The next day; in the morning.

Kushina held her swollen head with one hand and sat up from the bed.

"Woo~! My head hurts so much."

Kushina muttered, turning around and getting out of bed, kicking her way to the bathroom in her slippers.

Dong Dong Dong~!

"Kushina, are you up?"

At this time, Mikoto's voice came from outside the door.

"Well, get up."

Kushina, who had washed her face with cold water, turned around and responded.

A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, and she was much more awake.


The door opened;

Kushina came out of the room and saw her in pajamas. Mikoto was standing outside the door looking at her with a smile.


Kushina giggled and hugged her.

"Go away, go away, you haven't changed your clothes yet and you smell like alcohol."

Mikoto patted her angrily, but she didn't really push Kushina away.

"Hehe~! You won't dislike me, right?"

Kushina said with a smile, letting go of Mikoto and looking around

"What are you looking for?"

Mikoto asked curiously

"Where is Ryosuke?"

Kushina asked

"He sent you home last night and left."

Mikoto said

"Ah~! Didn't you let him stay? Kushina said in surprise.

When Mikoto heard this, she immediately put her hands on her hips angrily and said,"You also said that you had no idea how embarrassed you were after drinking so much wine yesterday!" It was just the first day that Ryosuke and I met, but you, an unreliable guy, got so drunk that you left the two of us alone and helped you home."

"Hehe~! Mikoto, you are my best bestie! Kushina smiled and said,"Yes, what do you think of Ryosuke?" Oh, this young handsome guy!"

"Go, go, no matter how old Ryosuke is, I am already a round older than him!"

Mikoto said angrily.

"So what if it’s just one round, and I see, Ryousuke likes a big sister like Mikoto, you are gentle and considerate!"

Kushina said with a smile like a fox.

"You~! There is always no right way to go!"

Mikoto shook her head helplessly and said,"Besides, don't think I can't see it! You are the one who is interested in Ryosuke, right? how? Are you testing me on purpose? Are you afraid that I will steal the man you like?"

"Yes, I quite like Ryousuke."960

Kushina smiled and admitted openly,"But if you like it too, Mikoto, I don't mind sharing it with you! After all, we are good sisters!"

"Still saying? I'll beat you again!"

Mikoto pretended to be angry and raised her hand.

Kushina immediately ran away with a smile.

After a moment,

Kushina poked her head out from around the corner.

"I'm serious, think about it!"

Speaking, Kushina winked at Mikoto.

Then she ran away before Mikoto got angry.

"This stinky girl!"

Mikoto stood there and stamped her feet angrily.

However, thinking of what Kushina said just now, Mikoto couldn't help but think of Yagami Ryosuke's face in her mind.

For a moment, she blushed and shook her head.

"What are you thinking about? Mikoto, Ryosuke is so much younger than you, are you embarrassed to do it?"

She whispered to herself.


Kushina has already said that she likes Ryosuke.

Is it possible that she really wants to share a man with her good sister?

This is too ridiculous!

Mikoto shook her head and forced herself not to Thinking about these things again, he turned and walked towards the guest room.


Yagami's house.

After coming back last night, Yagami Ryousuke stayed up until midnight, and woke up early this morning.

Recently, his Sleep is getting shorter and shorter.

Even if he wants to sleep, he can't fall asleep.

Especially after his normal strength reaches the god level. The chakra of the god in his body begins to feed back to his body, making Ryosuke Yagami feel every step of his body. New changes are happening every moment!

The most intuitive point is that what he eats into his stomach will no longer leave any food residue or the like.

It will be purified directly.

That is Said:

Ryosuke Yagami can say goodbye to the toilet.

And his mental state is getting better and better. He seems to have inexhaustible energy every moment. He obviously worked hard for five or six hours yesterday.

Xiaonan and Yukito and the others were all exhausted.

But Ryosuke Yagami, the person who contributed the most, was not tired at all. Instead, he was still as energetic as ever and felt like he could fight another 30,000 rounds!

"The difference between god-level and non-god-level is really huge!"

Ryosuke Yagami thought to himself.

He walked out of the kitchen and poured a glass of water, then walked to the balcony and looked at the beautiful scenery of the garden in the yard. At the same time, he took out a copy of a god-level powerful creature from the system's bio-pheromone warehouse. Pheromones

"System, convert it."

Ryousuke Yagami thought silently in his heart.


"Conversion successful!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the talent entry......"

Yagami Ryousuke took a look and found that the three entries of the transformation were exactly the same as the three entries of the god-level powerhouse who was transformed for the first time last time!

"Even the entry for"No. 3 in the world" is the same, but in this case, the remaining portion should be able to be transformed into a golden entry for"No. 2 in the world"."

Ryosuke Yagami chuckled. Although all three entries were repeated, this was the result he had thought of.

There was no such thing as disappointment.

Moreover, the god-level entries he repeated now were There are two.

And both are entries for [Power of God]!

"Two identical entries are synthesized. If a super-god-level entry is successfully synthesized, will it be possible to synthesize a superior entry of [God's Power]?"

Ryosuke Yagami thought to himself.

He opened the synthesis interface of the system.

Then he put two [God's Power] entries on it.

One synthesis is still 50 experience points.

It's not because the synthesized entries are god-level words. The price increases every time.

This is what Yagami Ryosuke likes most about this synthesis function. The price will never increase!

And after the system is updated, the price will also decrease!

It’s great!

50 experience points once, it’s not expensive.

Night Kami Ryousuke directly clicked the synthesis button thirty times!


"Synthesis failed!"


"Synthesis failed!"


"Synthesis failed!"


Continuous failure prompts, a full thirty times, without exception

"It’s really difficult!"

Ryosuke Yagami took a sip of water, and the expression on his face did not change. He continued to synthesize.

One hundred times!

Two hundred times!

Three hundred times!

As the number of synthesis continued to increase, time passed minute by minute.

Two hours Finally.

Ryousuke Yagami has arrived at the Hokage's office. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While looking at a document handed over by Konan, he glanced at it and signed his name at the bottom. The famous name.

While in the system synthesis interface in his mind, the two god-level entries were still being synthesized again and again!

Ryosuke Yagami discovered for the first time that spending money is quite time-consuming and laborious!

More than two Hours, he synthesizes once every 1.5 seconds on average.

So far, he has synthesized it almost 5,000 times!

It cost about 250,000 experience points!!

And the result is without exception; all failed!!

The 5,000 synthesis failures did not surprise Ye Shen. Ryousuke was unexpected.

It took time and money, and it felt really weird.

Especially; this was the first time that Yagami Ryousuke had done such a (bbfb) arrogant synthesis.

He had synthesized gold before At the time of the entry.

How could anyone be as arrogant as now?

At that time, it cost 100 experience points to combine once, but Yagami Ryosuke always saved thousands of experience points before merging. The total before and after was Just dozens or hundreds of times. It's nothing like now; it was synthesized five thousand times in one breath, without even blinking!

The feeling of being rich is really different!

What a pity!

Yagami Ryousuke is still not rich enough.


500,000 experience points.

More than half of this has been spent!

As usual,

Ryosuke Yagami still stayed in his own world in the morning to deal with official village affairs.

Then he had lunch with Hinata and Ino at noon..

In the afternoon, I went to the parallel ninja world over Hatake Sakumo.

This time,

Yagami Ryousuke came here mainly to see if he could find other civilizations hidden in the universe.

Although he had asked Otsutsuki Isshiki before, The other party said no.

But Yagami Ryosuke still wanted to give it a try.

What if there was?


Yagami Ryosuke spent an entire afternoon using Hirazaka of Homizu to randomly teleport no less than tens of thousands of times.

During this period, he discovered that there is life. There are 156 planets.

However, 155 of them are populated by strange-looking groups of life, and their individual strength is extremely weak.

Traces of human beings have been found on the last planet.

But it is still in the early ancient times, and the individual strength is extremely weak. Still weak!

"It seems that there is really no more."

Yakami Ryousuke, who had been looking for nothing all afternoon, also gave up.

Anyway, he is not just in this back garden.

There is no need to stick around here.


Yagami Ryousuke gave up quite simply.

There was no trace of it at all. A trace of muddiness.

After giving up the search for a powerful civilization that might exist, Yagami Ryosuke also asked Kushina and Mikoto to go out for dinner and shopping together.

I don’t know why, but after not seeing each other for a day, Mikoto became a little weird..

Yagami Ryousuke found that she was peeking at him several times, and she would blush.

Yagami Ryousuke looked confused, and he didn’t understand what happened during the time they were separated?

In the evening;

Yagami Ryousuke As usual, Jie returned to his own world to rest.

In the next few days, Ryosuke Yagami did not go to the parallel world of ninjas with Sakumo Hatake, but went to the parallel worlds of several other Hokages in the group.

But this time he didn’t touch too many worlds, and he didn’t even chat with a few group members offline. He went directly to the planet Otsutsuki, and then slaughtered him in a wave!

He took care of the Otsutsuki clan in five worlds!

Again Not to mention he has gained nearly 80 billion group points. He also obtained 15 pairs of gods and reincarnation eyes!

I don’t know if it is such a coincidence. The Otsutsuki clan in every world has three god-level powerful men.

Among them are Twice, Ryousuke Yagami met an invincible strong man.

The other three worlds were all the same as the parallel world of Hatake Sakumo. The strongest was only the peak of god level.

But facing Ryosuke Yagami, he was invincible. The power.

No matter whether it is the peak god level or the invincible god level, he can't make a single move in his hands.

They are all just ants that are instantly killed in one encounter.

There is no difference.

And the entries that are transformed later are also similar.

But this On the contrary, Yagami Ryousuke has 25 more god-level entries.

24 of them are duplicates and cannot be equipped.

There is only one entry for [Second in the World], which Yagami Ryosuke does not have and can be equipped. superior

【Second in the world (gold): You are one of the only three god-level powerful people in the universe, so your strength can be ranked second in the world. Congratulations! Entering the top two!】

【Physical fitness +1500%! Physical power +1500%! Chakra +1500%!】

【The attributes of the entry"Second in the World" are actually similar to"Third in the World". the difference is;

【The value of"No. 2 in the World" is higher.

Each item is 500% more!

However, for Yagami Ryousuke, entries like this can only be said to be dispensable.

Can't say it's useless.

But it’s really not that useful!

On this day;

Ryousuke Yagami was sitting in the Hokage's office, watching boredly as the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama in the Hokage chat group was complaining about his disciples who didn't let him worry.

Senshou Tobirama would complain about several of his disciples almost every once in a while.

The key is that he didn't really fire these disciples.

Still keep them.

Yagami Ryousuke felt that Senju Tobirama was angry with himself in other worlds.

He wants to work hard to do things that he has not been able to do in other worlds.

For example, training Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen into the kind of people who are truly worthy of entrusting the village to them. pity!

It was too late for Senju Tobirama to join the group.

If he had joined the group a few years earlier, when Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were still young, there might have been a chance to change.

But now; both Danzo Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi are almost twenty-year-old adults.

His character has already been set.

Where does it say that it can be changed by changing it?

Yagami Ryosuke felt that he had had enough.

However, Senshou Tobirama is quite stubborn and unwilling to accept this fact, and then makes himself very angry every day.

PS: The third update is here!!!.

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