Ningguang asked the most critical question, that is, whether anyone in the world of Teyvat can make a contract with those evil gods. Not only Ningguang, but other people also want to know this.


Xiao Bai's answer was beyond Ningguang's expectation. I originally thought that no one could achieve the suggestion Xiao Bai made before, but I didn't expect that someone could actually make a contract with the evil god.

"who is it?"

After hearing Xiao Bai say that there are really people who can make a contract with those evil gods, Ning Guang quickly asked.

But unfortunately, Xiao Bai just smiled mysteriously and had no intention of answering at all, and he immediately understood. Xiao Bai didn't want to say anything. Ningguang glanced at Xiao Bai with resentment and didn't ask any more questions.

However, what Xiao Bai said was enough to satisfy Ningguang. He knew that this world is true. If someone can make a contract with the evil god, then this is enough.

Ningguang passed this news to other people as quickly as possible.

Although the other people who got the news said they were happy, they were also happy. I was speechless for a while.

That is, although I can sign a contract with those gods of learning, the question is how to sign a contract with those evil gods.

Xiao Bai said that they can also sign a contract with the evil gods.

But the question is who is this person and who has it? Is this one possible?

"Suddenly I couldn't be happy at all. I felt that Xiao Bai deliberately wanted people to continue their careers and then die one after another."

There is absolutely no way to refute

"And there’s another question that doesn’t say how many people can make contracts with students."

"What if there is only one in the whole world? If there is only one god of learning who makes a contract with the other party, how many evil gods are there in this world?"

"What's the use of just making a contract with an evil god?"

"Suddenly, Xiao Bai felt as if he had everything under control!"

"is not that right? Everything is under Xiao Bai's control"

"I even wondered if the other party would tell us this news on purpose and then wait to see our jokes."

"It seems that this is not impossible. The bad character of Xiao Bai is far beyond our imagination."

Thinking of Xiao Bai's bad character, everyone present couldn't help but have a headache.

When Lisa saw everyone's appearance, she smiled and waved her hands and said,"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry so much, even Xiao Bai. If Bai doesn't say anything, shouldn't we just do the same? Now Xiao Bai tells us that the God of Harmony can successfully conclude a contract. This is good news for us, isn't it?"

That's what I said, but there is still some heaviness in everyone's hearts.

"Okay, so now have we found the whereabouts of the Black Goat Mother Goddess?"

"I found it but"

I don’t know what I thought of, but Captain Qin had a somewhat ugly expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"The place where the Black Goat Mother Goddess is now is in the Wind Dragon Ruins!"

Lisa's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then Lisa immediately guessed what Captain Qin was thinking.

"It seems like you suspect that all this was premeditated?"

"Otherwise, things would not have been such a coincidence. I suspect that Xiao Bai had planned all this."

"Even so, so what? Can we give up? Unless you really don’t care about this world anymore, otherwise"

"I hope you will think about this again!"

"Don't think about it, just leave it like this"

"I think it would be better if we go, at least according to my relationship with Xiao Bai, even if we fail in the end, our lives should not be in danger."

Rosalia took the initiative to bring it up. Rosalia has a relationship with Xiao Bai, so even if she fails in the end, the Black Goat Mother Goddess will give Xiao Bai a face and not kill Rosalia."

Everyone. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it really seems like this.

"In that case, I’ll leave this matter to you, Rosaria."

"I'll go with Rosalia."

Yura said.

Everyone looked at Yula and said nothing.

"Then be careful yourselves."

After giving instructions to Rosalia and Youra in front of them, no one stopped to stop them.

Youra and Rosalia are the most suitable candidates among them. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, I have had close contact with Xiao Bai, so I don’t think there will be any life-threatening danger even for Xiao Bai’s sake.

Even if it really happened, would Xiao Bai not care about watching it? Did they die at the hands of the Black Goat Mother?

"But remember, don’t force it, and if it doesn’t work, then withdraw."

Yukinoshita Yukino told the two people, a little worried that it would be bad if they insisted on going their own way and angered the Black Goat Mother Goddess.

"Don’t worry, we know. We are not fools. We know what can and cannot be done."

"Then we set off."

After saying that, Rosalia and Yula went to the Wind Dragon Ruins.

After entering the Wind Dragon Ruins, they saw the Black Goat Mother Goddess, or one of the clones of the Black Goat Mother Goddess.

Yura also had The arrival of Rosalia also made the Black Goat Mother Goddess notice the two people. After noticing the strong aura of Xiao Bai on the two people, the Black Goat Mother Goddess's voice also sounded in their minds.

"Leave. I will not make a contract with you."

As if she knew what the two people were here for, the Black Goat Mother Goddess said directly to the two people.

"Why don't you even give us a chance?"

"You cannot pass my test. Once you fail the test, you will die."

"How do you know we can't pass your test without trying?"[]

"The first thing the test requires is a pure girl. Obviously you do not meet this requirement."

Rosalia and Yura suddenly had a black line. They really have no way to meet this point.

They have become young women, how can they still be pure girls, so naturally they don't even have a chance to be tested.

"So can you tell us what your test was?"

Rosalía chose to find out what the Black Goat Mother wanted to test...

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