 14 years.

At the end, Yan Hongyi said with emotion:"If this thing could be implemented, it would be much easier to find spies and criminals!""

It's much simpler!

The generals, experts and scholars were all extremely shocked.

This thing is unprecedented and unprecedented.

It doesn't look at faces or identity information.

No matter what blind corner it is, it can Find it out.

Once it is installed, its importance is self-evident!

A general said solemnly:"This thing must be installed in the entire army. Imagine that when the special forces perform a mission, they can predict how many people are in the room in advance."

"Efficiency and success rates can be improved."

A minister said:"If we can distribute it nationwide, we can set it up in important areas, subway entrances, and passenger transportation centers."

"Any hidden dangers can be discovered in advance and can also be found at large."

A scholar said:"Don't just look at this map, look at the logic behind it!"

"If we can dig out this... magic technology, it can stimulate all technologies and industries at the same time!

Seeing that the participants were about to start arguing again, Zhao Qiming quickly said:"Ahem, let's not talk so much. The magic technology and the Marauder's Map are far beyond imagination and expectations."

"Since this is a completely new path, I suggest letting him have his own style"

"Various departments provide manpower and assistance to cultivate a new batch of talents."

The meeting started very late and many participants could not sleep.


The next day, a series of news broke the Internet

《Capture fugitives again at Zhang Tianwang’s concert!》

《With one shot and four shots, King Zhang continued to show off his power!》

《The fugitive must be caught at the concert, and Skynet will make a great contribution!》

《Crime nemesis Zhang Tianwang!》

《Another criminal was arrested at Zhang Tianwang’s concert, and he turned out to be a Class A wanted criminal! 》

The overwhelming news appeared, attracting the attention of the entire Internet.

People can't help but wonder what kind of magic Zhang Tianwang's concert has.

Attracting fugitives to the urn?

"Has King Zhang made meritorious deeds again?"

"That’s awesome. I’ll just cancel the criminal police in the future and go directly to Zhang Tianwang’s concert to catch fugitives."

"Overthinking, a concert can attract 50,000 people. Even if a city has 1 million people, it will take 20 days to screen. There are so many cities across the country, when will it be necessary to screen them?"

"Hahaha, just kidding!"

"By the way, that night, I saw some strange people holding strange instruments. Do you think the rabbit has come up with something new?"



[Doesn’t anyone read this subject? Please give me some data to comment on. The little author writes so well. ]

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