Not only did Cassandra encounter Muggle soldiers, but Grindelwald, Hermione, and Dumbledore also encountered those Muggle soldiers, but obviously they were not as lucky as Cassandra. Fa arrived in time and rescued him.

In the end, Dumbledore was captured by Muggle soldiers to cover Hermione.

Grindelwald was also fighting and retreating. Even Grindelwald didn't dare to use magic such as the Fire Curse. Who knows if his soul would be burned at the right moment and he would be dead.

In the end, Grindelwald could only choose to retreat and wait for Hermione He and Cassandra to join up later. Only then did Grindelwald know that Dumbledore had been captured by those Muggle soldiers.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I think you should hurry up and rescue Professor Dumbledore, otherwise Professor Dumbledore may be dissected soon."You can all think of things that are difficult for Muggles to think of."

"Now those Muggles are probably waiting for me to fall into their trap, so I won't save Dumbledore!"

Grindelwald said calmly.

Hermione's expression suddenly changed after hearing Grindelwald's words.

"If Dumbledore really died then I believe he would understand me and it was all for the greater good."

Hermione's face turned a little ugly. Dumbledore is Hermione's teacher. Naturally, Hermione didn't want Dumbledore to die because of this, but she didn't have any power at all now and couldn't save Dumbledore. However, Grindelwald Likewise, he would not save Dumbledore.

In that case, Dumbledore could only wait for death. Hermione's eyes were filled with despair when she thought of Dumbledore being sent to the dissecting table.

Hermione looked at him for help. Tifa, the only one who can help at this time is Tifa.

Facing Hermine's look for help, Tifa nodded slightly.

"Let me go.!"

Not long after that, Tifa came back with Dumbledore, but Dumbledore's condition was not very good. It seemed a little bad. There were obvious blood stains on Dumbledore's body. It was obvious that Dumbledore was here. I suffered some torture before

"We got there in time, so there was no life-threatening danger!"

Facing this situation, Grindelwald came to Dumbledore, picked up the wand, and then used the jade spell to heal Dumbledore. At the same time, he also taunted,"Look at how you look now. How embarrassing, Dumbledore!"

Although Grindelwald kept mocking Dumbledore's appearance, in fact, it was more like a hatred of iron.

Dumbledore did not speak and just listened silently to Grindelwald's words.

Seeing Grindelwald and Dumbledore like this, neither Hermione nor Cassandra bothered each other and left quietly with Tifa.

After walking out, Cassandra and Hermione faced Tifa. Asked:"Can you find a way to get those Muggles to stop hunting wizards?"

After hearing what Cassandra said, the disciple shook his head helplessly. Even if Tifa has the power to destroy a country, Tifa cannot control the people of a country. Anyone who can do this There was only Xiao Bai, but would Xiao Bai be willing to do this?

Seeing Tifa shaking her head, Cassandra stopped talking. Since Tifa had already said no, there was no need for her to continue to worry about this matter. Don't let things go

"But within this period of time, I will protect you and not let those Muggles disturb you."

Kassandra, who heard Tifa say this, also knew that this was the greatest help Tifa could do now.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Hermione and Cassandra both knew that Tifa would definitely help if they could help, but if they couldn't help, they would refuse directly.

So the two of them didn't force it.

"So where should we look next? We have searched all over for places related to them and found no clues at all. Could Xiao Bai be playing tricks on us?"

Cassandra couldn't help but frowned and wondered whether Xiao Bai was playing tricks on her. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Regarding this point, you don’t have to worry about Xiao Bai not doing this kind of thing. Since Xiao Bai said it, it will definitely not be violated, so it is certain that Xiao Bai must have hidden the thing. As for whether it can be found, then It depends on our own ability. Xiao Bai will not interfere in this matter!"

Everyone else who heard this sentence fell into silence. Although they don't believe Xiao Bai too much, since Tifa said so, they can only believe it.

But the question is whether Xiao Bai is giving the thing to Where has it been hidden?

".Thinking about their past, I believe it must be in the past hidden by the other party."

"Maybe I guessed where Ariana was hidden!"

Suddenly Dumbledore's voice came over, and the following people looked at Dumbledore.



Looking at Dumbledore in astonishment, several people clearly had no idea what the relationship between Ariana and Azkaban was.

"Because of Ariana's fault, Ariana's father and I were imprisoned in Azkaban, so Ariana has always felt guilty about this. Therefore, I suspect that Xiao Bai is very likely to give Ariana to Hidden in Azkaban."

Hearing what Deng Bu (Wang Zhao) Lido said, Cassandra's eyes suddenly lit up:"Maybe it is really possible, so let's go and sue now! Tifa nodded and then looked at Dumbledore and Grindelwald:"Then please look for the remaining two more and think about where Xiao Bai will hide them!""

After saying that, he immediately took Hermione and Cassandra to Azkaban to find Arianna's soul.

After arriving in Azkaban, Hermione, Cassandra and Tifa immediately separated to search.

Sure enough, In the end, Ariana's soul was found in Dumbledore and Ariana's father's cell.[]

This discovery made Hermione and the others very excited. Finding the first one was a good start, and then they could find the second one, the third one, and finally find all the hidden souls..

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