In the Orario Loki Familia camp.

In the officer's office, Loki had an angry look on his face after hearing the news of Riveria's return.

Xiao Bai, that damn bastard, was simply playing with people's hearts. How could Loki not see that Xiao Bai was playing with other people?

If you want to resurrect a person, you must first kill someone. If you just want to kill someone, then just find someone who has committed a heinous crime. However, the person who needs to be sacrificed must be voluntary. If he is not voluntary, he cannot be resurrected. people.

This means being able to sacrifice oneself to resurrect another person. Only those who are dear to them will sacrifice themselves in order to resurrect the person they love most. But if one sacrifices oneself to resurrect another person, what will happen to the person who is resurrected? pain of.

So Xiao Bai is basically playing with people's hearts, and Xiao Bai not only wants to play with people's hearts, but Xiao Bai is also driving people to a dead end. Who can refuse even if he knows that the opportunity for resurrection is right in front of him? It is knowing that resurrection requires the sacrifice of one person's life in order to resurrect another person.

However, how much pain will be felt in the hearts of those who are resurrected in the future? Will those who are resurrected in the future be willing to live?

"Don't let Aisi know about this matter for the time being. If Aisi knows about this matter, I'm worried that Aisi will do something stupid. With her character, Aisi will probably go to find Xiao quietly behind our backs. Bai, if such a thing really happens, then everything will be over."

Suddenly there were some noises outside the office door. Riveria's expression changed and she immediately rushed over to open the door. Then she saw a flash of gold outside the door.

Riveria's expression changed instantly. Now, it is obvious that Aisi has realized that Aisi is probably hiding outside and eavesdropping, and now Aisi has probably let everything be heard.

"Damn it!"

Riveria immediately wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Finn.

"Riveria, there’s no need to stop it if it’s useless."

When Fenn saw Riveria's look, he knew who was eavesdropping outside. He sighed and stopped Riveria from chasing her out. However, Riveria looked at Finn with a nervous expression and said:"Now if I don't stop Ais, do you know what Ais will do?"

Looking at the excited Riveria, Finn waved his hand to Riveria and said,"Calm down first. I didn't say I don't care about Ace."

Riveria looked at Finn and waited for Finn's answer.

"First of all, you just said that the girl Funina would not agree, so we don’t have to worry about what will happen to Ais for now."

Riveria breathed a sigh of relief. Just now Riveria was also concerned but confused. Funina made it clear that she would not resurrect anyone, so even if Ais went to ask Funina, Funina Will not agree

"But what should we do next? Aisi won't give up like this"

"To be honest, we don't have any good solutions for this matter now. There is basically no solution for Aisi's side. Unless Aisi's parents can be resurrected, Aisi's obsession will never disappear."

"The most important thing is Xiao Bai."

Everyone was silent. Xiao Bai couldn't pass that level at all.


Funina looked at the blond girl in front of her with a speechless face. She had clearly rejected the girl, but the girl was still unwilling to give up, so she was determined to resurrect his parents by herself.

If resurrection was that easy, how could Funina refuse? But no, resurrecting someone requires killing someone.

Not to mention Funina's unwillingness to kill anyone, but the girl in front of her, Funina, did not want the other person to die.

If you want to resurrect one person, you have to kill another person. What's the use of being resurrected like this?

Resurrecting one means killing the other. What's the point of resurrecting like this?

"You said you want to reunite your parents, but you only have one. Do you want to resurrect your father or your mother?"

Funina was forced to endure it no more and asked Ais in front of her.

Ais was silent for a moment. Ais only thought about resurrecting her parents, but she never thought about the fact that she was going to be resurrected. Which one is it?

There is only one of her, and she can only resurrect one person.

So which one of her parents is this person going to resurrect?

Ace suddenly fell into confusion.

Funina breathed a sigh of relief and then faced Aisi said:"You should think about it carefully now."

After saying that, Funina ran away quickly.

Funina ran away angrily to find Xiao Bai!

"You bastard!"

If Xiao Bai hadn't given Funina a limited resurrection, there would be no need for Funina to hide from Aisi like this. She would have been directly resurrected by 837 him.

"It was you who asked for the ability to resurrect, and I gave you the ability to resurrect. Now you act like it's all my fault, which I don't agree with."

"It should be the kind where you give me your complete resurrection ability without sacrificing one to resurrect the other."

"I refuse. Maybe you can go to Fukalos. Fukalos may have a way. After all, Fukalos can deceive even the laws of heaven. Maybe he can find a way to resurrect one without sacrificing the other."

Funina was stunned for a moment and then looked at Xiao Bai with some suspicion. Xiao Bai is such a good guy, and he is actually willing to take the initiative to make suggestions for her?

How is this possible?

Xiao Bai must have some other conspiracy!

After giving Xiao Bai a fierce look in front of her, Funina had to admit that there seemed to be a slight chance of this happening. In other words, Funina seemed to have no other solution and could only seek help from Fukalos. Maybe Fukalos really has some help. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then come on, Funina, I believe you will have other ways. After all, you are so good."

"you're disgusting."

Funina said with a look of disgust...

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