"There is only one last thousand-faced god left among the three pillar gods, first find the other party, and then see what the other party's assessment is, I have a feeling that this one of the three pillar gods may be the most friendly to us. "

There is an inexplicable premonition, they have a hunch that perhaps the most benign evil god they will face is the god of a thousand faces!

"That god of a thousand faces has another name named Naiako!"

Under the snow, the snow is aware of Naiako's past, so he directly reminds the others.

"But the other party also has bad intentions, even if the other party approached Xiao Bai with malice when he faced Xiao Bai at the beginning, and even Xiao Bai suffered a little loss in the hands of the other party, so if you want to contact the other party, then you must be careful" Four, three, seven, "Be careful!"

"The other party is able to make Xiao Bai suffer even if he is able to suffer, then it is actually a good thing for us, after all, we and Xiao Bai are not very friendly, since Naiyazi can make Xiao Bai suffer, then if we reach a cooperation with Nai Yazi, can we deal with Xiao Bai together?"

A group of people looked at Ke Qing who was talking with a strange look on their faces, okay you Ke Qing, I didn't expect you to have such a thought in your heart with thick eyebrows and big eyes, if you really can't look good, the sea is invincible!

"How much resentment do you have against Xiao Bai?"

A group of people were a little skeptical that there was some unavoidable hatred between Xiao Bai and Ke Qing, otherwise Ke Qing and this look would be aimed at Xiao Bai!

"Do you think there is such a possibility, just looking at Xiao Bai's usual unpleasant behavior?"

"No, although Xiao Bai is full of evil, at least Xiao Bai doesn't treat you badly, you just want to deal with Xiao Bai so much!"

Looking at Keqing's group of people, the eyes were full of strangeness, where did Xiao Bai offend Keqing so much that Keqing was so targeted.

Don't look at Ke Qing, who was embarrassed, but he replied uncompromisingly: "Who let that guy not do personnel every day, but if Xiao Bai does something that normal people do, I won't be like this, and I will be full of resentment towards Xiao Bai!"

Hearing this, the others looked at each other!

It seems obvious that Xiao Bai is the only one who can make Keqing so resentful of Xiao Bai, otherwise it is impossible to hold a grudge with Keqing's character!

"Let's talk about these digressions later, now our first thing is to find the god of a thousand faces, Naiako, if we don't find that kind of thing, it's useless to talk more. "

"Then let's look for it first, and then find it, inform each other, maybe I can have a good chat with the god of a thousand faces. "


"Master, do you think I should give those girls a chance? I think I should definitely give those girls a chance, if I'm so stingy that I don't even want to give a chance, then it's too much. "

Under the snow, the snow is the god of a thousand faces they are looking for, and the sneaking Chaos Naiako is surrounding Xiao Bai at this time, like a licking dog.

Xiao Bai squinted at Naiazi in front of him, and then said with a cold smile: "If you want to try again and be punished by me, then you can do it at any time." "

A trace of horror suddenly flashed on Naiyazi's face, and then he apologized to Xiao Bai in front of him very decisively: "I'm sorry I was wrong, I was too arrogant, please master, you must let me go." "

Looking at Naiako, who was playing treasure, Hanyu Xianichi glanced at the other party indifferently: "You know what to do, if what you do can't satisfy me, then you need to think about your fate carefully, I dare to guarantee that your fate will not be much better." "

"Yes, I understand master, don't worry, I won't let those women get their way!"

Glancing at the way Xiao Bai played the treasure, he said lightly: "Disappear for me!"

Obediently disappeared from Xiao Bai's face, and then Xiao Bai snorted coldly angrily: "Do you really think I don't know what you're thinking in your heart?"

What kind of character Naiyazi is Xiao Bai knows better than anyone else in his heart, although he has been punished by Xiao Bai many times before, but it would be strange if Naiyazi was so obedient....

Xiao Bai suddenly spoke: "How long are you going to stare at it?"

A shadow appeared not far from Xiao Bai, looking at that shadow, Xiao Bai's brows twitched slightly, and then said: "Are you just looking at it like this?" I thought you would take the initiative to show up and ask about some information!"

"There's nothing to ask, I've already asked people to follow, or it won't be long before an answer comes!"

"That's not necessarily, don't you really think your own people can keep up with that?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai looked at Yelan with a hint of banter in his eyes, Yelan asked people to follow the pure meat bun and beat the dog, and there was no return, if Naiyazi hadn't gotten Xiao Bai's advice, then maybe he would have released the water.

But now Xiao Bai has already warned Naiyazi, if Naiyazi dares to release water, then he is looking for death!

"Isn't it a little bad for you to do this, you signaled behind your back that the Three Pillars God can't pass the assessment for us, do you think this one is appropriate?"

"Did I say anything? I don't seem to have explicitly forbade them to pass the test. "

Xiao Bai naturally wouldn't admit it, even if Yelan just heard it clearly, it was useless, Xiao Bai would never admit that he had hinted at Naiazi before that he would not be able to pass the test for them.

Even if it was said that Xiao Bai was broken, it didn't make Naiyako unable to pass the test 5.3 for them.

Yelan glanced at Xiao Bai and didn't say anything more, understanding that no matter how much she said, it couldn't change Xiao Bai's thoughts.

"I'll tell everyone else about this in its entirety!"

"Whatever you want!"

Xiao Bai didn't care about what Yelan said, did he say anything?

Even if she said anything, she didn't say anything, Yelan was purely slandering and slandering herself.

Not long after Yelan left, Keqing came angrily, why did she come, Xiao Bai didn't have to think about it, he knew.

"Xiao Bai, you promised us, you won't interfere!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. "

Even if it is said that the sky is broken, Xiao Bai will not admit it. []

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