After Li Xia put down the ground cage, he rushed home to make lunch.

When Chu Mengxi went out in the morning, she filled the aluminum lunch box with steamed buns and sweet potatoes as usual.

Yesterday, Li Xia had handed over the eighteen yuan she earned from selling fish to Chu Mengxi. Unexpectedly, this girl was still reluctant to eat well and continued to live frugally.

How is this possible!!

Chu Mengxi's lunch box was forcibly pressed down by Li Xia.

Now, how could Li Xia let Chu Mengxi eat such unpalatable coarse food as steamed buns again? What a suffering!

"No more steamed buns are allowed. I will bring food over at noon and make something delicious for you."

Chu Mengxi:"……"

Chu Mengxi suddenly felt moved. She glanced at Li Xia and finally did not insist anymore. She put down the aluminum lunch box and went out.


Li Xia walked into the kitchen and prepared lunch.

When the two naughty boys saw Li Xia walking into the kitchen, they followed him.

The two little guys were very smart and knew that when Li Xia entered the kitchen, he must be making delicious food.

As a foodie, I have a keen sense of smell.

Never miss an opportunity to taste delicious food.

Li Xia walked into the kitchen on the front foot, and the two milk dumplings followed behind.

Li Xia turned around and found that there were two more followers behind him. He chuckled:

"Duoduo and Nuannuan should go outside and play. There is a lot of fumes in the kitchen. Dad will call you when the meal is ready."

"Dad cooks very hard~! Duoduo can help~! Duoduo knows how to wash vegetables~!"

Duoduo's big eyes flashed and her small face said seriously.

Seeing her sister say this, Nuan Nuan was not to be outdone. She ran over and tugged on Li Xia's pants, raised her little head and said:

"Nuannuan can also help~! But Nuannuan still doesn’t know how to wash vegetables~! Can help daddy taste the food~!"

Li Xia was amused.

It's just an excuse to have two clever little guys come to help,"eating" is the main purpose!

Li Xia also followed them.

Open the rice vat and take out a whole bowl of rice.

In Li Xia's view, things like steamed buns, stick noodles, and sweet potatoes are all for pigs and will never be served on the table in the future.

From now on, as long as Li Xia is around, every meal in the house will be filled with fine food.

Food is the most important thing for the people.

Eating is a top priority.

Li Xia would never let his wife and children's stomachs suffer.

Wash and steam the rice first.

After closing the lid, Li Xia immediately lit a fire in the stove.

Throw in a few large pieces of firewood and let them burn slowly.

Then, start preparing the dishes.

There are lean meat, river shrimp, spring bamboo shoots, green vegetables, lard residue in the kitchen...

Li Xia thought for a few seconds, and the combination of dishes was ready.

Stir-fried pork slices with spring bamboo shoots, braised prawns, and stir-fried vegetables.

In Li Xia's plan, two meat and one vegetable or one meat and two vegetable are the basic requirements for every meal.

Never reduce allocation.

Li Xia has slender fingers and dexterous movements.

Even when preparing food, it can be done in an orderly and orderly manner.

Peel spring bamboo shoots, devein and devein shrimps, wash and cut green vegetables...

In a short time, all the dishes are ready.

The two milk babies were sitting on the stove, their big eyes staring straight into the bowl.

Although the food hasn't been cooked yet, they seem to have already anticipated the taste of the food.

The vegetables in these bowls will definitely be fragrant as long as they are fried in Li Xia's oil pan.

The two little guys were waiting by the stove, and the gluttons in their stomachs were slowly starting to warm up.

Li Xia couldn't help but shook his head when he saw the two milk dumplings looking like this.

These two little guys are waiting for something to happen.

It is indeed a greedy insect.

The fire is burning and the pot is hot.

Start cooking.

Sliced ​​lean meat is marinated with sugar, salt, oil, soy sauce and starch for several minutes.

After mincing the garlic and heating the pot, put the bamboo shoots into the pot without adding oil, add a little salt, and stir-fry for a minute...

In an instant, the aroma fills the entire kitchen.

The two snackers sitting next to the stove smelled the delicious aroma of spring bamboo shoots and fried pork slices, and kept swallowing their saliva.

Two minutes later, the fragrant, crisp and refreshing bamboo shoot meat slices came out of the pan.

The eyes of the two milk dumplings almost fell into the plate.

Li Xia smiled and shook his head. There was really nothing he could do against them.

Get a small bowl, put some slices of bamboo shoots and meat into the bowl, and let the two snackers try it first to satisfy their cravings.

Otherwise, the stove must not be flooded with the saliva of the two little guys!

Then make braised prawns.

The river prawns Li Xia chose were large enough and full of meat.

The food you keep for yourself is carefully selected and you won’t treat yourself badly.

Heat oil in a pan until it is 70% hot, then pour in the prepared shrimps.

Fry over high heat until golden brown, turn over quickly, add rice wine...

Braised prawns are out of the pan!

After the two dishes were cooked, Li Xia added another fire to the stove...

When all three dishes were out of the pot, the rice was also cooked.

Li Xia opened two clean aluminum lunch boxes. One of the lunch boxes containing vegetables was divided into three small compartments with small bamboo pieces.

In this way, it can fit three dishes.

Although divided into three small compartments, the lunch box is five centimeters deep and can hold a sufficient amount of food.

Li Xia filled one lunch box with three dishes and the other with white rice.

Close the lid tightly, put it into the mesh bag, and tie it up.

Li Xia checked the time and sent it to Chu Mengxi now, just in time for lunch in the textile factory workshop.

Li Xia put the food on the table and let the two little guys eat by themselves.

In the past, Chu Mengxi would rush back to cook for her children at noon. This was often the case. After the food was ready and served on the table, she would let the two little ones eat by themselves, and then she would rush back to the textile factory.

There will be no problem for the two little guys to eat by themselves.

Li Xia didn't have time to eat herself, so she went to deliver the food first, so she couldn't starve her wife.

As for myself, I will have time to eat after I come back.

Li Xia walked very quickly. When he arrived at the textile factory, the workers in the workshop had not yet reached lunch time.

In the morning, Li Xia and Chu Mengxi made an appointment to wait at the door.

Li Xia won't go in either.

"Why! Xiao Li, you brought lunch to your wife today!!"

The guard, Uncle Yang, saw Li Xia coming with a mesh lunch box in his hand, and already guessed Li Xia's purpose.

"Yes, Uncle Yang, have you eaten?"

Li Xia temporarily placed the net bag on the window sill of the guard room, then took out half a pack of Peony cigarettes and scattered one for Uncle Yang.

"oops! Don't be so polite! You are such a good cigarette, why do I always have the nerve to smoke it?"

Uncle Yang waved his hand. He and Li Xia knew each other, but they were not yet familiar with each other.

He kept smoking Li Xia's good cigarettes, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Uncle Yang, it’s just a cigarette, don’t be so polite"

"I usually only smoke occasionally. Look, I have been smoking this half pack of cigarettes for several days, and there are still so many cigarettes."

"You should do me a favor and help eliminate one, otherwise it will be wasted as time goes by and the smoke accumulates!"

Li Xia insisted on handing over the cigarette.

Having said this, Uncle Yang did not refuse. He took the cigarette, lit it, and took a nice puff.

After these two days of observation, Uncle Yang finally saw Li Xia's character clearly.

This young man is very good!

Very good!

He has been a guard in this textile factory for more than ten years and has seen a lot of people of all kinds.

He has never seen a man like Li Xia who can deliver food to his wife all the way. Yes.

Uncle Yang has lived for most of his life, and he is still very accurate in judging people.

Li Xia, this guy, is really unappealing!

Uncle Yang’s cousin has a daughter, who is in good condition and looks pretty.

It’s a pity that Li Xia is married. Otherwise, he must introduce the girl to Li Xia.

In the past, it was rumored that Li Xia was a street kid with no reputation.

Now after meeting Li Xia, Uncle Yang would never believe it.


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