"There are ten baskets of apples. There are ten in each basket, a total of 100. The weight of the apples in each basket is the same."

"There are nine baskets of apples each weighing 1 kilogram, and the weight of each apple in another basket is 0.9 kilograms, but the appearance is exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell the difference by looking at it or touching it with your hands."

"Now you are asked to use an ordinary large scale to find this basket of light items at once. After saying that

, Reba looked at Chu Yang proudly.

"How about it? Is this question very brain-burning?"

When Reba first saw this question, it not only burned her brain, but also burned her brain cells to death.

If it could be measured multiple times, it would become quite simple.

But this is not the case. Apple's They all looked the same in appearance, and she was definitely not able to measure it with just one weighing.

Even after reading the answer, it took her a long time to understand.

Chu Yang's ability to answer Director Yan's question just now only proves that he She has a wide range of knowledge, but this question requires depth of knowledge.

Reba held the suitcase with one hand and raised the other hand high, shouting:"Big bedroom with sea view, here I come!""

However, as soon as he took a step forward, Chu Yang pulled him back with his suitcase.

"You'd better go to the small bedroom. I've already solved this problem."

Chu Yang said, smacking his lips, indicating that Reba should go to the other side and take the suitcase to the small bedroom.

"This... so fast?"

"Did you say that on purpose to grab the big bedroom?"

Reba said suspiciously.

I still remember when I was searching for the answer to this question, many people in the comments below said it was difficult.

Many of them were college students from prestigious universities.

Didn't it mean that the cultural level of artists is very limited? Why is Chu Yang so different?

"This question is so simple, doesn’t it just require some skills?"

"Take one from the first basket, two from the second basket... and so on, take ten from the tenth basket and put them together on the scale."

"If each apple weighs one pound, it should be 55 pounds"

"Assuming that the weight is 54.9 kilograms, it means that the apple taken out of the first basket weighs 9 taels, which means that the apples in the first basket weigh 9 taels."

"If the weight is 54.8 kilograms, that is to say there is a difference of 2 taels, and the question says that each apple in only one basket weighs 9 taels, so it must be that the two apples in the second basket weigh 9 taels. In other words, the second basket of apples weighs nine taels."

"According to this reasoning, you understand what I mean!"

Reba nodded numbly. Chu Yang really did it. Doesn't that mean that he has to sleep in the small bedroom?

Reba suddenly felt like a defeated rooster. She lowered her head and prepared to go to the small bedroom.


Unexpectedly, Chu Yang stopped her.

Could it be that Chu Yang felt guilty and was willing to give up the big bedroom to him? That would be great

"We just agreed that I answered the questions you asked me correctly, and now it’s my turn to ask you the questions."

Reba's smile froze on her face.

At first she wanted to use her first advantage to stump Chu Yang, but he failed to answer.

Now that the roles have been reversed, Reba has no confidence in answering correctly.

If it is a food-eating competition, Reba She did her duty, but she really didn't know how to answer questions. She was going to be embarrassed anyway, so she simply put her posture in a higher position and said to Chu Yang:

"Just ask it casually. Even if you ask a question like Director Yan, I'm not afraid."

My inner thought is that if I can't solve a difficult problem like that, it won't be too embarrassing.

Chu Yang thought for a moment and thought of a moderately difficult question.

"Mom gave Xiao Ming 20 yuan and asked him to buy soy sauce. It is known that Xiao Ming’s home is two kilometers away from the store and Xiao Ming walked for eight minutes."

After hearing Chu Yang's first words, Reba began to wonder whether this was a question of getting change for shopping, or a variant of a pursuit encounter.

Director Yan's question just now involved physics, geography, biology, and common sense. It's obviously a bit over the top for her.

But the problem Chu Yang is talking about now is most likely at the level of elementary school and junior high school, and Reba is still competent.

Could it be that Chu Yang suddenly realized his conscience and wanted to put himself in trouble?

"After arriving at the store, the soy sauce was placed 0.9 meters away from the container. Xiao Ming was 1.65 meters tall. When paying, Xiao Ming gave the cashier 20 yuan and the cashier gave 10.5 yuan in change. Eight minutes later, Xiao Ming returned home. Please tell me:"

Reba was full of excitement, guessing the next question.

But after thinking about it for a long time, she never expected that Chu Yang would ask such an outrageous question.

"Excuse me, how big is the cashier’s cup?"

Where is this Timo?

Just now he was just talking about it. Chu Yang really asked a question like Director Yan? He listed so many conditions, but in the end he asked the cashier about the size of the bear. It was too weird.

"Hahaha, although Reba’s question is difficult, it is not without clues. Chu Yang’s question is really nonsensical."

"That’s right, Director Yan’s questions are somewhat relevant. I suspect that Chu Yang deliberately teased Xi Reba, 23333……"

"If you don’t understand, just ask, why are all the questions asked today related to bears? (funny face)"

"At first Reba was smiling all over her face, but now she has a bitter face. She feels sorry for my goddess."

"The smile on Reba's face didn't disappear, it just moved to my face"


Reba looked down at herself and replied weakly:"My answer is B."

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