Grindelwald's face distorted, this is a fierce fire that is said to never be extinguished, and he was actually extinguished by Muggles?

"Muggle technology is advancing, even if it doesn't have Xiao Bai's matter this time, sooner or later, our wizards will be exposed to the eyes of Muggles, and when the time comes... "

Dumbledore's expression was extremely complicated, although Dumbledore knew that sooner or later there would be such a day, but Dumbledore never thought that such a day would appear while he was still alive.

Muggle technology has completely surpassed that of wizards, and even the fierce fire Muggles, which most wizards can't solve, can now make the fire burn with just a single missile and directly drain all the oxygen.

"What else can we do now!"

Even the Fire Spell was no longer able to threaten Muggles, so what kind of spells could wizards have against Muggles, Dumbledore really couldn't think of any other means Grindelwald could use.

Grindelwald didn't speak, but Grindelwald was also thinking about what else he could do to threaten the Muggles.

The Imperius Curse has a lie detector for Muggles.

Even if it can kill a Muggle, but the number of Muggles is in the billions, can an Avada Curse kill billions of Muggles?

Grindelwald also fell silent at this time, and Grindelwald couldn't figure out what else he had.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald, who had been friends for decades, fell silent.

The world had almost made them desperate, and they had no way to threaten the growing Muggles.

"Dumbledore, did you say I made a bad decision?"

Grindelwald asked Dumbledore, and it was conceivable that Grindelwald, who was so proud, could ask such a thing, and what a huge blow it was to Grindelwald at this moment.

Dumbledore didn't answer Grindelwald's words, just looked at Grindelwald silently: "Yes or maybe isn't it all important? Even if there is no you, there are still others, we can't stop Xiao Bai." "

Hearing this, Grindelwald smiled bitterly.

"Yes, we can't stop Xiao Bai at all. "

Both Dumbledore and Grindelwald knew that even if they didn't have this thing, they couldn't stop Xiao Bai.

"But if it weren't for me, maybe Xiao Bai wouldn't have done this kind of thing. "

When Grindelwald said this, it already showed that Grindelwald understood that he would most likely not be able to get wizards to solve Muggle troubles.

"Do your best. "

Can Dumbledore help Grindelwald at this time?

Obviously, Dumbledore is not dragging Grindelwald down now, which can be regarded as helping Grindelwald.

Without magic, Dumbledore, a man who is more than 100 years old, may burp at any time, so wizards don't have any hope at all now, if they hadn't found that wizards don't have any hope now, Dumbledore and Grindelwald wouldn't be so desperate.


What is Xiao Bai doing now?

Xiao Bai is now in the royal family's treasure house.

Looking at the rusty broken sword in his hand that looked like broken copper and iron, Xiao Bai's direct was a black line.

"This product turned out to be the legendary sword in the stone? This sword in the stone is inevitably too cheap. "

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xiao Bai would never have thought that the sword in the stone in the Harry Potter world would be such a broken copper and iron, which really opened Xiao Bai's eyes!

"There are yours. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Xiao Bai directly threw this broken copper and iron aside, and began to look for other things in the treasure house, but what made Xiao Bai a little speechless was that there were no useful things in these collections, all of them were ordinary antiques and the like.

"Sure enough, I found it in these ordinary worlds ... "

Suddenly, Xiao Bai shut up directly, because Xiao Bai suddenly found an interesting thing, this interesting thing is a stone, from this stone, Xiao Bai actually felt a kind of divinity.

Then Xiao Bai came to the stone and picked up the branch.

To be precise, this stone is not a stone.

This is a badge, and there is a portrait of Medusa on the badge, and Xiao Bai suddenly seems to think of what this badge is.

"This thing can't be Athena's Gorgon Stone in the Godslayer. "

Holding this badge in his hand, Xiao Bai's face was full of strange expressions, and this thing always felt as if it was really the Stone of Gorgon.

However, after Xiao Bai took this Gorgon Stone in his hand, Xiao Bai confirmed his guess, this thing is really the Gorgon Stone, and there are coordinates on the stone!

With this coordinate, Xiao Bai can go to the world of the God Slayer.

"Is this a bonus?"

The expression on his face was full of strangeness, Xiao Bai never thought that he would find such a piece of the Gorgon Stone in the treasure trove of these Muggles.

"This world doesn't seem to be completely useless. "[]

After getting this Gorgon's Stone, the expression on Xiao Bai's face was obviously much better.

At least this world itself has not come in vain, which is good!

picked up this piece of Gorgon's Stone and was about to leave, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of another thing, and then walked over with a strange face, picked up this thing and looked at it carefully, Xiao Bai picked up this thing and disappeared directly!

By the time Xiao Bai reappeared, he was already at Hogwarts.

"I didn't expect this thing to be in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it's really beyond my expectations, who would have thought that even such a thing would appear in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is very unexpected. "

The thing Xiao Bai was holding in his hand was a devil fruit.

"Could this world be my blessed land?"

Not only did he get the Stone of Gorgon, but he also got a Devil Fruit, which really made Xiao Bai a little incomprehensible.

However, through the Devil Fruit, Xiao Bai finally found the world of One Piece, and now Xiao Bai has two worlds to choose from, namely One Piece and God Killer, two worlds, small.

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