Hermione and Cassandra left with those whose bones were removed by Xiao Bai using the bone extraction spell. Xiao Bai raised a smile when he saw this scene.

Hermione and Cassandra were used by Dumbledore and Grindelwald to interfere with them.

Of course, Xiao Bai could have asked them to drive them away directly, but wouldn't it be equivalent to Xiao Bai admitting defeat?

Therefore, Xiao Bai did not directly drive them away but used this method to make them unable to bear the final departure.

As far as the result is concerned, Xiao Bai obviously achieved what he wanted. Cassandra and Hermione couldn't bear it and chose to leave directly.

So what are you going to do next? Grindelwald, Dumbledore.

What other methods do you have!

Xiao Bai was slightly looking forward to the remaining methods of Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Dumbledore's helpless expression in the Hogwarts principal's office

"It's really a simple and crude method."

Obviously, Dumbledore also guessed the reason why Xiao Bai did this, but Dumbledore didn't expect that Xiao Bai would be so decisive. It's really because of you! At this time, Professor McGonagall rushed in angrily. Came in and looked at Dumbledore and said,"I need an explanation Dumbledore"

"explain? What happened?"

Dumbledore asked Professor McGonagall knowingly and said with a dark face:"I don't believe you don't know what happened on the Hogwarts Express."

"Did something happen at Hogwarts? Seeing that

Dumbledore was still pretending to be stupid, Professor McGonagall said without expression:"A new student at Hogwarts used the Unforgivable Curse on Draco Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express. At the same time, There were also many senior Slytherin students who had their bones in their hands, feet, and limbs removed using bone extraction spells. After hearing this

, Dumbledore asked:"Do you think a freshman who has not yet entered school can use such a spell?""

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore and then said coldly:"Then it is possible that someone else is impersonating him. This matter must be solved by Dumbledore, otherwise it will be a huge disaster for Hogwarts. A blow, who in the future would dare to let their children take the Hogwarts Express to go to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore thought for a while and then said:"Then let me solve this matter personally. I will personally confirm whether that student is a fake dark wizard!"

Professor McGonagall has the urge to throw a heart-breaking shot at Dumbledore.

"Okay, Minerva, I will take care of this matter. I promise there will be no problem!"

"Hope it's as you said!"

After finishing speaking, Professor McGonagall left Dumbledore's office. Watching Professor McGonagall leave, Dumbledore sighed and felt a little helpless. The good deeds Xiao Bai did turned out to require him to wipe his ass, and Dumbledore really needed to wipe his ass. The choice that Bumbledore has not yet had to make must be made.

Dumbledore can completely imagine what the consequences will be if he does not make it. All he can say is that it is a sin.

Now Dumbledore can only go to meet Xiao Bai. As for what happens next, Dumbledore can only say that he adapts to circumstances.


With Dumbledore's cry, Phoenix Fox suddenly flew in front of Dumbledore, then grabbed Dumbledore and disappeared as a phantom.

In the carriage of Hogwarts, Xiao Bai looked at the person who appeared in front of him. Dumbledore had a mocking expression on his face

"Dumbledore, your plan with Grindelwald has failed now. Do you have any other ideas?"

"I believe this will all change, and sooner or later you will make the change."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listening to what Dumbledore said, Xiao Bai's eyes were full of ridicule. What did Dumbledore take himself to be?

"Dumbledore? You just rely on those two little girls to make me change. Who do you think I am?"

Xiao Bai looked at Dumbledore with a somewhat unhappy look. What did Dumbledore mean by what he thought he was?

"Is this the last time? They are still just students."

Dumbledore looked at Xiao Bai and said, but Xiao Bai looked at him with irrational eyes full of ridicule and said lightly to Dumbledore in front of him:"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Dumbledore shook his head without smiling. Then Dumbledore left without saying anything else.

Dumbledore needed to treat those students and delete their memories at the same time. Only in this way can he Let this matter be completely settled.

Dumbledore doesn't know whether what he is doing is right or wrong, but now Dumbledore has no choice. Dumbledore can only go this way. The road is dark, even if some things happen that shouldn't happen in the middle, all Dumbledore can do now is to keep going.

After solving this matter, Dumbledore returned or gave me directions. in the principal's office

"It looks like you are in quite a bit of trouble."

Dumbledore immediately tensed up after hearing the voice of 290.


It looked like the person in front of him, Dumbledore, was full of vigilance.

Grindelwald spread his hands when he saw Dumbledore and said,"There is absolutely no need for you to be vigilant about me like this!"

Dumbledore didn't pay attention to what Grindelwald said. His eyes were full of vigilance and he said:"What on earth are you here for?"

"Don't worry, I'm here just to help you solve some troubles. I think you must have realized that Xiao Bai is a trouble, and he is also an unstable time bomb."

"What on earth do you want to say? I don’t want to talk nonsense to you now."

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, Grindelwald was a little sad:"You hurt my heart!"

Dumbledore ignored Grindelwald's meaning:"If you have nothing else to say, then leave Hogwarts and disappear immediately. I don't want to see you!"

Grindelwald smiled bitterly.

"I'm here to send you the latest prophecy, I think you will need this."

Dumbledore immediately fell into silence when he heard this sentence.

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