
Uchiha Itachi, who had just come in, also had a flash of his eyes. He caught a glimpse of his brother looking at him with hatred on his face, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

I heard that Sasuke had awakened the Mangekyō, so it seemed like it was time for him to know the truth.

Uchiha Itachi thought to himself.

In fact, his health has been getting worse and worse over the years.

Although it can last another three or four years.

But now that Sasuke has awakened the Mangekyō, there is no need to hold on any longer.

Next time, Uchiha Itachi planned to ask Sasuke out alone, and then take this opportunity to let him know the truth about the night of genocide. certainly!

This so-called truth is just the truth that Itachi Uchiha wants Sasuke to know.

He would not let Sasuke see those contents that were not good for Konoha.

Moreover; before that, if he discovers that Sasuke has thoughts that are not good for Konoha, he will also use the eye Shisui left for him to let Sasuke protect the village on his behalf forever!

I believe Sasuke will understand his painstaking efforts. after all...I'm doing this for his own good!

Uchiha Itachi thought

"Uchiha Itachi! Just wait, the day of revenge is coming soon!"

Sasuke clenched his fists with both hands and swore silently in his heart.

At this time, all the members of the Akatsuki organization have arrived.

In the past year or two, no one of them has come together like this.

After all, everyone is very busy and working in their respective fields. Busy with their own things, like Kakuzu, who is running around to make money every day, and others are similar. At this time, the figure of the leader Payne also appeared in front of everyone together with Xiaonan.

Payne's pair of purple The Rinnegan eyes swept across the Akatsuki members present indifferently, paused for a moment on Menma Uchiha, and then said:

"Everyone, after these years of development, our Akatsuki organization is finally entering a second new stage!"

Penn's voice rang in each of their ears.

Many people couldn't help but start to get excited, like Hidan, who was laughing weirdly and looking nervous.

Sasuke looked at this person curiously The leader of the Akatsuki organization.

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen this legendary leader.

When he noticed Payne’s purple samsara eyes, although Sasuke didn’t know what kind of eyes they were, he instinctively felt that they were His eyes are very powerful.

Much more powerful than his kaleidoscope!

"What kind of eyes are these?"

Sasuke thought curiously.

As for what Pain said about the second stage of the Akatsuki organization?

Sasuke didn't care.

After all, he was not a brainwashed member who was pulled into the Akatsuki organization.

It was because of his teacher Uchiha Menma's relationship, so he became an intern member of the Akatsuki organization.

To be honest, from the bottom of his heart, Sasuke still thinks that he is a ninja of Konoha.

After all, the people he cares about the most are there.

Therefore, for the third point mentioned by leader Payne In the second stage, he had no interest in understanding at all, and his focus was all on the eyes of the leader Payne.

"Regarding the second phase of the organization’s mission, Xiaonan, please explain."

Penn said to Konan beside her.

Konan nodded, and after sweeping her cold eyes over everyone present, she said:"The second phase of our Akatsuki organization's mission is to officially start collecting tailed beasts."

"When the power of the nine tailed beasts is gathered, the ultimate weapons of the nine tailed beasts will be used to make the ninja world feel pain and make them understand the importance of peace."

"Next, everyone will receive different tasks, requiring each group of you to capture different tailed beasts."

Xonan paused for a moment as he said this. His eyes scanned the people present, and finally landed on Uchiha Menma.

He was the only one who looked the calmest.

"Uchiha Menma, you and Ahi go to Sunagakure Village, and Ichibi Shukaku will be left to you."

Konan said.

This was what she and Nagato had discussed before.

The sealing work of the nine tailed beasts must be done in order from one tail to nine tails.

Therefore, the first thing they have to capture is the one-tailed Shukaku!


The problem also arises.

After the first tail comes the second tail.

But the Jinchuuriki of the Second Tails Brigade was captured by Ryosuke Yagami and taken to Konoha, and he is still in Konoha now.

It is said that she became the maid beside Ryosuke Yagami.

This made Konan and Nagato a little worried.

I wonder how we can capture the two-tailed Jinchūriki, Yukito Ni, from Konoha?

After all, that was the person next to Ryosuke Yagami, the shinigami of the shinobi world.

No matter how arrogant Nagato is, he doesn't think he can easily snatch this two-tailed Jinchuuriki from the shinigami of the shinobi world!

Therefore, after Nagato discussed with Konan, he felt that Menma Uchiha, the strongest being in the organization besides Nagato, should be allowed to capture Ichibi Shukaku first.

Then find a way to get the second tail.

If that doesn't work, then we can only gather all the power of the Akatsuki organization to launch a strong attack.

But in that case, it would mean that they had just failed to catch the second tail, and the entire strength of the organization was exposed.

This is obviously very detrimental to the Akatsuki organization's plan!

So; don’t do it as a last resort.

Nagato doesn’t want to do this either, and that may not be successful!

"Capture the tailed beast?"

Sasuke, who just now was observing the leader Payne's samsara eyes, was shocked when he heard what Konan said.

"The goal of the Akatsuki organization is to capture the nine tailed beasts?!"

This is the first time Sasuke knows that this is the ultimate goal of the Akatsuki organization.

They are actually eyeing the terrifying ultimate weapon like the tailed beast!

The key is...They actually plan to kill all nine tailed beasts in one fell swoop?

In this case, wouldn't Naruto be in danger?

Sasuke couldn't help but feel worried for Naruto, but he quickly thought that Naruto had returned to Konoha and would not leave the village for a long time in the future.

And Konoha has the great god Ryousuke Yagami sitting in charge.

Even the Akatsuki organization shouldn't dare to invade easily, right?

"no! I can't put all my hopes on Ryosuke, I must become stronger as soon as possible, so that I can stop the Akatsuki organization when they plan to harm Naruto!"

Sasuke thought.

However, he soon thought of another question.

What should he do if his teacher was going to take action against Naruto?

Sasuke struggled for a while, and finally had no choice but to go to the bridge and get straight.

Now. Let's not think about this problem for now. Let's wait until then.

Maybe he can convince the teacher not to take action against Naruto?

Sasuke thought to himself.

On the other side; facing Konan's arrangement to capture Ichibi Shukaku, Menma Uchiha did not No matter what his opinion was, he nodded and agreed.

They were just Sunagakure, nothing more than ants.

They were not taken seriously by him at all.

Capturing Shukaku was too easy for Menma Uchiha!

"Chief, what about the second tail? Who will Erwei send?"

Hidan raised his hand and asked loudly.

He had just lost and he was still looking forward to it, wondering whether the leader would arrange for their immortal duo to capture Ichibi Shukaku. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

As a result; the leader actually handed over this task to Uchiha Menma directly.

If it were someone else, Hidan would definitely give his opinion at this time.

But if it was Uchiha Menma...Then Hidan can only admit it!

But the two-tailed Jinchuuriki must be captured by their immortal duo!!

"Idiot, shut up!"

Kakuzu glanced at Hidan speechlessly.

This idiot, doesn't he know that the two-tailed Jinchuuriki is now in Konoha?

Is that a place where the immortal duo can go?

When he thinks of Ryosuke Yagami , A kid as strong as a monster made Kakuzu's scalp numb.

He even felt that this kid might now be as powerful as or even stronger than the ninja god Senju Hashirama!


Hidan yelled When he was about to accept the task of capturing the second-tailed Jinchuuriki, Kakuzu wanted to just kick him.

This guy...Are you really not asking for any information from the outside world?

Following a famous ninja bounty hunter like Kakuzu, he didn't even know this bit of news?

What a disgrace!

"Kakuzu, why did you hit me?!"

Hidan looked at Kakuzu angrily.

At this time,

Pain, who was standing in front of everyone, also said calmly:"As for the two tails, we will discuss this issue after we capture the first tail Shukaku."

Hearing the leader's answer, Hidan was a little dissatisfied and wanted to give his opinion.

In the end, he was kicked out by Kakuzu beside him.


Hidan flew out and hit the wall.

There was a click, hard. The rock walls are cracked.


Hidan was about to rush forward angrily.

However, Pain and Hei stopped him.

"enough! Stop messing around Hidan."

Penn's reincarnation eyes fell coldly on Hidan.

This made Hidan freeze instantly.

With an unhappy look on his face, he muttered something like"It's not fair, it's obviously me who was beaten", and walked to Kakuzu, glaring at him fiercely.

Kakuzu didn't care, since Hidan wasn't in such a sick state for a day or two anyway.

To be honest; he's used to it

"Next, it’s about......"

This meeting lasted for about an hour.

Then everyone dispersed.

Payne also left with Xiaonan and continued to think about how to capture Erwei Mata Brigade.

On the other side,

Sasuke, who was a little dizzy after stopping Pain's tirade, also asked the teacher about the leader's eyes after leaving the cave.

He always felt that those eyes were very attractive to him. and......

There is a faint feeling of blood connection.

Don't know why

"You said the reincarnation eye. Uchiha Menma said calmly:"Those are the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Immortal, also known as Immortal Eyes. They are a pair of very powerful eyes. Ninety-nine percent of Pain's strength lies in those eyes." above."

Reincarnation Eyes?

Immortal Eyes?

Eyes of the Six Paths Immortal? This is the first time Sasuke has heard the name Reincarnation Eyes. He couldn't help but curiously asked the teacher, what kind of ability do these pairs of Reincarnation Eyes have to deserve such a title?

Uchi Namima also briefly introduced some of the abilities of the Rinnegan Eye to Sasuke.

Anyway, his disciple will have the same eyes in the future.

And it will be the more powerful Rokumagatama Rinnegan Eye.

It is the same as the current Rinnegan Eye of Yagami Ryousuke. Level.

Of course!

Yagami Ryosuke’s Rokumagatama Rinnegan Eye is red, while Sasuke’s subsequent Rokumagatama Rinnegan Eye is purple.

But to be honest, when it comes to the Rokumagatama state, the color difference in the Rinnegan Eye is actually not that big. Well, at most there are some differences in abilities and emphasis.

But in terms of pupil power, they are almost the same.

Of course!

There is still a difference between Yagami Ryousuke's pupil power and other six magatama reincarnation eyes.

The difference is not big. , only 65 times.

After hearing the various abilities of the Rinnegan Eye introduced by the teacher, Sasuke was amazed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful eye still exists in the ninja world.

No wonder it is called the Immortal Eye!

Indeed; they are so powerful, what are they if they are not immortal eyes? In comparison, the Mangekyo Sharingan does not seem to be that powerful.

Of course, Sasuke only knows that this is just an illusion.

In fact, the Mangekyo Sharingan is still Very strong.

After all, Sasuke himself has these eyes, so he naturally knows how powerful the kaleidoscope is.

There is just a problem; the kaleidoscope is strong, but if you use it too much, you will go blind.

This is a bit disgusting.

Sasuke complained more than once But why was there no problem at all when I was using San Magatama before?

But when I got to Kaleidoscope, I had such serious side effects?

That's blindness!

If I were blind, wouldn't my strength plummet by 90%?

Reply Entering the room;

Uchiha Menma turned to look at Sasuke, who was still following him.

"Is there anything else?"

He asked.

After hearing this,

Sasuke couldn't help but said after hesitating for a moment:"Teacher, if the Akatsuki organization wants to order the arrest of Naruto, can I ask the teacher not to take action?"


Uchiha Menma understood instantly.

He thought that the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto is still so good, even if they haven't seen each other for more than a year, they still care about each other so much.

However, Uchiha Menma doesn't know that Sasuke and Naruto are still together They just met once two days ago.

The two also discussed how to improve their respective strengths.

By the way, they blew up a small forest.

Of course!

This is a basic operation for high-level ninjas.

PS: Third More service!! Ding!.

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