After strengthening to +5, Kusanagi Sword and Shirayuki will spend 6,000 points each time to strengthen!

At the same time,

Yagami Ryosuke also used a guarantee charm, a lucky charm and a strong luck charm!


These three symbols can be used at the same time, instead of only one being used at a time. certainly!

This is a trick only rich people can play.

Ordinary group members would not dare to play like this!

After all, three talismans are used together, not to mention the basic cost of strengthening.

These three talismans alone cost 145-00 points!

For these people in the group.

Who the hell spent so many points on just one enhancement?

So if you strengthen it ten times, it shouldn't cost hundreds of thousands?

Only Ryosuke Yagami has hundreds of billions of points, so he doesn't care about these points.


"Strengthen success!"


"Strengthen success!"


"Strengthen success!"

"......" really!

With the blessing of three talismans, the success rate of strengthening is directly doubled!

From +5 to +10, not once failed!

However, from +10 to +20, I only failed fifteen times, which is already very impressive.

After all, that’s +20!

【Kusanagi Sword.Snow+20】

【Characteristics: Extreme freezing, extreme sharpness, extreme blood-sucking, extreme armor-piercing】

+20 Kusanagi Sword Shirayuki's characteristics increased to four.

And all four characteristics have reached the ultimate effect!

Even higher, I don’t know what level it is?

Ryousuke Yagami glanced at it, but showed no intention of stopping.

Continue to strengthen! dot dot dot......

Ryousuke Yagami kept clicking the strengthening button with his mind.

Until all three hundred of his talismans are used up!

He strengthened it a total of one hundred and five times.

A total of 15.000+30.000+180.000+600.000+2.640.000 basic strengthening points were spent. In total, a total of 3,465,000 points were spent!

Close to 3.5 million!!!

This is much more points than buying three kinds of talismans.

A little more than double.

And in the end, this Kusanagi Sword Shirayuki was strengthened to +25 by Ryosuke Yagami!

Yes; the last 55 enhancements were all spent in the process from +20 to +25.

+24+25 alone was used 19 times.


All 18 times failed!

The last time it was successful, Yagami Ryousuke didn't do it. certainly!

It's also because all the strengthening charms have been used up.

+25 is too difficult!!!

Even if the strong luck charms and lucky charms are added together, the chance of success will be increased by 50%.

But the probability of successful enhancement is still too low!

"Why does this 50% chance of success feel the same as not adding it? Is it real or fake?"

Ryosuke Yagami couldn't help but complain.

Although he is rich, he is not so deceptive, right?


+25 Kusanagi sword. Shirayuki is powerful enough!

【Kusanagi Sword. Shirayuki +25】

【Characteristics: God. Freezing, God. Sharpness, God. Blood-sucking, God. Armor-piercing, God. Sword Qi]

This Kusanagi sword, after being strengthened to +25, already has god-level lethality.

Even a person who knows nothing.

Holding it, you can kill gods easily!

Bai Xue's five characteristics are all god-level.

Ryosuke Yagami took it out of the strengthening pool.

Holding it in his hand, he felt a power that was almost at the peak of the god level pouring into his body from this knife and becoming part of his strength.

"Good guy, a knife is directly equivalent to the peak of god-level combat power!"

Ryosuke Yagami seems to have discovered another way to become stronger.

That is strengthening!

However, this strengthening is really not something that ordinary people can do.

Just look at his consumption today.

More than three million points!

And; this It’s still just +25!

If you want to get +26, the points for one enhancement are 96,000, and if you enhance it a hundred times, you may not be able to reach +30!

This one hundred times, that’s nine hundred and sixty. Ten thousand points!!!


If strengthened to +30, will the combat power of this sword directly reach the god-king level?

Ryousuke Yagami guessed in his mind.

But if you can reach the God King level by spending more than nine million points, that's a great deal!

Not to mention more than nine million points.

Even if it’s more than 90 billion!

Ryosuke Yagami thought it was a good deal.

After all, that is the God King level!

"However, with a high probability of +30, it is impossible to reach the power of a god-king level. At most, it is stronger than the god-level invincible, but it is far inferior to the god-king level. For example, like me now"

"By the way, is there really no other level division between the god level and the god king level?"

"It always feels weird!"

Ryosuke Yagami sheathed the Shirayuki sword in his hand while thinking about other things.

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Yagami Ryosuke:"Screenshot.jpg! I spent a little bit of points and successfully strengthened a weapon. How about you guys give me some advice?" They were doing their own things, or hesitating whether to do it or not. The Hokages who purchased guarantee charms and other items to strengthen the items saw new information appearing in the chat group and subconsciously glanced at it.

Just this glance made these people cover their chests instantly, feeling filled with panic and discomfort.

Damn it!

Is this a rich person?

But why isn't that person me?

All the Hokages felt their hearts congested and wanted to curse a few words, but they didn't know how to speak.

For a moment, surprisingly no one spoke in the chat group.

It wasn't until more than a minute that someone sent a message.

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"What do you think of this sword? It's a bit too white and I don't like it very much."

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"Would you like to give it to you?"

【First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"Ah?! Are you going to give it to me? That's so embarrassing!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"I just asked you if you wanted it, I didn't say I would give it to you."

【The First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"......"

【Second-generation Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Brother, please shut up, it's too embarrassing for our Senju clan!"

【First Hokage】Senju Hashirama:"Haha~! Not really, right? Besides the two of us, as well as Madara, the Senju clan in other worlds have been exterminated!"

Ah this......

After seeing the message sent by Senju Hashirama in the chat group, Senju Tobirama, who was holding a breath in his chest and panicking, didn't know what to say.

Is it possible that he should scold his elder brother in the parallel world?

But he, who is familiar with Senju Hashirama's character, wouldn't know that Senju Hashirama is so rough. Even if you scold him harshly today, he will forget it in two days.

I won’t remember it at all!


It will not be corrected.

He is such a person, he looks silly, but he has his own ideas and will persevere.

"Hey~! Having such a big brother on the stall is all about fate."

Senju Tobirama sighed. He felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

What are you grateful for?

Of course he is glad that his big brother in this world has died!

Although it is inappropriate to think so.

But at this moment, Senju Tobirama really feels ideas pop up

【Second-generation Hokage] Senju Tobirama:"Yakami Ryousuke, can I ask how many points you spent?"

【The Fourth Hokage] Namikaze Minato:"This sword feels so powerful! It has a +25 enhancement level and its characteristics are all god-level. It feels like it can kill gods!""

【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"It didn't cost much. The basic points plus the points of the transformation talisman add up to less than six million. It's so cheap!"

【The First Hokage] Senju Hashirama:"It’s less than six million, it’s so cheap!"

【The Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"It’s less than six million, it’s so cheap!"

【Sandaime Hokage] Sarutobi Hiruzen:"Less than six million, it’s so cheap!"

【Sandaime Hokage] Orochimaru:"It’s less than six million, it’s so cheap!"


【The Sixth Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"I said it's too cheap, is there a problem? Screenshot.jpg!"

The three new Hokages who joined the chat group yesterday subconsciously clicked on the screenshot posted by Ryosuke Yagami, and they had already The old members who guessed something laughed and said nothing and did not take action.

Then, the three new group members who clicked on the screenshot couldn't help but widen their eyes, with expressions on their faces that were extremely shocked, and their mouths opened, looking dumbfounded.

One hundred million......Hundreds of billions?

With a balance of more than 100 million points, the three of them instantly lost the ability to speak.

Subconsciously; they looked at their point balance again.


The three of them were silent.

Suddenly I felt very tired.

I really want this world to be destroyed right now, at least then I won’t have to see this hateful gap!

In fact, if the difference is only tens or hundreds of times, they can still accept it.

After all, Ryosuke Yagami is so strong, a god-level invincible strongman.

Shouldn't it be appropriate to have dozens or hundreds of times more points than them?


What's going on with this hundreds of millions of times difference? never mind!

Destroy it anyway. tired! tired!!

"Haha~! Are these guys probably dumbfounded?"

"However, this knife is really strong"

"After spending millions of points to be able to strengthen it to this level, it’s worth it!"

Yakami Ryousuke looked at the chat group where no one was talking suddenly with a smile.

Then he also smiled and closed the chat group interface.

It was around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Yagami Ryousuke went to Hatake Sakumo's parallel ninja World.

Because he promised Kushina a few days ago that he would train with her today.

A beautiful woman has an appointment, so naturally she cannot break her promise!

So this afternoon, Yagami Ryousuke was training with Kushina.

During the training process, there will inevitably be some physical contact, and whether it is because of tiredness or heat, Kushina's face has been red, and she does not even dare to look directly into Yagami Ryosuke's eyes. In the evening

; Kami Ryousuke was invited by Kushina to her house for dinner.

At first, Yagami Ryousuke hesitated.

Mainly because he thought of Kushina's dark cuisine and wondered whether his god-level stomach could bear it. Such horrible dark food?

However, after hesitating for 0.1 seconds, Yagami Ryosuke agreed to Kushina's invitation.

Mainly because he thought that if it was really too unpalatable, he would probably pretend to eat it. In fact, it was annihilated directly with the dust release.

For Yagami Ryosuke, it is not difficult to put a dust release or something with his mouth.

When the food enters the mouth, it will be annihilated by the dust release.

That way There is no need to offend one's stomach, nor to offend the beauty, making Kushina sad. The best of both worlds is yes!

However, when Yagami Ryousuke actually arrived at Kushina's house, he discovered that it was not Kushina who planned to personally Cook.

Instead, order delivery from a restaurant

"Ryosuke, do you want a drink?"

Kushina brought over a bottle of plum wine and asked Yagami Ryosuke

"Okay, but you need to drink less and don't get drunk again."

Ryosuke Yagami nodded and said yes, but also reminded Kushina not to get drunk like last time.

"No way, it was an accident last time!"

Kushina said with an unconvinced look on her face.

"Yes, yes, our Kushina has the best drinking capacity!"

Ryousuke Yagami said with a smile, and reached out to pinch Kushina's cheek.

Ryousuke Yagami liked doing this very much.

Because Kushina's cheeks are soft and comfortable to pinch.

"Hum~! I won’t tell you anymore!"

Kushina's face turned red after being pinched, and she hummed pretending to be angry. She quickly turned around and ran to the kitchen.

Late at night, in the living room.

Ryosuke Yagami, who had just finished eating, was dragged by Kushina. Come watch a movie that is said to be the latest in the living room.

Although the ninja world in this world is at war, it is not the whole world.

In some remote areas, such as the Land of Snow, it is quite peaceful, nothing wrong. War.

Therefore, the entertainment industry culture like movies has naturally not completely stagnated.

PS: The third update is up!

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