
Ryosuke Yagami showed his mother the various ball ninjutsu he had created.

Starting from the most basic Wind Release Spiral Shuriken.

Later, the Explosion Rasengan and Ice Release Rasengan were created almost at the same time.

Then there is the earth escape developed later. The spiral heavy pill!

This is a Rasengan that has been refined with earth attributes. It mainly focuses on a heavy character.

The small spiral weight pill with a diameter of half a meter is as heavy as a mountain.

If it hits you all at once, what can stop it?

There is also Thunder Release. Spiral Thunder God's Spear!

Add a change in the nature of the thunder attribute to the Rasengan, and use the shape change to transform it into the form of a spear and throw it.

The throwing distance of the Spiral Thunder God's Spear is also the furthest among the Rasengans. It can be thrown tens of thousands of meters away. When the attack hits the target, it will cause horrific puncture damage and secondary thunderstorm damage.

The resulting thunderstorm can cover a thunderstorm cloud several kilometers in diameter!

Destroying an entire village with one move is no problem at all.

And it was to destroy villages from a very long distance!

It's just a little difficult to aim, and you need to cooperate with Sharingan and Byakugan.

Therefore, even if others learn this move, they will not be able to use the effect that Yagami Ryosuke has.

One is power.

Without the power bonus of the talent entry, there is no way to explode such amazing lethality.

Another is accuracy.

Sharingan and Byakugan, one cannot be missing!

It would be almost meaningless without any one of them.

With an attack distance of tens of thousands of meters, even if it's just a little bit off, when it reaches the target position, the deviation will be huge!

And in the entire ninja world, there are only those who can possess both Byakugan and Sharingan.

Only Ryosuke Yagami.

This is the only one, no other semicolon!

After showing off these meatball ninja skills.

Yagami Mitsuki's world view has completely collapsed.

All kinds of ninjutsu that destroy the world.

It directly refreshed her knowledge of ninjutsu.

It turns out that

Ninjutsu also has such terrifying destructive power?

A ninjutsu destroyed a ninja village from the five major countries. This actually happened!

She always thought that it was something bragging among children.

Unexpectedly; one day, in the hands of her son, it actually became the first one!

This kind of shock and pride made Yagami Meiyue think several times that she was dreaming?

"Mom, I have never mentioned this last thing to anyone, so you have to keep it a secret for me."

Ryosuke Yagami suddenly said solemnly

"ah? oh~!"Yagami Mitsuki was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

"Son, is there any more terrifying ninjutsu?"

"Mom already believes that you are invincible in the ninja world."

"It’s just that my little heart like Mom can’t bear it, otherwise I’d better forget it."

Yakami Meiyue touched her heart, feeling that if she continues to be stimulated like this, she will most likely have insomnia tonight.


Even if it ends here, she will probably not be able to sleep tonight either.

"Mom, this is the last one. I’ll leave it for now after reading it. Yagami

Ryosuke said.

The important point is,"It's gone for the time being." However, Yagami Mitsuki was still immersed in various shocks at the moment, and she did not appreciate Yagami Ryosuke's words for a while.

"Well, here you go."

Yakami Mitsuki nodded, everything has a beginning and an end.

Moreover, she felt that she had seen so many scary ninjutsu, and she should be able to withstand another more scary one.

In the distance, her mother signaled Yagami Ryosuke also instantly switched to the state of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Because of the distance, Yagami Mitsuki did not notice the change in her son's eyes.

But the next second——


A behemoth more than 500 meters tall rose from the ground!

The towering giant like a mountain was reflected in Yagami Mitsuki's eyes.

In an instant,

Yagami Mitsuki almost lost her legs and sat on the ground.

This...Is this the last resort? no!

Son, you don’t even drive a Gundam!


The huge Susan took a step forward, and a huge footprint fell on the ground in an instant.

Then, the black flames on Susanoo's hands burned blazingly, turning into two huge swords.

"Susano slashes!"


The black sword energy split open instantly, revealing the seabed at the bottom.

The sword energy shot out and spread straight. It was unknown how far it spread, and some small islands along the way collapsed. He was struck by mold and was instantly cut in half by the black sword energy.

The island collapsed and rocks sank into the sea!

Yagami Mitsuki stared blankly at this scene.

Until Yagami Ryosuke put away the Gundam...Ah no, it's Susan, come back to her.

She finally came to her senses

"That was just now...Ninjutsu?"

Yakami Mitsuki felt that she still underestimated her son. She thought that she was mentally prepared after experiencing a shock.

But what happened to that mountain-like giant just now?

Is that really a ninjutsu?

Kyuubi isn’t even that big!!

"It can't be counted as a ninjutsu, it's the advanced form of the Sharingan, the ultimate eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan - Susanoo!"

Ryosuke Yagami explained to his mother

"Sharingan? etc! Ryousuke, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Yakami Mitsuki didn't realize until this moment that although her son's eyes were still red, they were obviously much redder than usual, and there was a sickle-like pattern in the center of the pupils.

"This is the advanced form of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Ryosuke Yagami explained

"But, Ryosuke, how come you have the eyes of the Uchiha clan? Yagami

Meiyue asked in confusion.

"I'm actually not sure about this. Maybe our ancestors of the Yagami family have some relationship with the Uchiha clan, such as my grandfather's generation, or my grandfather's father's generation, etc."

"In fact, in addition to Sharingan, I can also use Wood Release."

Ryousuke Yagami said, and personally performed a unique trick of making a small sapling grow into a towering tree dozens of meters high in a few seconds.

Mitsuki Yagami,"......"

Do the ancestors of the Yagami family still have such a background?

Uchiha and holding hands? no...Don't they have a feud? How could there be intermarriage?

"Could it be...Your father's ancestor was once married to an Uchiha, and my ancestor was married to the Senju clan?"

Yakami Mitsuki suddenly had some ideas.

"Mom, I remember you didn’t have a last name before you married your father, right?"

Ryosuke Yagami suddenly said.

His mother nodded.

In fact, this is very common in the ninja world. Many civilians only have first names but no surnames.

Some will add a surname to themselves.

But it does not have official significance, because no matter it is Neither the country nor the locality will recognize the surname you add casually.

So even if the Yagami family is now common people in Konoha, if it goes up, they may have been nobles in the past. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I heard that most members of the Senju clan were integrated into the village under the instruction of the Shodaime Hokage, and they were all deprived of their original Senju surname. Maybe mom, you have the blood of Senju, and maybe my grandmother is the original one. Born into the Senju clan."

Ryosuke Yagami said.

Although he was just making this up, it is indeed a fact that most of the Senju clan integrated into Konoha. It was indeed ordered by Senju Hashirama, the clan leader at the time.

The reason was to start. He serves as a role model and takes the lead to deepen the sense of belonging of each ninja clan to the village.


Senju Hashirama probably did not expect that just because of his behavior, the power of the Senju clan was greatly damaged, so that the Senju clan later became After accidentally dying in battle, Sarutobi Hiruzen became the third generation Hokage, and he directly attacked the remaining Senju tribe! It completely made the Senju a thing of the past.

Even in the textbooks, there is no mention of the Senju now. The records of the clan.

When the children of Konoha mentioned the First Hokage, they would not think of the name Senju Hashirama at all.

Even if someone mentioned it, the most they would call him is Hashirama-sama. As for the surname of Hashirama-sama in their mouths?

Many young ninjas have long been unable to tell.

You know; it is only 60 years old in Konoha.

The village was only established 60 years ago, and the younger generation does not even know the surname of the first Hokage.

This shows that Sarutobi How thoroughly Hiruzen did to remove the Senju Transformation of Konoha!

If the Senju Hashirama brothers are resurrected and come back,

I'm afraid they have to"thank" Hiruzen Ichiban Sarutobi!

Yagami Ryosuke's explanation Although it's nonsense, Yagami Mitsuki felt that this should be the truth.

Otherwise, how can we explain the Sharingan and Wooden Release on his son?

Since there is no other reason to explain, then the truth is this!


Ye Kami Ryosuke returned home with his mother.

Yagami Mitsuki, who had been severely reshaped her world view tonight, also expressed that she was tired.Take a good rest.

However, when she returned to the room and lay down on the bed, as soon as she closed her eyes, what came to her mind were the ninjutsu her son had shown before, and the mountain-like Susanoo at the end.

"The child’s father, what kind of child did we have? I originally just wanted Ryosuke to grow up happily, and I didn’t even have much hope that he could become a ninja."

"But now, our sons are already invincible in the ninja world."

"I feel like I'm in a dream."

Yakami Mitsuki tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She always felt that all this was too unreal.

It was like a wage earner who was suddenly told one day that he had a billionaire relative, and then this relative gave him all his billions in wealth. It was all given to him.

That dreamlike feeling.

Very few people can adapt to it quickly.

The next day,

Yuhi Kurenai woke up and found that she was sleeping in Yagami Ryousuke's house.

She quickly opened the quilt He glanced at it, then heaved a sigh of relief, then blushed again, cursing himself for not trusting Ryousuke so much.

Moreover, no matter how bold Ryousuke is, he can't hide the fact that he is still a 12-year-old child.

I am actually worried that a 12-year-old child will treat me......

This is too 353 inappropriate!

Yuhi Hong reflected on herself before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash up.

When she went downstairs, she found that Yagami Mitsuki had huge dark circles under her eyes and looked like she hadn't slept well.

"Sister Meiyue, what's wrong with you?"

Xihi Hong couldn't help but ask.

"ah? It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well last night."

Yakami Mitsuki didn't sleep well. She clearly didn't fall asleep all night.

She couldn't close her eyes until dawn.

Fortunately, she had a rest today.

Otherwise, she would have made mistakes at work.

"Where is Ryosuke?"

Xihi Hong looked around and asked

"He went out after breakfast, probably to practice."

Yakami Meiyue said

"ah? It’s so late now!"

Xihi Hong then realized that it was almost noon now.

It turns out that she got up so late!

"I'm preparing lunch. Ryosuke usually doesn't come back for lunch, so why don't you stay and have some together?"

"this...Would it be too intrusive?"

"It's okay, Hong, just treat this place as your own home. I'm going to make a bowl of soup. We can eat right away."

"Let me help!"

Just when Yagami Mitsuki and Yuhi Kurenai were getting along very harmoniously.

On the other side, Yagami Ryosuke also found the target person he had been looking for for a long time outside the backyard wall of a hot spring hotel. He had long white hair, The orange coat and that extremely obscene laugh.

It’s unmistakable!

This person is the Crazy Ghost Jiraiya!!

"finally found you!"

Ryosuke Yagami smiled secretly, and then walked over quietly.

At this time, Jiraiya was squatting in the corner, watching seriously, and making obscene laughter from time to time.

Even Ryosuke Yagami walked behind him, but he didn't Not even aware of it

"The smile is really obscene."

Ryosuke Yagami glanced at Jiraiya with contempt.

Peeping into the bathroom is the lowest level!

"If you want to see it that way, I'll send you in."

Ryosuke Yagami chuckled to himself, then aimed at Jiraiya's butt and kicked it!


A hole was opened in the wooden wall in an instant.

Jiraiya, who was caught off guard, ran straight into it. In the bathtub.

Then there was a burst of chicken and egg beating.

Yagami Ryousuke turned around and left with a smile, listening to Jiraiya's screams from behind.

He smiled happily.

PS: The fifth update is here!!!.

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