Seeing the greedy expressions of the two little breast dumplings, Li Xia smiled slightly.

What two greedy cats.

Li Xia smiled and said:"This is lard dregs. It's fragrant and crispy, and it's delicious."

Hearing Li Xia say that lard dregs are delicious, the eyes of the two little dumplings suddenly lit up. Left and right were jumping around Li Xia, clamoring for food.

Li Xia shook his head helplessly:"Duoduo and Nuan Nuan have to wait a moment. The lard residue is still very hot now, so you can eat it after it cools down." Although the two little guys were greedy, when they heard Li Xia say this, they immediately So he squatted aside obediently, looking eagerly into the pot.

Well-behaved and cute.

The lard is almost done.

You can hear the sizzling sound of lard residue coming out.

Li Xia took a large enamel jar, cleaned it, and dried the water inside.

Use the gauze used to steam the steamed buns to filter the lard, pour it all into an enamel jar, and store it.

Chu Mengxi and the two milk dumplings didn't have any oil or water in their stomachs. In the future, they could use more lard for cooking, which was both fragrant and delicious.

The two little guys were still greedy for the lard residue. Li Xia quickly took out the lard residue and put it in a large bowl for soup.

The lard residue that has just been scooped out should be sprinkled with some salt flowers and stirred evenly so that it can be stored for a long time without deterioration.

Such a big bowl of lard residue can last for several days when used for cooking.

Full of golden and crispy lard residue was on the stove, and the two little guys were already eager to eat it.

But they also heard from Li Xia that the lard residue was still very hot and they couldn't eat it.

"Dad, how long does it take to eat lard residue~! Duoduo wants to eat~! It smells so good~!"

"It’s warm and I want to eat it too~!"

The two little guys couldn't wait.

There was really nothing he could do against them. Seeing the two breast dumplings looking like this, Li Xia's heart melted.

He picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of lard residue, put it to his mouth and blew it for a while, then fed it into Nuannuan's mouth

"Ah woo~!"

Nuan Nuan ate it in one bite and chewed it with her small mouth, making a"crunching" sound.

"Xiangxiang~! Daddy, lard residue is so good~!"

Duoduo also opened her little mouth and started to pull Li Xia's clothes.

"Dad, Duoduo also wants to eat lard residue, hey~!"

Li Xia smiled and quickly fed Duoduo a piece of lard residue.

The crispy taste melted in the mouth, and Duoduo was shaking her head while eating, which made Li Xia feel funny.

It's so cute.

After feeding a few pieces, Li Xia stopped letting the two little guys eat.

I just ate beef patties, and now I have lard residue. If I continue to eat like this, my stomach will be full and I will not be able to eat dinner.

Although the two little guys were still reluctant to part with the lard residue, they were very obedient and refused to eat it when Li Xia said.

This scene once again made Chu Mengxi speechless.

These two little guys... usually don't listen to what I say so obediently.

Duoduo pulled Li Xia and said in a waxy voice:"Dad, mom hasn't eaten lard residue yet, you should feed her some too."~!"

Li Xia was stunned.

Nuan Nuan also followed:"Yes~! Daddy~! You also feed mom a piece of lard residue.~!"

"ah? I, I don’t need it."

Chu Mengxi shook her head. She was not a child, and she was not greedy...

But as soon as she finished speaking, Li Xia had already picked up a piece of lard residue with chopsticks and passed it over.

The golden lard residue had been handed to Chu Mengxi On the red lips.

Chu Mengxi:"……"

Nuannuan trotted over and lay on Chu Mengxi's knees. Then she raised her head and stared at Chu Mengxi with her big watery eyes.

She seemed to want to witness Chu Mengxi's expression of surprise and enjoyment after eating the lard residue.

Duoduo also ran over to join in the fun. When she saw that Chu Mengxi didn't open her mouth, she"directed" Chu Mengxi

"Mom~! Open your mouth~! Ah woo~!"

Chu Mengxi laughed when she saw the behavior of the two little breast dumplings.

In the end, Tan opened his mouth slightly and ate the lard residue.

The soft and fragrant lard residue spreads in the mouth, crisp and delicious, with an irreplaceable special aroma.

It was indeed delicious.

Not only the two milk dumplings, but also Chu Mengxi hadn't eaten lard residue for a long time.

Li Xia smiled slightly and asked softly:"Is it delicious?"

Chu Mengxi nodded slightly.

"Want another piece?"


The firewood in the stove crackled, and the flames made Chu Mengxi's delicate face become even more rosy.

…… then.

Li Xia started washing rice and cooking.

Today I bought four kilograms of rice and two kilograms of noodles from the supply and marketing cooperative, which can be eaten by a family of four for a week without any problem.

When Chu Mengxi saw the rice and white noodles that Li Xia took out, her eyes widened slightly and she was in a daze for a moment.

She didn't want to believe that Li Xia bought these fine grains with his own money.

She prefers to believe that Li Xia robbed her money.

This is in line with Li Xia's character.

And she touched her pocket again. The bulging stack of dimes was still there, and she felt at ease again.

Chu Mengxi looked at the steaming water.

Watching the white rice fall into the pot.

The tip of her heart suddenly felt as if something had pinched it gently.

Sore and painful.

Ever since she got married and had a child, Chu Mengxi couldn't remember how many years she hadn't eaten refined grains.

She couldn't believe that this ideal life would appear again.

Li Xia, hasn't it always been her nightmare?

…… next door.

Aunt Wang told Jiang Shunwang that Li Xia used two big fat fish to borrow a trolley.

Jiang Shunwang, who was smoking, was stunned. He looked at the two fresh big fat fish in the iron basin with an expression of disbelief.

"Is that street kid really just borrowing a scooter and has no other conditions?"

Aunt Wang:"No, I didn't believe it at first. I thought that street kid's head was caught in the door."

Jiang Shunwang stretched out his hand and weighed it. It weighed a full two and a half kilograms!

If you go to the vegetable market to buy it, you can get more than one yuan and sixty cents!

The cart at home is almost covered with moss even if it is sold... People want it!

No fish is worth anything!

"This fish is so fat!"

Jiang Shunwang stopped smoking. He rarely went to the kitchen and started helping to scrape fish scales.

"Hurry up and burn the fish. This bite of fish makes me want to die!

Aunt Wang:"Yes, burn the fish quickly, lest that boy Li Xia regrets it... The fish head will be stewed with tofu. My son is studying hard in the county town, so give him a good supplement."

Jiang Shunwang:"That's natural.""

Two fish, each part of the fish has been arranged clearly and carefully by Aunt Wang!

The fish heads are stewed with tofu and soup to supplement nutrition for her son.

The large pieces of fish in the middle are cut off, marinated and preserved, and eaten in several meals.

Throw the fish tail into an iron pot and stew it, add cabbage and cornmeal, you can eat fish or drink fish soup.

Jiang Shunwang usually doesn't drink, but today he ate fish, so he had to have a drink.

"Wow, this wild crucian carp is so delicious!"

Jiang Shunwang took a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. It tasted delicious.

However, the braised fish cooked by Lixia Street Liuzi next door at noon was even more delicious.

It should be said that it was not on the same level.

"Old lady, you need to improve your skills and make them more delicious."

Aunt Wang rolled her eyes and stuffed a tortilla into Jiang Shunwang's mouth.

"I won’t be able to stop your mouth even if I eat it. If you think my craftsmanship is poor, you can cook it yourself! Jiang Shunwang:"

Hey hey hey... I don't dare to dislike it.""

"By the way, what is that kid from the street next door borrowing our cart for?"

Aunt Wang:"I don't know. At that time, my attention was all on these two fishes.……"

"I'm too lazy to care about that. That kid on the street is nowhere to be found all day long, and he doesn't care about the kid either. I can't stand him the most!"

Jiang Shunwang:"That girl Chu Mengxi has come back from work, right? Does she still have food at home? Can she bring some fish soup to the three of them? Aunt Wang nodded and said,"Well, I'll get a big bowl. Lao Jiang, you put some corn tortillas into the pot."……"

When Aunt Wang went to knock on the door next door with fish soup, the kitchen door next door opened, and a rich aroma of food hit her face.

Aunt Wang immediately froze on the spot


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