Nangong opened his mouth that month but had nothing to say.

Knowing that it was impossible to convince Xiao Bai, he decisively gave up such an idea.

In any case, it was unexpected to be able to correct Xiao Bai this time. Nangong Nayue didn't think he had this ability.

And maybe it would be troublesome if Xiao Bai had doubts about them, so it was better to stop here.

As for Astraea, it can only be said that there is nothing she can do. Anyway, Xiao Bai will not do anything bad in the future, so there should be no problem.

Nangong Nayue is not a holy lady. Since she can't save her, there is nothing she can do. And more importantly, Astraea is not at a disadvantage. At least Xiao Bai has fulfilled Astraea's conditions.

All members of the Astraea family were resurrected.


At this moment, all the resurrected family members were completely unhappy.

Obviously all the dead members of the family should feel happy when they are resurrected, but now all the members of the family are completely unhappy.

Because these members of the Astralia Familia all understand that their resurrection depends on the sacrifice of their goddess.

"Please allow me to choose to give up. If I can be resurrected by relying on the sacrifice of the goddess, then I am willing to return to death."

Gojono Kaguya felt deeply humiliated.

The other members of the Astralia family members also said after hearing Gojono Kaguya's words:"That's right, we will never let that beast succeed."

Asteria looked at these girls with a smile on her face:"Actually, this was my own initiative."

"I want to stay with Xiao Bai."

Looking at Astralia, the eyes of these girls were full of confusion. They couldn't understand what was going on and why Astralia would do such a thing.

"Whether my justice can change Xiao Bai's evil is something I want to know as the goddess of justice, so I want to try it even if I risk my own existence.


After hearing Astraea's words, the members of the Astralia family had expressions of surprise on their faces, but then they seemed to understand.

"It turns out that Goddess Astralia, you want to use your own justice to make Xiao Bai change his ways."

A certain red-haired idiot looked like this and directly let the others show his look like you understand what, why I don't understand at all.

But in order not to let other people know that I actually Even this idiot is not as good as me, so I have to pretend to be like this! When

Astraea saw this scene, a smile appeared on her face, and then she looked at the leader of her family.

"Then it will be up to you to lead everyone in the future and work hard to see if the Astralia Familia can shine again in Orario!"

Looking at these girls of hers, Astoria smiled and then spent the day with them.

Then Astoria left and returned to Xiao Bai, looking at Astor who came back. Leia Xiaobai said to Astralia:"Guess what I originally wanted to do to you?"

Asteria didn't say anything and just looked at Xiao Bai!

Xiao Bai looked at Astralia:"Originally, I wanted to torture you until you had a mental breakdown and then make you beg me to let you go. I will ask you to personally kill all the members of the clan you resurrected."

Asteria looked at Xiao Bai with shock in her eyes and couldn't believe that Xiao Bai could be so bad.

Xiao Bai looked at Astraea in front of him completely indifferently and continued:"You think I'll let you go like this? Has it passed you? Then you think too much. After you kill your family members, there will be others waiting for you. I will completely degenerate you step by step, turning you from the goddess of justice into an evil god."

Asteria took a breath. Obviously Astraea didn't expect that Xiao Bai's heart was so terrible. This malice almost completely overwhelmed Astraea. (Watch the storm) For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Astraea in front of him, Xiao Bai laughed:"So are you scared now?"

Astralia nodded after hearing Xiao Bai's inquiry:"Not to mention, I'm really a little scared now. Astraea looked at Xiao Bai and then continued:"But you also said that this was the original, so have you made changes now?""

"Who knows, maybe it is, maybe it’s not!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Astraea was a little silent and didn't know what she should say.

But then Xiao Bai still looked at Astraea in front of him and said:"Do you think I am now Will he let you go?"

Asteria shook her head

"It doesn't matter whether you let it go or not, whatever is fine with me."

After Astralia finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Bai and there seemed to be some kind of light flashing in her eyes.

Xiao Bai had a bad feeling when he saw this light, because Xiao Bai had seen many people with this kind of light. , and each of these individuals is a huge trouble for Xiao Bai.

"I'm not interested in you now, get out."

In order to get rid of this trouble, Xiao Bai waved to Astraea directly to tell Astraea to get out.

However, contrary to Xiao Bai's expectation, Astraea did not leave but looked at Xiao Bai

"I do not go!"

The corner of Xiao Bai's eyes twitched slightly. Looking at Astraea (Zhao's) in front of him, the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more...

Astraea stepped forward and grabbed one of Xiao Bai's hands. Then the next moment, a scale appeared in front of Xiao Bai and Astraea.

"Are you trying to judge me?"

Xiao Bai looked at Astraea with a smile on her face.

There was a strong sarcasm in this smile.

However, to Xiao Bai's expectation, Astraea did not answer Xiao Bai's words and just stretched out her hand to shake He held Xiao Bai's hand and said,"I share the same sin with you!"

Xiao Bai, this idiot from TND?

Xiao Bai withdrew his hand, but then Xiao Bai found that he and Astraea seemed to have some kind of special connection.

"Damn what did I do?"

Xiao Bai yelled angrily at Astralia!

"Literally I am as guilty as you!".

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