Dumbledore and Fudge talked for a few words, and Fudge's face became increasingly pale.

He turned around and waved to Ian, who walked towards them.

Dumbledore said:

"This is Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister for Magic"

"This is Ian Grindelwald."

Fudge held back his fear and stretched out his hand to Ian:

"Hello Mr. Grindelwald, my name is Cornelius Oswald Fudge."

Ian ignored Fudge and turned to Dumbledore and said:

"If you don't have anything to do, I'll go buy a book first."

Fudge saw that he was being ignored, and his face became ugly.

But when he thought of Dumbledore's words just now, he could only endure it:

Ian now has the command of the saints, and the dragon is just his pet. If he In a war with the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic has no chance of winning.

Dumbledore knew that Ian hated people from the Ministry of Magic, so he nodded and said:

"Go ahead Ian, but remember to put your pets away first, they're all freaking out"

"I'll wait for you here after you finish shopping."

After hearing this, Ian waved his hand, and the bone dragon was taken back to the space of the dead by the magic circle.

This hand shocked all the wizards who were watching:

"What is that magic with the flashing pattern?! Why did the dragon disappear inside?"

"Oh my God! It’s magic without a wand and without a spell!"

"Who is he?!"

Ian ignored the people around him and said to Hagrid:

"let's go. Hagrid scratched his head and quickly followed Ian.

Seeing Ian walking towards Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, the wizards around him consciously moved out of the way.

After a while, Ian and Hagrid came out of the bookstore. Ann packed a copy of all the books in Flourish and Blott Bookstore.

Not everyone in the bookstore wanted to come up and talk to Ian, but they were all blocked by Hagrid.

No matter how angry the blocked people were, they did not dare to say more about Hagrid. Why?

Because the first person to do this is still twitching on the ground.

Ian originally planned to kill that person, but was stopped by Hagrid.

As for the gold Galleons that Ian used to buy books.

Yes Bathilda gave it to Ian, but Ian didn't know how many Gallons there were.

He felt that the Gallons lying in the space ring would be enough to crush the fire dragon.

The two walked out of the bookstore, and Hagrid said to Ian:

"Ian, it's wrong to kill someone for a trivial matter."

Ian waved his hands indifferently:

"It's just a bug, as long as you're happy."

At this time, Fudge and the Aurors had already left in despair.

The Weasley family also said goodbye to Dumbledore and returned to the Burrow because their children were frightened.

Only Dumbledore has been waiting for Ian.

What just happened He naturally knew the matter.

Dumbledore smiled happily. Sure enough, Ian could be trusted.

He had already changed his habits because of his first friend.

Don't rush things, take your time!

Ian walked up to Dumbledore and asked:

"I know you've been watching, if I just killed that person, would you stop me?"

Dumbledore touched his beard and said:

"I'll stop you, but I can't stop you from killing him"

"This is your own choice, Ian, a choice that changes because of your friends."

Ian nodded thoughtfully.

Dumbledore smiled:

"Then let's go back to Hogwarts. Hagrid asked excitedly:

"Professor, are you riding a bone dragon?"

The smile on Dumbledore's face disappeared instantly.

"No, Ian, Hagrid, take my hand."

With a"pop" sound, the three of them disappeared. The three of Ian reappeared in front of the Hogwarts Bridge.

Ian looked at the castle in the distance and was filled with emotion.

Dumbledore smiled. Said to Ian:

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

Dumbledore took Ian and Hagrid onto the Hogwarts Bridge.

Ian looked at the mountains in the distance and the black lake next to Hogwarts Castle.

Giant squid poked out of the black lake from time to time. The tentacles are like giant snakes.

There are several owls hovering over the castle.

This is Hogwarts!

The place where dreams begin!

After walking across the bridge, Dumbledore said to Hagrid:

"Hagrid, please take Ian to get familiar with Hogwarts Castle later."

"I, an old man, don't have the energy to run around anymore."

Then Dumbledore looked at Ian again:

"Little Ian, then we'll see you at the party"

"After visiting this mysterious castle, I think you should also tidy up your office first."

Ian and Hagrid nodded at the same time, and Ian said:

"Go ahead and remember to help me find the book"Advanced Black Magic Revealed" by Ole Block. I didn't find it in the bookstore"

"How did you know about this book?"

"Grindelwald told me"


Gayle! What did you tell him?

After the two said goodbye to Dumbledore.

Hagrid took Ian to visit Hogwarts

"Ian, this is the auditorium of Hogwarts. It is a place for dining and gatherings. You can see the sky when you look up, and there are candles floating on the ceiling at night!"

"This is the library, and there is a restricted book area inside, where students are not usually allowed to enter."

"Unless you have permission from the professor, of course, Ian, you are the professor and can enter at any time"

"The Gryffindor common room is in the tower, and the passage is behind the Fat Lady's portrait."

"Gryffindor is the best house!"

"Slytherin's common room is in the basement, next to the Potions classroom."

"Ian, let me tell you secretly, most Slytherins are bad boys!"


Just when Hagrid took Ian to visit Hogwarts, the portraits discovered that the new professor was still a child!

As the first gossip area in Hogwarts, the portraits immediately became lively!

"do you know! The new professor is still a kid!"

"Today’s new professors are becoming increasingly unreliable! Dumbledore is old!"

"I! The brave Sir Cadogan will definitely protect you all on behalf of the professor!"


When Ian and Hagrid arrived at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, an unexpected"character!""

"Oh, look! Dasha came with a boy with white hair! Jie Jie Jie~"

Peeves has a broad face, big mouth, round eyes, a hat, and colorful clothes. The funniest thing is that he is wearing clown shoes and a tie!

Hagrid was a little annoyed. , said angrily:

"Peeves, go away, this is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - Professor Grindelwald!"

Peeves obviously didn't believe it:

"You fool, don't try to trick the wise and great Peeves!"

Ian looked at Peeves with great interest. He did not feel that there was any undead aura on Peeves.

But he was definitely a ghost!

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