No, why?

Why don't you go to Uchiha Madara's ninja world?

That's a senior, shouldn't he be allowed to give us juniors a look first?

Hatake Sakumo had a grimace and could only type the word"welcome" in the chat group.

There is no other way; since you can't refuse, you can only try your best to keep an eye on it.

As for whether you can watch it or not? can only say...Do your best!

What can he do?

He is also desperate!

"I hope that this Sixth Generation Hokage can really be as good and peace-loving as he said!"

Hatake Sakumo thought to himself

【Fourth Hokage] Hatake Sakumo:"I wonder when the Sixth Hokage will come? So that I can be prepared."

【Sixth Generation Hokage] Ryosuke Yagami:"How about half an hour?"

Half an hour?

Are you in such a hurry?

Hatake Sakumo smiled bitterly, but did not dare to refuse, and immediately replied with a"yes".

Immediately, he stood up and spoke to Sarutobi Hiruzen beside him, and hurriedly left the Hokage's office on the pretext that he had to go home to pick up something.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was watching Hatake Sakumo leave, was also frowning at this time, thinking in his mind why his disciple has been acting weird lately?

"Could it be that he wants to seize power?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen uses himself to save others. He feels that if he were to be sidelined like Hatake Sakumo, he would definitely try his best to regain his power as Hokage.

"Sakumo, ah Sakumo, I hope you don't make a mistake, otherwise I will have to kill my family out of righteousness!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought to himself.

With the power he has, he is not afraid of a mere Hatake Saku"Two San San" Shigeru.

After all, he has always held the power of Anbu in his hands. In addition, there is Danzo's The same is true for the Root Organization.

In addition, there is the Sarutobi clan that he has managed for many years, which is also a piece of iron. There are close to fifty or sixty ninjas above the official jounin level in the clan, not to mention the rest of the special jounin, Chuunin and so on.

The number is as high as hundreds!

In addition, the ninja clan such as Ino Shiga Butterfly are also controlled by Sarutobi Hiruzen and do not obey the orders of Hatake Sakumo. Daime Hokage.

To put it bluntly!

Hatake Sakumo, the Fourth Hokage's status in the village is not much better than Namikaze Minato from another world.

Behind him, the Hatake clan has two or three big cats and kittens..

There is no one who can stand out.

Hatake Kakashi, the son of Sakumo Hatake, is extremely talented. He is already a Jonin at a young age and has great potential in the future. He may not lose to him. Kisaku Shigeru.


Potential is still potential.

It will take at least another seven or eight years until Kakashi reaches the level of Sakumo Hatake, right?


Hatake Sakumo is not a threat in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but a puppet Hokage who is firmly controlled by him.

Nothing to worry about!

Hatake Sakumo, who had already left the Hokage Building, didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking at the moment. He only cared about the upcoming Ryosuke Yagami and didn't care at all about the power struggle in the village.

After all, no matter how they fight, it will only be a fight between a few shadow-level ninjas at most.

But the person who is coming now is an invincible being at the Sixth Path level!

Hatake Sakumo didn't know how powerful the legendary Sage of Six Paths was.

But even the Sage of Six Paths is probably not as scary as the Sixth Hokage in this parallel world, right?

On the other side; other group members in the Hokage chat group were also sympathizing with Hatake Sakumo.

But if they really want to change with Hatake Sakumo.

Every one of them will be happy!

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Who says the Hokage has to be selfless?

Moreover; aren’t they also considering the safety of their own world?

Where is the selfishness? certainly!

After Ryosuke Yagami has been to Hatake Sakumo's world, he will definitely come to the parallel world where the rest of them are.

But at least Hatake Sakumo gave them a try.

And; they can also prepare in advance.

For example, he asked Sakumo Hatake about Ryousuke Yagami's preferences.

Then start with his preferences.

It's not that I want to flatter him.

But you have to admit that Yagami Ryosuke's strength is crushing to anyone in the group. They can only please Yagami Ryosuke and cater to his preferences.

There really is no other way! certainly!

The best case scenario is that Ryosuke Yagami is, as he said, a good and peace-loving person, and will not cause any big disturbances in their world.

But this possibility is really low.

After all; you can't expect a person who has the magical devouring ability, and then devoured many bloodlines along the way, and who only relies on this ability to have six-level invincible strength at just 14 years old, to be a good and peace-loving person!

This is unrealistic no matter how you look at it!!

At this moment, other Hokages in the chat group are watching.

They wanted to see what Ryosuke Yagami would do in the ninja world on Hatake Sakumo's side.

This can be used as a reference.

So that they can be mentally prepared!

Of course; at least one thing made them relieved, that is, Ryosuke Yagami could not hurt them personally.

In this case, at least their personal safety can be guaranteed.

Don't worry, if this 14-year-old invincible boy gets upset, he will crush them like an ant!

This is somewhat good news!

Half an hour later;

Parallel world, Konoha, in the territory of the Hatake clan.

There are only a dozen members of the Hatake clan living in the small Hatake clan area.

Hatake Sakumo is the leader of the Hatake clan.

At this time,

Hatake Sakumo stood in the living room with a serious face.

He closed the doors and windows of the living room to prevent Ryosuke Yagami from coming from another world later and making any noise and attracting the attention of outsiders.

"about there."

Hatake Sakumo thought to himself, and then sent a message saying"It's OK" in the chat group.

Almost the next second after he sent the message - the space in front of him suddenly distorted and a scorching white appeared. The light.

The light was restrained and only illuminated the surrounding area of ​​two or three meters.

After a second or two!


The light dissipated, revealing a tall and tall figure, appearing in front of Hatake Sakumo.

This one in front of him He is about 1.9 meters tall. From his figure alone, you cannot tell that he is a 14-year-old boy. However, his face does look very childish and does not look like an adult.

"Sakumo-senpai, is this the ninja world you belong to?"

Ryosuke Yagami has just traveled between two worlds. This is a completely different feeling from the one he used to travel through different spaces using Huangquan Hirazaka.

During the process of traveling through the world, he didn't even have the slightest consciousness at all. For just a moment, what he saw in front of him was Things have changed, and others have come to Konoha in this parallel world.

"Hello Sixth Generation! Welcome to my world!"

Hatake Sakumo is not as nervous as before at this time. Maybe it's because Yagami Ryosuke seems to avoid being kind, so Hatake Sakumo's worries are a little relieved. (Reading the violent novel, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sakumo-senpai doesn't have to be so polite, just call me by my name. Yagami

Ryousuke said.

Hearing this,

Hatake Sakumo also nodded,"Okay, I'll call you Ryousuke." Yagami

Ryousuke also smiled and nodded, and then said:"Sakumo-senpai, is this your home?""

Hatake Sakumo nodded,"Yes, this is the territory of the Hatake clan, how about I take you around?"

Hearing this, Ryousuke Yagami shook his head,"That's not necessary, but Sakumo-senpai can take me to the village for a walk. I want to see how Konoha in this parallel world is different from me. of"


Hatake Sakumo nodded and agreed. He was just strolling around the village. Naturally, he would not refuse such a simple invitation.

"However, Ryousuke, your clothes may need to be changed."

Hatake Sakumo said, pointing to Ryosuke Yagami's robe of the Sixth Hokage.

"This one is simple."

Yagami Ryousuke waved his hand, and the clothes on his body instantly turned into a set of daily clothes that he usually wears.

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but he didn't see any transformation skills at all. Traces, thinking that this might be some kind of sixth-level ability?

Anyway, it's quite magical, but he can't understand the principle.

"Let's go."

Ryosuke Yagami went over to open the door and turned back to Hatake Sakumo behind him.

"Okay, this way please!"

Hatake Sakumo walked quickly, and then left his home with Yagami Ryosuke. Along the way, some members of the Hatake clan looked at the young man next to the clan leader curiously, guessing his identity. 0......

And after leaving the Hatake clan's clan, Yagami Ryosuke also discovered that the Hatake clan's clan was actually on the periphery of the village, not the central area.

"Sakumo-senpai didn't change the clan's position after he became Hokage?"

Ryosuke Yagami said as he walked.

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo also shook his head,"This is not necessary, I can live wherever I live, and my Hatake clan has been living here since I moved to Konoha, so got used to"

"Is it."Ryosuke Yagami smiled,"Sakumo-senpai has such a good temper, but it will be regarded as a sign of being easy to bully."

Hatake Sakumo laughed bitterly when he heard this.

In fact, he also knew that he was a bit too good-tempered towards the people in the village.

But he couldn't help it! He was not a young man anymore. This character had already been set and he wanted to change it. It's not something that can be changed in a short while.

Moreover, he really didn't think there was anything bad about it before. It's just that after joining this Naruto chat group, through Yagami Ryosuke's revelations and his usual interactions with several other people, After communicating with a Hokage, he realized that his good temper was indeed a bit detrimental to his current status.

If Hatake Sakumo was just an elite jounin in a village, then it would be perfectly fine to have a better temper!

But he is the Hokage now!

Yes He has a high status in the village!

If he has a good temper, it will not be easy for his subordinates to fear him, and over time, some of his orders will not be taken seriously. I feel that even if he violates it a little, Hatake Sakumo will He won't do anything to them.

Not to mention; he has the mountain of Sarutobi Hiruzen pressing on him.

He can't be such a good gentleman!

You know, even Namikaze Minato, after becoming Hokage , also has its majestic side.

In this regard, Hatake Sakumo is even worse than Namikaze Minato.

At least Namikaze Minato has been trying to regain his own power for a long time, and is even contacting the Uchiha clan. , trying to ease the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village.

However, it was precisely because of Namikaze Minato's behavior that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to get rid of him.

In fact, if there was no Nine-Tails Rebellion, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely take action in the near future. He will plot against Minato step by step and eventually drive him out of the position of Hokage!

Although Namikaze Minato became the Hokage by himself.

But the puppet is disobedient. If he is willing to be a puppet Hokage, then Sarutobi Hiruzen can only find a way to replace him!

Faced with Hatake Sakumo's wry smile in response,

Yagami Ryousuke didn't say anything.

He came here, not Let’s teach Hatake Sakumo how to be the Hokage. 1.1

Speaking of which, he is only a 14-year-old boy.

Hatake Sakumo’s son, Hatake Kakashi, is already 12 years old this year. He is cooler than Yagami. His current age is only two years younger.

Therefore, it would be too strange to ask Ryosuke Yagami, a boy who is only a few years older than Hatake Sakumo's son, to teach him how to be a good Hokage!

"By the way, how many years have you been in Konoha?"

Ryousuke Yagami asked

"Now, it is already Konoha's 46th year."

Hatake Sakumo said,"The Ninja World is currently undergoing the Third Ninja World War, but our Konoha side currently has a huge advantage."

The Third Ninja War?

Ryosuke Yagami nodded, and the time was almost the same.

The Third Ninja War didn't happen for a few years, but with the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Namikaze Minato's Death, and the fight continued for a while.

However, the fourth generation of this world is Hatake Sakumo, so if nothing unexpected happens, even if the Nine-Tails Rebellion really happens, he, the fourth generation, will not die.

1 Firstly, Hatake Sakumo will not be banned from the ghoul at all!

Secondly, his wife is not the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and will not be targeted by Obito. Naturally, he does not have to die with his wife!

As for whether Sarutobi Hiruzen will be able to do so by then Plot against him?

That's hard to say.

But there is a high probability that it won't happen. After all, at that time, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen had some mental problems, he would first deal with the Kyuubi instead of plotting against his own village. Hokage!

If you really want to do that, you would be too idiotic.

PS: Here comes the first update!!!.

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